
Top of the Wizard

In a world where rules are controlled by wizards, In a world close to other planes, eyed by greedy eyes,In a dark, bloody world of survival of the fittest and constant change,An ordinary person from another world embarks on a powerful journey of even transcending the peak through genetic modification.

RobertSmith · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
142 Chs

Medicinal Effects

I don't know how long it took...

Raymond, who was twisted and kneeling on the ground, showed a slight reaction in his stiff body.

His fingers moved slightly, followed by a rush of fatigue like a tide.

Somewhat confused, Raymond opened his eyes. The mist in his vision was still hazy, and there was a strange smell from the tip of his nose, like a corpse that had been rotting for a long time.

Slowly turning over and sitting on the ground, Raymond's whole body ached, his mouth was extremely dry, and the severe hunger in his abdomen surprised him. Raymond immediately issued an inquiry command to the chip.

"Task established, statistics in progress," echoed the chip's mechanical voice. The result came out quickly. "Unconscious time, 67 hours and 19 minutes..."

Cursing, Raymond got up and rushed to the mirror in the room. After quickly eating dry bread, he returned and opened all the windows.

As fresh air poured into the room, Raymond, eating heartily, suddenly felt strange.

The rustling sound of grass leaves blown by the wind and the faint sound of water that was impossible to hear before entered his ears.

When Raymond looked into the distance, it was as if he was wearing telescopes. The buildings that could only be seen vaguely before were instantly pulled closer so that he could observe the stone cracks in the buildings clearly.

After being shocked, Raymond became ecstatic. The slight changes in vision and hearing made him understand that the solution he had drunk had taken effect.

"Bring up the gene map and check the improvement data!" With Raymond's instructions, red dots flashed in Raymond's eyes, and a double helix gene information map appeared in his vision.

The enlarged gene chains were clearly displayed in his vision. After superimposing and overlapping the original gene chain map, the improved part of the gene chains by the drunk solution became more obvious.

The barbs on the original rough gene chains were dissolved. Many of the original redundant connections were streamlined and rebuilt with the effect of the solution.

However, as Raymond observed, the chip's mechanical voice sounded again. "Gene chain improvement enters the decay period. It is expected to stabilize in ten days. Do you want to establish a tracking task?"

"Establish!" The chip's reminder surprised Raymond a little, but after agreeing to establish the chip's task, Raymond had the chip display the improved simulation image.

Soon, the gene chains affecting hearing and vision on the gene map were marked in bright red by the chip, and the chip also enlarged the part where the gene chains were improving.

Watching the improvements appearing on the gene chains over time, Raymond shouted excitedly, unable to restrain his excitement.

Ten days!

After ten days, the gene chains affecting his hearing and vision would become more robust. Under the display of the expected changes in data, this improvement would gradually allow Raymond to experience it.

This also meant that when the solution's improvement of the gene chains was completely finished, he would be able to see invisible light that could only be observed with lenses before, and his hearing would show developed hearing, similar to the biological language of the Naga clan using ultrasound to communicate, meaning that Raymond would hear it.

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Raymond re-applied "Wizard's Eye," which had caused him to faint, and then called up the data on the growth of his spiritual power when he configured the potion.

A total of sixty-seven potion configurations, the time for spiritual power to penetrate into the solution added up to only more than seventy hours, but it was still quite effective for increasing spiritual power.

Especially the last time when Raymond successfully fused the seven materials in order, his spiritual power actually increased by nearly double.

However, according to the efficiency given by the chip, although the effect of increasing spiritual power in a short time was considerable, it did not actually make practical sense in reality.

Because this potion configuration consumed Raymond's strength and magic power values extremely, he could not guarantee more than ten hours of potion configuration every day. Therefore, relatively speaking, meditation growth was more stable.

Long-term stable growth was the key to ensuring that strength could steadily improve. Therefore, Raymond temporarily removed this way of enhancing spiritual power from his plan list.

However, for this way of enhancing spiritual power, Raymond still had the chip retain the relevant data. Because at most seven materials were fused now, it was still necessary to check again whether the short-term increase in spiritual power was practically meaningful when all seventeen materials were fused in the future.

Raymond devoured the bread quickly. Only then did he put aside the matter of this unnamed potion. He snapped his fingers and checked the information of Wu Fa You these days.

As the interface of Wu Fa You appeared, the first message that entered made Raymond's mood even more cheerful.

The new address of the Naga clan has been selected. The caravan that went to the Naga clan's lake last time also brought a small number of Naga clan members and the first batch of trading goods into the Hongze Wetland yesterday and is expected to arrive at the Wizard Academy in two days.

Although Elder Heloise of the Naga clan expressed her contempt for Raymond's greed again in her message, she still listed the list of trading goods sent over this time according to the requirements of the covenant book between the two parties.

Looking at the list of trading goods provided by the Naga clan this time, Raymond squinted his eyes and smiled very comfortably.

Various rare underwater medicinal materials, unique crystals of the Naga clan, the quantity of various materials far exceeded Raymond's expectations.

Up to 30% of the proportion, if all sold, meant that Raymond would have hundreds of thousands of low-level magic stones in two days.

Excited, Raymond quickly sat down at his desk, took out the list of supplies he had given to the Wizard Academy before, and after ensuring that the supply to the Wizard Academy was correct, the materials required by Wizard Edgar that he had specifically recorded were also deducted immediately.

Finally, after deducting the part of resources Raymond needed to use himself, the remaining part was concealed by Raymond as the trading goods for the Naga clan next month and needed to be temporarily stored by the Naga clan.

Raymond, who quickly completed this quantitative increase, decrease and deletion work, resent the list that could be seen by the Wizard Academy to Elder Heloise and asked her to organize the goods according to this list. Only the part of goods approved by Raymond could be traded at the Trading Tower.

Following this message was Louisa's message. "Bastard! Urgie couldn't get out of bed for three days. Was it necessary for you to torture her like this?"

This message made Raymond squint his eyes again. After hesitating for a moment, he sent a new message. "Come to me today and try the taste of being tortured!"