A lonely young man left alone and dying alone. Wakes up to a new life. Finding himself in Equestria a land where giant antro ponies live and finds himself no longer lonely as the mares are giving him all the attention he had wanted and more. (To Your Eternity and My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Crossover) Contains harem and futa.
Izak was escorted by Sunset to meet her mothers, both of whom wanted to meet him. It's been a couple of days since Zecora became his nurse, giving him potions to heal him. He has learned much of the world he found himself in and with the help of Sunset he has gotten use to all the new things. He also learned about how his scent effects the mares around him, which is why he uses lots of soap to help mask his scent.
"Izak you remember what I told you about my mothers right?" Sunset asked.
"Your mothers are much bigger then you are," Izak said as most of the palace doorways are very tall and wide.
"Yes, I'm just a young filly and my moms are fully grown mares. I'm only 7'5" because I'm still young and growing," Sunset said.
"And you're a alicorn," Izak said.
"Yes, there there 4 types of ponies. The ponies with wings are pegasus who normally grow to between 7 to 8 feet in height. Unicorns like Raven are 8 to 9 feet, Raven herself is 9 foot 6 inches tall. Earth ponies are 9 to 10 feet tall with some growing bigger than that. Zecora a zebra who are closely related to ponies stands at 10 feet and 4 inches. For alicorns once fully grown, Cadance is the shortest at 10 feet and mom Sun is the tallest at 14 feet," Sunset explains.
"And the castle was built so your moms wouldn't have to bend down to enter rooms?" Izak asked.
"Mom Celestia was already over 13 feet tall and had the castle built with 20 foot doorways. And that there are other races who are taller like the minotaurs and the yaks who are huge," Sunset said, not liking how once Izak sees how sexy her moms are compared to her, how much of a shrimp she is next to them.
"They be taller then Zecora?" Izak asked.
"Yes much taller," Sunset said forgetting how naive Izak is about things. She opens the door and walks in waving for him to follower her.
Entering the room, Izak was taken aback by the sheer size of the ponies inside the dinning room. Two giant women sat at the massive table with meals on plates all setup for them. The first and larger of the two look more like Sunset but just bigger, the other woman is smaller but still massive compared to him.
"So this is the human male," Sun said looking down at the small human.
"Are all humans this small?" Celestia asked Sunset.
"Mom I already told you that humans normally only grow to be either around 5 to 6 feet," Sunset said glancing at Izak who got some meat on his bones thanks to all the rich food and drugs she's been giving him. She stands 7'8" and still has a long way to go before she's her moms size, Izak on the other hand stands at 5'10". Normal for a human but here in Equestria, he's undersize compared to many of the other races. The only race who are the same size as humans who are near the kingdom are the Diamond Dogs and that's because they live underground and being tall underground doesn't make sense. (1)
"So he will never be that big?" Celestia asked.
"No," Sunset said as she and Izak took their seats at the table across Sunset's moms.
Izak felt like a small child again as his feet dangled from the chair he's sitting on. Since waking up in the hospital room, which he found be much bigger then his old home. Everything was just made bigger then what he's use to back in his old village, but seeing how everyone is so much bigger then him made sense why everything is built so big. The plate in front of him has a pile of pancakes covered in honey, and a dish of eggs.
"Izak my mom with the red hair is Sun and the other is Celestia, mom Sun and aunt Moon rule the kingdom as co queens, mom Celestia and aunt Luna help in running the kingdom. There is also cousin Cadance and Heart who also help out here and there," Sunset said.
"I hope Sunset has been treating you well Izak," Sun said.
"She has been very good to me," Izak said.
"And have you shown how grateful you are in return?" Sun asked.
"I been thanking her," Izak said.
"What she means is if you been having sex with her," Celestia said.
"Mom!" Sunset snaps.
"Sex?" Izak asked.
"Sunset haven't you told him about how things are done around here?" Sun asked amused.
"What does she mean Sunset?" Izak asked.
"Izak you have read about Equestria in the books right?" Sunset ask him.
"Yes," Izak said.
"Equestria like most of the rest of this world is a very sexual culture. We don't see any problems at all in being openly affectioned with others. It's very common to see ponies around here being sexually active. Stallions and mares having sex out in the open is a common sight around here, which you must have seen," Sunset said.
