
To Love You Again

Xiong Zhi ran away from her unwanted marriage. That day, Linfeng, her aide, died while protecting her. The man who she held dearly in her heart died in her arms. In her last breath, she uttered, "Never again to be weak...Never again wasted our precious time...I'll promise...In the next lifetime... I will protect you...and..love you..." Full of regrets, she closed her eyes, wanting to be united with the man in the underworld. However, when she opened her eyes, she found herself in her sixteen-year-old body. Realizing she had a second chance, the cold, indifferent, obedient, and meek young miss of the Xiong family was reborn as a strong, sharp, vengeful, bold, and confident woman. In this lifetime, she will fulfill her promise with no regrets. Of course, including seducing Linfeng again. ----------------------------------------------------- This is my first novel and my original. English is not my first language. So please pardon me for any gramatical errors. All characters, name, place and plots are from my own world. Thank you! Happy Reading (*^▽^*) https://discord.gg/Btpq6P4 This is the permanent link for my novel server. Other upcoming novels will be there as well. please join and grace us with your presence hehe p ^^ And thanks to my new editor, who work like a sloth but very amazing, my sis, Letmesleep,. And the kind hearted Rei who help me edit the earlier chaps for free. I can't thank you enough! Though, not all chaps had been edited yet, they makes my novel so incredible. Thank you guys!

Avalondra · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
872 Chs

Xiao Mei (II)

Members of the Xiong family gave importance to their reputation. They would not go out in the open like this.

"Whether I am related to the Xiong's or not is not important. As I said, Xiao Mei needs your help. By next week, her trial will come. We need to visit her tomorrow and know exactly her situation."

In fact, Xiong Zhi alone could help Xiao Mei get out of the prison, but that would take time. With Lawyer Chang's help, it would be much faster.

Of course, she would take the faster route.

"She's my friend. I'll definitely help her even if that means I need to go against CJ," Lawyer Chang declared with determination.

Xiao Mei was her only female friend. They were best friends since high school. Lawyer Chang knew that with her temperament, no one wanted to approach her, some would try but would quickly step back with a single retort from her.

She was known as a tough girl since young. She spoke with sharp words, not caring who she talked to, and had her guard up all the time. Her wall was so high up that no one could climb over it.

But Xiao Mei was different from all the people she had met.

She was also the direct opposite of her.

Xiao Mei was a lovely girl who got along with everyone. She was patient, unlike her who had a short fuse and would get angry easily. Xiao Mei always concerned herself with others even if she's not involved.

She was so kind that sometimes Bivia Chang felt annoyed with her. She, Bivia Chang, did not care for anyone and was selfish. She had long admitted that to herself.

But the thing she liked the most about Xiao Mei was her sincerity and loyalty.

Many had talked badly behind her back to Xiao Mei. Still, Xiao Mei did not believe those rumors and did not care at all if she had a bad image that had made other students around her treat her with alienation, unlike their initial kind treatment before.

Furthermore, she could see that Xiao Mei sincerely wanted to be her friend.

When she asked her one time why she stuck to her, Xiao Mei answered:

"Because you're a 'friend' that is hard to come by. It's a waste to not be your friend and just let go of a friend like you."

Hearing her answer that time, she was confused at first.

But in the next moment, her heart warmed up. She was moved. 

A friend that was hard to come by.

She understood what she meant. In other words…

A true friend.

Since that day, she allowed her climb up to her wall and gladly accepted her.

Even now she could not believe that they would become best friends.

Her friend that put so much trust in her was in trouble right now. She did not need to think twice.

Lawyer Chang was about to open her mouth to ask something when she heard a noise from the back door. A few seconds later, a tall man with wavy short black hair came out. His charming eyes with a thick brows darted around and spotted them.

When he walked closer, one could see his straight nose and plump lips. He was a little pale but it did not decrease the dashing man's aura and entrancing countenance.

"Biv'er, I was looking for you—are you alright?" The man stopped for a moment when he noticed Lawyer Chang's serious and somewhat worried expression. Although the woman looked serious as usual, he could tell something was up.

He furrowed his brows. He knew Bivia Chang since college. They were in the same department but different courses. Since he knew her, the only thing that had made this woman look serious and worried was her only best friend, Xiao Mei.

Did something happen to Xiao Mei?

He walked towards Lawyer Chang. When he came to her side, he eyed Xiong Zhi.

He was startled at first because of how young Xiong Zhi was.

What was a young girl doing out here at night by herself?

Then he leaned closer to Lawyer Chang.

"Is it about Xiao Mei?" he asked. It was unlike of Xiao Mei to actually miss his grandfather's funeral. So, like Lawyer Chang, he was sure something had happened to her. Looking at Lawyer Chang's expression he knew it was worse than he thought.

"En. But don't worry about it. I will handle the matter. You need to focus on your family matters now, especially your mom, she needs you." Surprising Xiong Zhi, Lawyer Chang's voice was soft and gentle.

Xiong Zhi looked at the man.

'Who is he?'

Then it dawned on her. She remembered what the receptionist had said earlier.

Was this man the prosecutor that Lawyer Chang had relationship with?

The prosecutor looked helplessly at Lawyer Chang. He knew how stubborn she was. So he could only say,

"If you need me, don't hesitates to call. Xiao Mei is also my friend."

"Of course, we will be needing you. I will tell you when the time comes. Rest first," Lawyer Chang ushered him to leave.

