
Top of the Wizard

In a world where rules are controlled by wizards, In a world close to other planes, eyed by greedy eyes,In a dark, bloody world of survival of the fittest and constant change,An ordinary person from another world embarks on a powerful journey of even transcending the peak through genetic modification.

RobertSmith · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
142 Chs


Twenty days later, the huge convoy became even larger due to the addition of some small convoys.

Because Port Kaidun in the Kingdom of Ogasso was a very large ice-free port all year round, convoys from all over would travel long distances to get there.

So whenever it was time to camp, the camp surrounded by hundreds of large vehicles was like a small town.

There were singers, dancers, and rowdy men drinking hard liquor sitting around the bonfire. Occasionally there were small conflicts between them to add something to talk about for the monotonous journey the next day.

As the head of the convoy's guard, Hagel dutifully guarded his post every night, patrolling the camp with his attendant. Although such a huge team would generally not be attacked, he still patrolled as usual.

The gaze of the young attendant following him occasionally slipped to the bonfire. Gathering his courage, he grinned and opened his mouth: "Uncle Hagel, there are already over 300 guards in the camp. We will be in Kaidun City soon. Is it necessary to be so cautious?"

Without turning his head, Hagel, still in full armor, appeared even more burly in the firelight.

"Can't be careless! Besides, there is a wizard in the convoy. It's hard to say what kind of situation may arise if we offend him...can't be negligent."

But before Hagel finished speaking, a subtle but creepy aura suddenly spread from the center of the camp, like a calm lake surface smashed by a large stone. The ripples spreading through the air made people's hearts beat faster.

The mules tethered next to the vehicles became restless soon. The frightened cries of these beasts gathered together completely silenced the noisy camp in the deep of night.

Without wind, the long grass on the ground was swaying violently. Hagel, whose face changed suddenly, immediately turned and rushed to the center of the camp, where the young wizard was.

The originally luxurious and comfortable carriage collapsed without a sound.

The over one-inch-thick wooden partition was completely crushed into powder under tremendous pressure, mixed with everything inside the carriage, collapsed from outside to inside.

Standing next to the carriage, Raymond frowned, holding his things in his hands.

Seeing Hagel appear here, Raymond awkwardly apologized, "Sorry, there was a little accident!"

The subtle aura that existed there gradually weakened and soon disappeared after Hagel came.

But because of this sudden change, the whole camp was in a state of fear. The knights of the convoy who rushed over quickly soothed the panicked members under Hagel's orders to prevent a tragic blasting camp incident that night.

A luxurious carriage from another convoy was brought before Raymond in a moment. Hagel, with an even more respectful expression, felt the fearful eyes of the other knights in the convoy around him while Raymond felt awkward. The scene just now made them even more fearful.

Seeing the carriage brought over, Raymond just nodded to Hagel and went straight in, closing the door tightly.

Through the blurred window, Raymond did not put the bizarre booklet in front of him again until the noisy sound outside disappeared.

He finally memorized the tenth symbol. Just now, after Raymond memorized the previous ten symbols, an enormous radiation field was produced from this book, turning the entire carriage into powder.

Fortunately, with the reminder of the chip, Raymond quickly escaped with his things when this enormous radiation power was generated, without staying in the carriage.

But when the carriage turned to powder, Raymond felt something was wrong.

Because the book that produced the radiation source was casually taken off the carriage by him, but this strong radiation center did not move with this book and still remained in the position where Raymond had just sat.

With such doubts, Raymond gave an order to the chip: "Retrace everything just now!"

"Task established, retracing..."

A waterfall of data appeared in sight. Soon the analysis results of the chip were displayed.

The center of the radiation power over 100 times the usual was not this book but was located between Raymond and the booklet at that time.

Compared with the red fruit Raymond ate in the forest, this sudden burst of radiation power was equivalent to all the active substances of two red fruits.

Because Raymond quickly left the site after receiving the chip alert, only less than 3% of this enormous radiation energy penetrated into his body. The remaining radiation power acted on the carriage, causing the entire carriage to turn into powder instantly.

Because the entire carriage could not withstand such enormous radiation power, it produced radiation fluctuations similar to just now, spreading rapidly from the axis of the carriage.

After retracing the incident, Raymond narrowed his eyes in annoyance in the new carriage.

According to the chip's retrace, it seemed that the root cause of this abnormally huge radiation power generation was that he had successfully memorized the ten symbols just now.

If Raymond's guess was not wrong, the enormous radiation power generated between the booklet and Raymond himself should have been absorbed and transformed by him. But due to the faithful alert of the chip, Raymond had no time to think about it, so he lost such an excellent opportunity to absorb radiation energy.

Taking a deep breath, Raymond, annoyed beyond endurance, suddenly burst out with the roar of the fiercest beast in the forest from his body.

Like a tiger roar, the high and melodious roar completely messed up the camp that had just calmed down.

The mules that had just been calmed down went completely mad.

Breaking free of the reins, the frightened horses emitted frightened neighs, rushing into the tents of the convoy members and waking up the people who had just fallen asleep. Some large vehicles loaded with goods were even directly overturned by the runaway beasts.

Those tame beasts were frightened and excreted all over, turning the entire camp into an open toilet.

When Raymond vented his grief, Hagel was still patrolling around the camp. This sudden beastly roar turned his face pale green in an instant.

The young attendant stood in place, muttering, "Uncle Hagel, what is the wizard in the carriage doing?"

Facing the rapidly rising firelight and boiling noisy camp, the bitter Hagel sighed helplessly, "I guess the wizard is just venting his anger..."