
Top 10 Famous Death Scenes: The Death Of Kyojuro Rengoku At The Start!

Synopsis: Top 10 Famous Death Scenes No. 10: Demon Slayer - Kyojuro Rengoku's Demise Lights Up the Night, the Eternal Flame of Purgatory In the world of Demon Slayer, the passing of Kyojuro Rengoku shines as a beacon in the night. The flames he wielded continue to burn brightly, never to be extinguished. No. 9: Pirate World - Whitebeard's Furious Onslaught at the Navy Headquarters Marks the Dawn of a New Pirate Era Within the World of pirates, Whitebeard's fierce assault upon the Navy Headquarters left an indelible mark, even as he fell in battle. This event heralded the arrival of a new era of piracy. No. 8: Naruto Universe - Unraveling the Infinite Tsukuyomi, the Fall of Madara's Grand Ambitions In the Naruto universe, the powerful illusion of the Infinite Tsukuyomi was shattered, revealing the true intentions of Madara's grand scheme. His ultimate dream crumbled, a victim of its own deceit. No. 7: Naruto Universe - The Uprising of the Nine-Tails, Fourth Hokage's Sacrifice for the Sake of Naruto Amidst the turmoil of the Naruto world, the Fourth Hokage and his beloved wife united in a heroic sacrifice during the Nine-Tails Rebellion. Their selflessness ensured the safety and future of Naruto. No. 6: ... The aftermath of these poignant scenes was followed by more entries in the "Top Ten Black Pseudonymous Scenes," with mischievous Laughing Bats spreading across the multiverse. As the chronicles unfold, Ryan emerges as the central deity, guiding the destinies of each recounted character, all of whom have become reincarnators. Once again, they are destined to alter the course of fate. ******** *THIS IS A TRANSLATION* Top 10 Famous Death Scenes, The Death Of Kyojuro Rengoku At The Start! This is a translation of Chinese Novel. *********** The cover photo is not mine. If you are the owner message me and I will remove it.

Nobody2NoBody · Anime e quadrinhos
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324 Chs

Chapter 241 : Ōtsutsuki Ishiki vs Naruto and Sasuke!

Inside the underground base, Uchiha Madara fixated his gaze on the screen as Orochimaru diligently documented the ensuing events.

"This is the beauty of video," Madara remarked, "with it, we can anticipate the enemy's abilities beforehand."

"Then we can meticulously analyze their weaknesses and craft strategies to seize the advantage," Orochimaru added, nodding in agreement.

Meanwhile, in a separate dimension, Ōtsutsuki Isshiki furrowed his brows in contemplation. His injuries were far from healed, a suitable vessel eluded him, and the excessive use of Jigen's body threatened to shorten his lifespan.

The premature revelation of his plans in the video posed a significant setback, casting a shadow over the future. However, not all was lost.

A faint smirk played upon his lips as he considered Momoshikir. "With Momoshiki's arrogance and recklessness, he'll undoubtedly make his way here soon," Ōtsutsuki Isshiki mused. "That will afford me the opportunity to continue biding my time and reaping the rewards."

Yet, a flash of resentment flickered in Ōtsutsuki Isshiki's eyes as he ruminate on the past. "It's all that wretched Kaguya's fault," he seethed inwardly. "Without her interference, I could have ascended even further, unlocking the full potential of my eyes. I would have been deemed worthy by the Ōtsutsuki God!"

"Kaguya!" he swore silently, grinding his teeth. "Mark my words! In due time, I shall resurrect you and exact my revenge, devouring you whole to quench the burning hatred within me!"

As his thoughts churned with resentment, the battle unfolded on the screen.

["In a separate dimension, Sasuke and Naritos two figures appeared, attacking from left and right simultaneously!" 

"Almost instantaneously, Rasengan and the Kusanagi Sword materialized simultaneously!" 

"Yet, unbeknownst to all, two black rods materialized in Ōtsutsuki Isshiki's grasp, warding off the assault from his flank!"]


[The earth trembled violently, and the solid ground beneath their feet fractured instantly like a spider's web!

The force of Naruto and Sasuke's synchronized strike was entirely absorbed by the earth, leaving Isshiki unaffected.

Not only that, in the blink of an eye, he seemed to become like a specter, effortlessly sending Naruto and Sasuke flying into the air!

Rolling for hundreds of meters, Naruto barely stood up, a sneer curled on Isshiki's lips as he raised his right hand.

Without warning, two black rods materialized out of thin air and pierced through Naruto's arm in an instant!]

"What just happened!?"

Even Aizen appeared surprised at this moment!

The attack method was invisible!

It was as if the black rods had been on Naruto's arm all along, only to suddenly extend outwards!

Although Aizen couldn't discern the details without careful examination, it didn't stop him from smiling.

"Four Ōtsutsuki, each with uniquely strange and powerful abilities!

This is becoming more and more intriguing!"

If given the chance, he resolved to study the physiology of this species in the future!

Similarly, the expressions of those in the world of Hokage turned grim.

The Ōtsutsuki Isshiki's abilities were truly bizarre, and they eagerly anticipated further information.

At that moment, lightning appeared in the sky!

It wasn't the Chidori Ninjutsu, but rather Sasuke was enveloped in lightning!

Under the influence of Lightning Style, Sasuke appeared to transform into a beam of light, instantly appearing by Ishiki's side!

Yet, this assault was still ineffective, evaded with a swift evasion.

Sasuke pressed on, slashing with his blade!

However, this time, Ishiki was prepared, blocking the strike with a black rod that materialized in his hand.

As Ishiki resisted and locked eyes with Sasuke!

Once more, the peculiar sight unfolded; a black rod emerged from nowhere, piercing through Sasuke's right side, causing blood to spray!

