
Top of the Wizard

In a world where rules are controlled by wizards, In a world close to other planes, eyed by greedy eyes,In a dark, bloody world of survival of the fittest and constant change,An ordinary person from another world embarks on a powerful journey of even transcending the peak through genetic modification.

RobertSmith · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
142 Chs

No Way Out

Raymond's life was in complete disarray.

As long as no one was around, the little girl in the red dress would appear.

Her golden hair draped over her shoulders, her delicate little face, and her nursery rhyme singing had become Raymond's nightmare.

Anytime, anywhere!

As long as Raymond was alone, the little girl who suddenly appeared silently with her innocent expression would appear before Raymond.

Continuing in this way for two weeks, Raymond smashed three sets of potions equipment, six plates, and a cup.

Following Master Edgar's warning not to cast spells on this sudden spirit, Raymond also absolutely ignored anything she said even in a panic.

But such tolerance and avoidance resulted in the little girl in the red dress appearing again when Raymond was urinating.

Seeing his urine pass through her almost solid body and splash on the wall, Raymond's face turned pale with fright at her appearance. He immediately stopped urinating halfway through, and rage instantly replaced fear. Raymond roared angrily, "What the hell do you want!"

Almost hysterical, the roar scared the little girl in the red dress. She immediately disappeared from Raymond's sight and did not appear again for three days.

Raymond, who was also driven to collapse by this spirit, immediately moved into the academy's magic power testing room to avoid it.

But this time, the testing room that Raymond regarded as a forbidden area for spirits did not give him safety.

On the fourth day after Raymond entered the magic testing room, when he awakened from his meditation, he saw the little girl in the red dress sitting on the magic power tester in the room.

With her hands behind her back playing with her fingers, the little girl was still barefoot. Her fair little feet were still swaying on the tester, like an innocent little doll.

But sitting on the tester, the little girl in the red dress said something even more speechless to the stunned Raymond: "I need help!"

Somewhat desperate, Raymond had nowhere to escape. Opening the door of the testing room took time. Raymond, whose scalp tingled and body broke out in a cold sweat, finally decided not to avoid it anymore.

He sat cross-legged on the floor, hesitated for a moment, and opened his mouth. "I'm just a third-level apprentice. Please find someone else!"

"I want to find my little doll!" With an unquestionable tone, after saying this, the little girl in the red dress gradually became blurred.

First, her limbs disappeared into the air, then her body in the red dress gradually disappeared. Finally, only her delicate little face and head of golden hair remained. But before her head disappeared, she repeated what she had just said: "Help me find my little doll!"

After saying that, the little girl in the red dress finally disappeared before Raymond. But her last words lingered in the room for a long time.

Completely wilted, Raymond sat on the floor of the testing room for over an hour without being able to stand up.

After much deliberation, unwilling to be tortured by this spirit, Raymond decided to avoid it in another way.

Leaving the magic power testing room, Raymond immediately notified Louisa and her cousin Eulalia and told them to hurry to Raymond's room and wait.

Raymond then went to the Trading Tower, where he frantically purchased a lot of fine wine before returning home.

Although he had no BMWs or sports cars, surrounded by strong wine and beautiful women, Raymond indulged unrestrainedly for the first time since coming to this world, lasting two days and two nights.

Drunk or completely putting the spirit's problem out of his mind, Raymond did not know how many times he had heard Louisa and Eulalia beg for mercy during those two days and two nights, nor did he know how much wine he had drunk.

Before he finally succumbed to exhaustion and fell asleep, he only remembered that countless empty wine bottles were piled in the corner of the room.

But when Raymond awoke from his sleep on the third day, what appeared before his opened eyes were still the clear eyes of the little girl in the red dress.

Stark naked, Raymond blinked his eyes to sober up his slightly dull brain a bit and sighed heavily before rolling out of his big bed.

Ignoring the little girl in the red dress standing by the bed, Raymond noticed as he got dressed that Louisa and Eulalia, who could not stand his continuous tossing and turning, were still immersed in a sweet dream. The marks of passion remained on their bare skin.

The spacious bedroom, the wine bottles piled in the corners, the messy girls' underwear on the floor, and the two prone bodies on the bed should have been an extremely wonderful picture!

But with the little girl in the red dress standing silently by the bed, the obscene picture became eerie, giving Raymond a chill.

At the same time, it made Raymond clearly understand that no matter how much he indulged, no matter who accompanied him, he could not get rid of the entanglement of this spirit.

Calmly dressed in his robe, Raymond beckoned to the little girl in the red dress standing by the bed and then walked directly into the room outside the bedroom and sat down in a chair. "How can you let me go?"

"Help me find my little doll!" The little girl in the red dress who appeared directly in front of Raymond, floating out of the bedroom, still emitted an irresistible terror.

"Please, I'm just a third-level apprentice. I just happen to see you occasionally," Raymond said with a tingling scalp. "There are so many people at the Wizard Academy. Why choose me over anyone else?"

"Help me find my little doll!" Still an exclamation without emotion, the little girl in the red dress stared coldly at Raymond.

Suppressing his horror, Raymond decided to find a solution today. So he continued to ask questions.

But the little girl's mechanical response still caused Raymond's cold sweat to flow down.

However, as Raymond observed, the little girl's facial expression was gradually changing. She frowned as if struggling to remember something.

Seeing this, Raymond waited patiently without speaking.

Time passed slowly, and Raymond, sitting in the chair, soon saw Louisa and her sister come out of the room. Their faces were still flushed after the madness, and the hint of charm and teasing in their eyes only made Raymond bitter laugh.

He waved his hand directly, signaling them to leave. Then Raymond closed his eyes and sat quietly in the chair waiting...