
Top of the Wizard

In a world where rules are controlled by wizards, In a world close to other planes, eyed by greedy eyes,In a dark, bloody world of survival of the fittest and constant change,An ordinary person from another world embarks on a powerful journey of even transcending the peak through genetic modification.

RobertSmith · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
142 Chs


'Ding' a soft sound.

Two crystal highball glasses clinked together, making a crisp and pleasant sound.

Draining the pale yellow fruit wine in the glass, Raymond smiled quite freely with an imperceptible playful look.

But Princess Sharon of the Naga tribe, standing opposite him, pouted reluctantly. She took a sip of the wine in the crystal glass and left quickly, leaving the four Naga elders.

After several hours of confrontation, the exhausting agreement finally ended in Raymond's complete victory.

But Raymond also made some concessions. He changed the three-year term to one year, but 30% of the Naga tribe's transaction volume in that year went into Raymond's pocket.

However, he needed to teach two or more Naga tribesmen the wizard's language so that they could replace Raymond as a bridge to communicate with the underground world's Wizard Academy after one year.

The four Naga elders who glared at Raymond opposite him wished they could blast Raymond to pieces. Such naked blackmail was simply unacceptable to the Nagas.

But with just a few words, Raymond dispelled their intention to find cooperation with the Wizards Academy on their own. "How many lives is the Naga tribe willing to sacrifice before successful communication?"

This very realistic and cruel question left the four Naga elders speechless after deep thought.

Although the elders' strength was at the first-order wizard level, the Naga tribe, who had fled to here from the surface world, could no longer afford the sacrifice of their people.

In the underworld, these Nagas would definitely start a big battle if they dared to appear near the Wizards Academy. Even if they wanted to send someone to communicate with the wizards, they might have to pay the price in blood first.

So after accepting Raymond's terms, these Nagas unfolded an ancient sheepskin scroll in front of Raymond. This was the covenant book that Raymond and the Naga tribe needed to conclude the agreement.

The covenant book stipulated in detail the rights enjoyed by both parties and the costs to be paid. This covenant book was somewhat similar to what Raymond had signed with the Wizards Academy before. Once confirmed by both parties, it must be obeyed; otherwise, it would be punished by the power of the covenant.

After carefully checking the covenant book, Raymond added one more clause at the end: he and the Naga tribe should not attack each other within 50 years.

The Naga elders, who thought they could conclude the covenant book, turned livid, but they had no choice. They had to add it again according to Raymond's request without reason to refuse.

Satisfied to see the newly added clause turned into words written on the covenant book, Raymond bit his index finger in front of the four elders and dripped his blood into the covenant book.

As his drop of blood was dripped in, all the words on the covenant book began to twist and hid inside the sheepskin scroll.

Then a small group of gray and black mist rose from the covenant book, spinning into two streams of air and disappeared into Raymond and Naga elder Hayley's body in an instant.

Hearing the warning sound from the chip in his ears, Raymond knew this was the power of the covenant of this world. Unless the person who signed the covenant book's strength could transcend the power of the covenant book, he must obey.

The extra 50-year get-out-of-jail-free card made Raymond's smile even brighter.

For these Nagas, the matter was here. What needed to be done next was to arrange the Naga tribe's move as soon as possible through communication between Raymond and the Wizards Academy.

The angry Naga elders had a very poor impression of Raymond, but after signing the covenant book, they immediately arranged related matters.

Two smart Naga girls became Raymond's language disciples. They would follow Raymond until they mastered the wizards' language.

A powerful Naga warrior, whose strength reached the level of a human grand knight, became Raymond's bodyguard and supervisor, responsible for the safety of the two Naga girls and probably monitoring Raymond.

Naga elder Hayley, who concluded the agreement with Raymond, would accompany Raymond to the Wizards Academy of Scarlet Wetlands as Princess Sharon's representative.

This Naga elder, whose strength Raymond could not probe, would be responsible for selecting a new home for the Naga tribe after allying with the Wizards Academy of Scarlet Wetlands. She would also prepare for the future relocation of the Naga tribe.

After these preparations were ready, Raymond smoothly obtained the list of tradable goods provided by the Naga tribe.

There were dozens of rare medicines available for trade, such as clover and sandalwood.

Although the quantity of each was not large, the internal value was astonishing. Raymond needed to price these things and then trade with the Wizards Academy.

The list of food, cloth, and even some equipment to arm the Naga warriors that the Naga tribe lacked was also quickly sorted out and handed to Raymond.

Many of the supplies urgently needed by the Naga tribe were restricted from supply by the Wizards Academy. Even Raymond dared not guarantee that he could get them for the Naga tribe.

In just three days, the supplies needed for the departure were ready. Naga elder Hayley, representative of the Naga tribe, brought samples of various tradable goods and a small amount of magic stones to urge Raymond to set off.

Raymond had no objection to departure, but he could not help taking out the list of tradable goods from the Naga tribe from time to time. Whenever he saw those things on it, he would feel particularly smooth.

Because 30% of the goods would go into his pocket before the transaction!

However, Naga elder Hayley was unusually resentful of Raymond's behavior.

Whenever she saw Raymond take out that trading list, her expression would turn very ugly. Sometimes she would even unleash the coercion of her water magic in anger to make Raymond suffer a little.

Such coercion at the level of strength, even if Hayley just let her water magic condense but not act, would make Raymond distressed.

And those male Naga warriors, after knowing that Raymond had plundered a large amount of resources from the Naga tribe like robbery, showed their anger when they saw Raymond. Although they did not attack Raymond, the hostile atmosphere still made Raymond fearful.

It seemed that although the Naga tribe was simple in nature, it did not mean they had no temper...