


In the royal bedroom Sunset is looking over the latest medical report on Izak, his body changing and growing from all the potions and drugs being given to him. Sunset is making sure that all the health issues Izak has is taken care of with how his body due to lack of proper nutrition isn't as it should be, because of the limited food. From what she remembers in the human world where people live in places where fruits and vegetables aren't available, they make do by eating all of the animals that they hunt, the organs of the animals are eaten that are usually not eaten by other people in warmer environments. The organs are rich in the vitamins that humans need and usually get from fruits and vegetables. (1)

Izak lived by himself and had to survive on his own for years, meaning when he couldn't catch anything he didn't eat. When before there were others who would be able to share what they caught. Also there's the health issues of him coming from a place with a limited gene pool, there weren't that many people who lived in his village and was always small in number. Resulting in some health issues that are found in inbred populations, which is why the potions and magic treatments.

The treatments are being done slowly so that his body could adjust to the changes, without harming his overall health. The treatments is causing his body to grow bigger and stronger, but at a slow rate. Zecora had to make sure that her potions wouldn't have any side effects that would harm or kill Izak. Sunset is having other potion makers come and help with the research and development of potions. Also males as she doesn't like how the females working around Izak are looking at him.

Which reminds her that she should check up on him.


Castle Kitchen -

Because Izak being a human is an omnivore, the pony chefs weren't use to making meals that had meat in it. Which Sunset having gotten use to eating meat while she was still human, had hired a griffin chef who can cook meat dishes. The dishes are mostly eggs and fish for her thanks to her being a pony again, but the sirens being water dragons did needed to eat meat dishes. Which is why the griffin chef, Eddy Cleaver is making ham and eggs for both Izak and the sirens.

Also in the kitchen is Sonata who is tossing large mud crabs into a huge pot. One of the things that Sonata likes being back in Equestria is that she can eat all the food that she miss. Like mud crabs which are large as coconut crabs and are freshwater crabs that are found just about everywhere. With so much meat instead of the small amount of meat that you have to dig out with Earth crabs. (2)

She's also making clam chowder for Izak, she knows that according to humans it helps in making cum for men. She and her sisters have been smelling Izak and they just want to take him for themselves. And from what she has seen the potions that Izak has been taking daily has been improving his body and his size. She seen his small human penis and seen it growing in length and girth.

Sonata looked around for something else to add to give the chowder more flavor. She spotted the jug with the 3 X's drawn on it, the moonshine that Aria made. Another thing that the humans did better than the races around here, is making a drink that has a kick to it. Them being dragons it takes a lot to get a buzz out of them, while the other races on the most part are lightweights when it comes to strong drinks. Everything is watered down where 5% proof of alcohol is seen as high for ponies.

Using her moonshine brewing skills she learned in the human world and using ingredients that couldn't be found there either, Aria began to create new moonshine by experimenting. Thanks to being full dragons again, they're able to drink stuff that as a human they wouldn't have been able to. Allowing Aria to make much strong drinks the. She had before in the human world, that's so strong it can be used as paint remover.

Which is why when Aria made chili and put her moonshine into it. It ended up putting about half of the castle staff out of action being dead drunk from eating it. The ones who like it and could take it were the royal family and Wine Barrel who likes drinking hard drinks from races that can drink high proof alcohol drinks.


Izak's Room -

Stepping out of the shower, Izak stood naked as he dries himself. Gone is the skinny young man he was but a taller and toned young man, which according to Sunset is what the medicines he's been taking has been doing to him. He also noticed that his penis and balls have been growing as well, much larger than it was before. Sunset told him that the medicines he's taking is healing his body and the growth spurts he would had have if it wasn't for his poor diet is being fixed. Done slowly to allow his body get better slowly without any ill effects to his health.

"Oh hi Sunset," Izak said seeing Sunset entering the room.

"You… got out of the shower," Sunset said seeing him naked. Which because he's been living alone for so long, he has long forgotten the shame of being naked in front of the opposite sex or he was never taught about that. And it doesn't help that she never made a deal about him being naked.

"Yes, I was," Izak said still drying himself.

Sunset looks down seeing his ever growing cock, with the potions that Izak has been taking, he's now huge by human standards. A uncut large cock that while isn't hard still hangs off of his now plum size balls. She could only wonder how big it would be once it's fully hard. Sunset quickly stamp that idea down. Sure she would love to start sucking on that good smelling cock and drink down his….

'No if I did that, then both moms and aunts will want to have a taste as well,' Sunset thought to herself. 'Besides he's still growing and once he's pony size that's when I can introduce him to the pleasures of the flesh.'

The door open and Sonata poke her head in the room and saw Izak standing in front of Sunset, naked.

"You two are going to have sex? Can I join in?" Sonata asked.

"Sex?" Izak asked.

Sunset growled and glared at Sonata who has ruined her carefully thought out plans.


Author's Notes -

1 - The reason why people who live in cold places are healthy on a mostly meat diet is because they eat all the parts of the animals they catch. No throwing the organs and other parts that are thrown away. Which is why meat eaters eat all the parts of animals as they get all the vitamins from the animal's organs.

2 - I love crabs but it's such hard work to get the meat and that there is so little of it.
