
To My Dearly Detested...

"The thin line between love and hate slowly disappeared when he felt her touch." Being the first born child and next in line to take over after his father, Desmond Fedorov was bound to his duties. After losing an important person in her life, Elsa dreaded the thought of losing another family member. In order to ensure the safety of the two powerful Mafia families, Elsa Marino and Desmond Federov were forced into an arranged marriage. Getting involved with a Marino was not even the last thing Desmond wanted but he had no other choice. He swore to never cross a line with his arranged wife. He wanted to be married to her only on the vows they had taken. Elsa also had no expectations from the marriage. Love was not something she expected of her new husband. She knew she would be his wife only in name. But with the growing tension and chemistry between them, how long will they manage to keep their hands off each other? With new secrets unfolding itself and the looming danger threatening to tear them apart, will the couple ever find love and peace? …… Excerpt: Desmond wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. "Let me go—" Elsa tried to push him away. He tightened his grip around her waist. "Didn't you say I could touch you anywhere I want? I am your husband after all." He gently grabbed her chin. She jerked her face to the other side and scoffed. "You wish. You are my husband only in name, remember? You want nothing from this marriage and neither do I." Keeping quiet for a while, Desmond shook his head. "I changed my mind." She frowned. "I want many things from this marriage.” He brushed the corner of her lips with his thumb. “And that includes you." …… (This is the first book of the Mafia hate and love series.) Instagram: author_sofia05 Discord: https://discord.gg/rxjSSJrzRF …..

Sofia05 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs


Desmond expected Elsa to retort as she always did, but to his surprise she quietly got up.

"I'll be back in a minute." But before she could take a step towards the room, someone unlocked the main door.

And before she could make a move, a pair of hands grabbed her waist and pulled her forward.

Desmond wrapped his arms around her waist and turned her over. With his back facing the door, he frowned and tightened his grip around her waist. There was no way he would let whoever it was on the other side of the door see her like that.

Elsa on the other hand was not only shocked but also flustered with the way he was holding her. He had his arms tightly wrapped around her. In fact, he had made sure his body was covering her perfectly.

She pressed her hand on his chest and looked at him. Even though he was frowning and seemed a little pissed, he still looked very handsome. His jaws were clenched and he was glaring at the door, ready to kill whoever entered the apartment.

"Woah, I—"

"Get the f*uck out of here." Desmond snapped at his twin who out of nowhere had barged into his apartment with a blonde wrapped around his arms.

"Okay, I did not know you were having a sexy time with sister-in-law here." Carl grinned at Elsa, who could not see him. "Hey El."

"Carl, get out of here now." Desmond yelled at him again and this time with a firmer tone. He wanted him out of his sight as soon as possible.

"Alright, I'll go upstairs." Carl raised his arms up. "I came here because I heard you were using the penthouse."

"Well, now you know so get out."

"Okay relax." Without saying anything else, Carl walked out of the apartment with his date for the night.

After the door was locked again, Desmond finally breathed a sigh of relief. He was positive that his brother did not see Elsa. In fact, he had made sure he didn't even get a glimpse of her face let alone her slender legs and smooth skin.

"He is gone, you can—" When their eyes met, he swallowed the rest of his words. She looked so beautiful and vulnerable in his arms that he could barely control himself.

Their bodies were tightly pressed against each other. This is when he realized that there was a possibility of her not wearing a bra underneath the shirt. And the mere thought of it turned him on.

He knew he had to let her go but all he could think about was different ways in which he could rip that damn shirt off and have his way with her.

When he caressed her waist, Elsa felt shivers down her spine. Given how cold Desmond had been behaving, she had expected him to let her go as soon as Carl left but to her surprise that didn't happen. He was still holding her, staring at her with burning desires.

Her heart raced at the possibility of what would happen next. But on the same hand, she was nervous and embarrassed.

He made her nervous. The way he was staring at her made her feel embarrassed.


Desmond placed his finger on her lips. "Don't say a word." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Go and change first."

As soon as he let her go, Elsa ran towards the room.



Desmond scoffed and rolled his eyes when he saw half naked Carl and the blonde woman, whom he had definitely picked up from a bar or club.


"Dude, what the—" Carl frowned and quickly got up. "What the fu*ck are you doing here?"

Ignoring his question, he looked at the woman who was adjusting her dress. "You need to leave."

Without saying a word, the woman picked up belongings and rushed out of the house.

"Dude, she was my date for the night." Carl was very pissed. "What is the matter with you?"

"After what happened today, why are you here?" Desmond was not okay with Carl showing up in the place where he was trying to keep Elsa safe for the night.

Not only had Carl risked their lives but also his own.

"What are you talking about?" Carl had no idea what was going on. "What happened?"

Assuming that he had zero idea of what had happened, Desmond briefed him about the situation. "Elsa and I were trailed. I lost them but I didn't want to take any risk with her safety so I brought her here


"When did that happen? And why didn't anyone tell me?"