The wound crippled Sasuke's movements, leaving him vulnerable to a kick that sent him flying!

Seeing this, Naruto's eyes widened in fury. Despite the agony, he ripped out the black rod from his arm and rushed to Sasuke's aid!

Arriving at Sasuke's side, Naruto created thousands of Shadow Clones!]

[However, a mere increase in quantity doesn't bring about a change in quality.]

(It's akin to dancing, Shadow Clones dissipating into smoke wherever you tread!)

[After more than ten seconds, Isshiki appeared to grow weary of this swarm of clones, and in an instant, he ascended high into the sky!!]

[The following moment unveiled a scene of terror!"]

[With just a single palm pressed down, the ground rippled like bamboo shoots after rain, and myriad sharp black rods sprouted instantly!]

[It was a swift annihilation, thousands of Shadow Clones obliterated without resistance!]

[Hovering high above, Isshiki gazed down at Naruto and Sasuke with a serene countenance, akin to one observing ensnared prey!]

"Did you catch how Isshiki attacked?" Jiraiya anxiously inquired, eyeing Itachi who had activated the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Itachi shook his head: "I couldn't discern it as I amn't present there."

Jiraiya wasn't overly disheartened, redirecting his attention to the screen, hoping the duo could decipher it.

"I believe I understand his abilities," Sasuke interjected, withdrawing the black rod from his body.

"He's likely manipulating matter," he continued.

"These black rods, they penetrate flesh imperceptibly, then he promptly restores them to their original size."

"And his sudden disappearances before, were due to him shrinking himself."

(Isshiki offered no rebuttal, instead conceding directly, seemingly disdainful of the opponent's insight.)

The principle is simple, yet deceptively intricate!

After all, Sasuke's vision is impaired, and for others, discerning it is even more arduous.

Beside the fire, Itachi noticed the somber expressions and sought to reassure:

"If one possesses the information, they can preemptively counter it.

This 'trick' isn't insurmountable."

"There's a discernible motion when he activates the black rod with an open palm," Jiraiya remarked, having long observed this, though acknowledging that in the heat of battle, it's a different story.

Feinting with a move is one thing, but distinguishing between genuine and feigned strikes is immensely challenging.

[Naruto and Sasuke didn't hesitate this time, sharing a tacit glance before launching another assault!]

[However, unlike before, their attacks were swift yet reduced in power!]

[Nine Tails mode and Sasuke's Lightning Style mode enabled lightning-fast strikes with full force, leaving no room for counterattacks or follow-ups!]

[As the yellow flashes flicker and the purple thunder light wanders away, the two finally found an opportunity to attack Isshiki's blind spot!]


[Rasengan blasts into the air, Kusanagi sword slashes on the ground 

[One moment and Isshiki disappeared, and the two's attack was in vain.]

["Where is he, Sasuke?" Naruto shouted immediately!]

[Sasuke isn't stingy with his pupil's strength. His Sharingan tries its best to capture the subtle dynamics around him, and he finds abnormalities in the blink of an eye.]

["Fifteen centimeters behind your left foot!"]

[Hearing the sound, Naruto instantly condensed the Big Ball Rasengan and blasted back without hesitation!]

[However, Rasengan was unable to press down after touching the ground.]

[The next second, a voice of Isshiki appears:

["It's a good observation, but I can still absorb ninjutsu in this state. Your attack has no effect!"]

["Is that so?"] 

The answer is Sasuke's cold voice!

[At this moment, Sasuke has appeared above Rasengan, pinpointing it precisely!]

[Now there are only two choices left for Isshiki!]

[Either let go of the ninjutsu-absorbing hand to avoid it, but at this time it is completely close to Rasengan, so if you let go, you will definitely be bombarded!]

[Or you just don't let go and get cut off by the Kusanagi sword!]

At this moment, everyone in the ninja world showed a smile!

As expected of the ones who defeated Kaguya, Naruto and Sasuke!

Not only are they powerful, but they also have a superb sense of combat and are extremely tacit!

Even if the opponent's ability is strange, they can still find an opportunity!

However, everyone's smile froze without even lasting a second.

[In the picture, a crimson space vortex ripple appears where Isshiki is.]

[At this time, Rasengan and the Kusanagi sword also fell at the same time.

[A large pit appears on the ground, and the attack is completed, but there is no smile on Naruto and Sasuke's faces.]

[The following moment, the crimson vortex materializes not far away.]

Ōtsutsuki Isshiki emerged slowly from within, unscathed.

Time and Space Ninjutsu!

Inside the underground base, Obito's countenance twisted into a terrifying grimace.

As the wielder of Kamui, he understands the immense difficulty of this ability!

(Isshiki's expression remains placid, devoid of any hint of tension.)

[In the next instant, a crown-like horn sprouts from his head, adorned with black stripes!]

Confronted with this spectacle, Sasuke's complexion shifts, and swiftly he shrouds himself in a cloak of purple Chakra, activating Susano'o to its fullest extent!

[He had encountered this form during his investigations, its aura instilling fear within him!]

"Don't hold back, Naruto!"

["This individual poses a grave threat, one that must be subdued here and now!"]

Hearing Sasuke's call, Naruto's eyes ignite with a fiery determination!

[In the next moment, the Nine Tails' chakra cloak erupts like a volcano, towering over the ground akin to a colossal beast!]

At this juncture, the apex beings of both ninja worlds are compelled to unleash their full might!

[Yet, in the presence of these two titans resembling ancient beasts, there is no hint of panic.]

Isshiki maintains a serene countenance and remarks calmly:

"Is this the extent of your power?"

"It seems rather..."



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