
Top of the Wizard

In a world where rules are controlled by wizards, In a world close to other planes, eyed by greedy eyes,In a dark, bloody world of survival of the fittest and constant change,An ordinary person from another world embarks on a powerful journey of even transcending the peak through genetic modification.

RobertSmith · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
142 Chs

Harvest 1

Raymond hurriedly left the basement after putting the mirror in his waist pack.

But soon after he left, weak energy fluctuations appeared in the basement. Quickly, tiny substances like dots of light flashed and completely disappeared into the walls and floors of the basement.

Without knowing this, Raymond returned to his room excitedly an hour later.

First, he set up a protective force field on the door to forbid disturbance. Then Raymond did not stay in the experimental room outside but rushed into his bedroom and closed the door tightly.

The familiar room made Raymond feel relaxed. He carefully opened his waist pack and saw the two little things still sleeping in his arms. His smile became brilliant.

He poked one of them with his finger. Soon, a soft murmur echoed, "Don't make trouble. So sleepy..."

Raymond grinned and squinted, continuing to poke with his finger. This time, the little thing sleeping could no longer sleep peacefully. Rubbing its belly, it opened its eyes and scolded, "Bad luck! Can't even sleep peacefully..."

The round little eyes opened with difficulty. The thin little feet kicked around randomly. But before it finished speaking, it saw Raymond close at hand.

It immediately burst into tears, hurriedly protecting its companion behind it, and cried out loudly, "Help! Help!"

The sudden loud cry frightened Raymond.

The sharp and high-pitched sound penetrated deep into his mind, like dozens of large drums beating around Raymond's ears at the same time, making Raymond dizzy and stunned instantly.

And the little thing, following Raymond's loss of consciousness, quickly hugged its companion and jumped from the table to the ground, crying and rushing to the bedroom door. "Help! Run quickly..."

Raymond shook his head in a daze and came to his senses. He immediately bent down and picked up the frantically running little thing, throwing them back on the table and scolding with a smile, "I'll chop off your little legs if you run again!"

The tender white skin instantly turned yellow under Raymond's threat, but the trembling little thing still stared stubbornly at Raymond, protecting the other companion behind it, really daring not to step forward and escape again.

Palm-sized, with a pointed little head, a bulging belly with layers of milky white outerwear, and thin, almost transparent hands and feet.

The two little things taken out of Raymond's waist pack were actually two tender bamboo shoots. After Raymond dug them out of the mud, he stuffed them into his waist pack and brought them out of the Fairy World as living creatures.

Satisfied with the trembling little thing, Raymond was about to use "Wizard's Touch" to explore their detailed condition. Suddenly, the little bamboo shoot protecting its companion shouted and pounced over, "Fight you!"

Amused by the little bamboo shoot rushing over with short legs and shouting, Raymond sent his palm in front of it. But the little thing rushing over really bit Raymond's finger.


Even with the vine protective force field, Raymond suffered a big loss immediately.

The piercing pain from his fingers quickly darkened Raymond's face. Although Raymond swung his palm immediately, trying to shake off the little bamboo shoot from his finger, he did not know what material the little bamboo shoot's teeth were made of. After shaking his hand repeatedly, he still could not shake it off. Instead, the piercing pain became more severe.

"Rub! Loosen your mouth quickly!" Raymond shouted warningly with magic fluctuations appearing instantly on his fingers. "Otherwise, I'll gnaw you now!"

But the little bamboo shoot stared at Raymond with round eyes and bit down harder.

The piercing pain angered Raymond, but he was shocked to find that the vine protective force field on his finger not only had no effect on the little bamboo shoot but was like its nourishment.

Under its "crunch, crunch, crunch" gnawing, the strongly fluctuating vine force field lost its effect in less than a few seconds, exposing his fingers to its teeth again.

Completely stunned, Raymond did not react until another burst of pain came from his fingers. He cried out in pain and shouted loudly, "Little thing, loosen up or I'll eat your companion!"

The little bamboo shoot, which had been ready to bite down again, did not dare to bite down anymore. It stared at Raymond and its companion with round eyes, crying loudly shortly after, "Bullying! Bullying! Bad guy..."

Raymond shook the little bamboo shoot into the table. Seeing it crying loudly while hugging its companion, Raymond quickly focused his attention on his injured fingers.

There were already four small holes at the tip of the finger, and fresh blood was still seeping out continuously.

Picking up the first transparent container on the table at random, Raymond clamped the two little bamboo shoots in it, then sat on the chair with his finger. But to his surprise, as time passed, the wound on his finger did not stop bleeding.

"Check the wound!" Five minutes later, the startled Raymond could not help but let the chip start checking.

"Task established, start analysis..."

As the chip's monotonous voice appeared, a large amount of data was soon refreshed in Raymond's vision. After a long time, the chip finally fed back the results of the inspection. "Unknown plant cells found invading the body, causing wounds unable to heal in a short time. Expected to heal in 37 minutes."

Frowning, Raymond looked at the little bamboo shoots clamped in the container, his face turned ugly. But soon he suddenly jumped up excitedly. "My God, an activated plant with natural anti-clotting effects?"

Walking around the room, Raymond thought it more and more likely. Such a minor wound would take an hour to heal. If the wound was larger, the lethal power would not be underestimated.

Turning back to the table, Raymond directly performed his Vine Technique. He was preparing to completely separate the two little bamboo shoots and then start new tests.

But the green vines that emerged from the tabletop in an instant, although quickly separated the two little bamboo shoots, soon a "crunch, crunch" gnawing sound made Raymond stare in disbelief...