"I seen ponies kissing and touching each other," Izak said causing both Sun and Celestia to look at him and then to Sunset.
"He is from an isolated village and was alone for a long time," Sunset said.
"How long were you alone?" Celestia asked.
"I guess a couple of years," Izak said remembering how the seasons had passed when all the others left but for the old and him.
"You never had sex before have you," Sun said.
"No!" Sunset snaps at her mom. "He's too small and you're too big."
"That can be easily solved," Sun said.
"Mom no," Sunset said.
"You want him for yourself," Celestia said.
"Want me for herself?" Izak asked.
"I…. Just want to keep you from being overwhelmed with the culture shock and not freak out. Take things nice and slow so you can get use to things," Sunset said.
"Oh, you just want take it slow," Izak said.
"I freaked out when I was in the human world and reacted badly to the culture shock there. Luckily I ran into the sirens who helped me," Sunset said.
Sunset was completely shock how prude the humans are when it came to sex and how they always wore clothes all the time. Since she was a young human girl, the adults weren't as harsh to her if she was older, brushing it off as just being a dumb kid. It was only thanks to the sirens she managed to survive long enough to return to Equestria, with them coming with her.
Sunset did found it strange that even after hundreds of years the sirens were still young women. But they explained that it was due to their magic amulets that kept them young and immortal, leaving them in the human world teenagers. Now back in Equestria and without their amulets they're aging again, which will end when they're given back their amulets so that the sirens once they become fully matured sirens, will remain young and immortal. Making them the prefect sex slaves for the royal family, who are immortal. (2)
"I know about sex from the animals we raised in the village, I was just alone," Izak said.
"And I want you to be ready and comfortable," Sunset said.
"We understand," Sun said looking to Celestia who nodded to her.
The four ate their meals while talking with each other. Sun and Celestia learning more about Izak's life in the village and what happen to his people. Both Sun and Celestia could see how much loneliness of being by himself had effected him, and finding the remains of the wagon train of his family and fellow villagers had broken him. He became very attached to Sunset because of the kindness she had shown him, and she is very interested in him.
That Night -
The royal family after having breakfast with Moon and Luna who took over the night shift, went to bed naked after taking a bath. The massive bed sank under the weight of the two giant alicorns with Sunset between them. Both mothers lay on their sides facing Sunset who is between them, their massive breasts laying on top of each other.
"Sunset what's the real reason you're not having sex with Izak?" Sun asked.
"You two are close and he smells so nice," Celestia said.
"Because…," Sunset mutters as she thinks of putting it to words before deciding to just spit it out. "Human males penises aren't as big as ponies and I don't want to embarrass him."
"Small?" Sun asked.
"He is small but compared to us when we use the futa spell. There is a reason why we don't use our real size on the sirens," Celestia said.
"Not like that," Sunset said. "The normal size range is between 2 to 4 inches and the stamina for human males is just them being able to last a few minutes at best and only being able to cum at most 3 times before they're spent. The sirens told me all about the male lovers they had and only a few of them were even close to what a Equestria male can do." (3)
"Oh that's the reason," Celestia said understanding why Sunset didn't want to have sex with Izak.
"The standards here are way higher and there be no way he would be able to compare," Sunset said.
"That can be easily fixed," Sun said.
"What?" Sunset asked looking at Sun.
"There are spells and potions that can increase the size of a male," Sun said.
"I know that mom but he's a human and the spells and potions are meant for ponies. What you think Zecora and the sirens have been doing," Sunset said.
"So all of this time you been having them test things out to make sure it be safe for him?" Celestia asks.
"Yes," Sunset said. "I'm having it all tested before offering it to him. And only if he wants it, I don't want to force it on him."
"Very well, but if he agrees, we're going to have some fun with him as a family," Sun said.
"No!" Sunset snaps growling and only caused her mothers to chuckle at her.
Author's Notes -
1 - There is a reason why in real life you don't find big animals living underground in tunnels they dig themselves and not a cave they find and moved in. And I don't mean like bears who dig a den as they just sleep there, what I mean is like moles who live underground full time.
2 - The immortals in Equestria are immortal but not unkillable. Like how in real life lobsters are technically immortal but can still be killed, or die.
3 - With large sexy monster girls, the problem of size differences never really comes up in the harem anime and mangas.