Without a choice he left them. He trusted Lawyer Chang. He knew that she was not foolish enough to randomly talk nor make a deal with just any stranger, so what she was discussing with the girl must be truly important.

After he left, the two faced each other again. Lawyer Chang started first.

"Thanks for telling me this, even if I don't know your intention. But I will handle the rest—"

"Let's meet tomorrow at two in the afternoon to Quangpayan police. I go with you. Don't wear any suit, just go casual with rubber shoes. Also, a jacket and a cap. I'll pick you up at the coffee shop near the police station," Xiong Zhi interrupted her. She knew what Lawyer Chang wanted to do. Lawyer Chang wanted to handle it by herself in her old ways. If she did that, it would take months for the law to settle it, and if they did not present sufficient evidences, the case would be dragged out longer. Xiong Zhi did not want that.

She needed Lawyer Chang, but as a lawyer only. She would do the rest.

Lawyer Chang was speechless at her rude interruption.

She knew herself as a direct and sharp woman who used her words like her swords. But now she felt like those swords were deflected by a big and tough shield.

The tone the girl had used was not something from her age. It's commanding, oppressive, and bossy.

She was good at judging people, and now she felt like she was looking not at the small girl but a big shot woman who dominated over any line of work she chose.

Yes, she was bit offended, because not everyone could stand the other's dominating aura, especially coming from a little girl. This girl not only did not talk politely to her, but she also had the guts to interrupt her!

She was... impressed. She liked the girl more. If she was groomed properly, she would become an outstanding figure in the future.

So Lawyer Chang just let her rude interruption pass.

"Why so late? We should go early," Lawyer Chang asked.

Xiong Zhi, who had already planned everything, said, "Because I have school tomorrow."

Xiong Zhi did not really care for school since she had finished it before already. But she had a reason why she needed to attend.

Lawyer Chang raised her brow and looked at the girl in front of her. The beautiful girl looked really young.

So she was really underage, huh? Probably around high school.

"Fine. I'll comply with your arrangements. But I still do not trust you. I will bring my own car. Let's meet tomorrow."

"No problem," Xiong Zhi said and turned away, then paused.

"Please convey to the lady earlier my condolences. And tell her 'thank you'. I'll be leaving first," she said and walked away.

Just before she closed the back door, she heard Lawyer Chang loudly speak.

"It is Mrs. Huo, Huo Yheng!"

Lawyer Chang smirked. It appeared that the girl was a little cold, but easy to warm inside.


Xiong Zhi walked towards her car while thinking.



Why did sound so familiar? Where did she hear it?

Then it struck her.

Huo Dian?!

Who did not know Huo Dian?! Huo Dian was the most frightening prosecutor in the field of justice. He did not take bribes and if someone did, he would send that person to prison no matter what that person's background was. He was fearless and all his cases won victory. He only accepted the people he knew was telling the truth and was truly in need of justice. He would take his enemies on without mercy.

He was titled in his field as the Hell King of Justice.

That man earlier was Huo Dian? The legendary prosecutor?

So, a person like him was in Xiao Mei's side. No wonder she was eventually freed and was able take CJ Company on.

But them alone was not enough. If it went on normally, it would take five years to clear Xiao Mei's name. In the past, because of their lack of evidence to prove Xiao Mei's innocence, and given that the news came late to Lawyer Chang, CJ Company had won. Fortunately, Lawyer Chang had not given up on Xiao Mei. After five years, they managed to reopen up the case again and had a retrial, wherein they won. The prosecutor of that trial was Prosecutor Huo.

Since Prosecutor Huo had a good impression with the public, the trial became famous and it was even publicized on the news live for the people to witness.

After concrete evidences against CJ, with the public witnessing it all, the CJ Company lost terribly.

But it was all too late for Xiao Mei. Her grandmother had died without her knowing four years ago. Her only relative died alone with no one to hold her.

Seeing this dirty facet of the world, Xiao Mei's raged consumed her. She vowed to smash CJ to ashes.

After two years, when Xiong Zhi was twenty-three and was locked up in the monster's mansion, she watched the news about the company's controversies regarding its corruption, fake diamonds, abuse of employees, and all other dirty secrets exposed to the public.

First, the trial of Xiao Mei brought the CJ Company a huge decrease in the market share. All of the wealthy clients who has previously trusted CJ's gems and diamonds turned away from them, and some even threw down their jewelry from CJ publicly.

Their image went down overnight. The truth was, their gems and diamonds were genuine and of high quality, but only to those who were wealthy and from famous families. Their jewelry was really trusted by these wealthy families.

They only brought out fake diamonds to those buyers who were not wealthy nor famous enough and could not tell the difference between genuine and fake.

After the controversy about the fake diamonds, the CJ Company publicly apologized. Even though they suffered from a huge loss, they still managed to sail through by targeting the commoners as buyers. CJ Company was a hundred year old company, they still had deep roots and managed to find investors.

This outraged Xiao Mei. A life was gone because of their schemes. Now, she could not bring her sweet grandmother back.

With vengeance, she gathered any information she could remember when she worked at CJ as the secretary of their CEO.

After biding for two years, she unleashed the shocking news of CJ's dirty laundry to the media. The consumers, investors, and business partners lost their remaining trust on the CJ brand. The company reached its doom.

In a week, the CEO and some of the members of the board of directors associated to the dirty laundry had gone to prison.

The once towering CJ Company never rose again.

Xiong Zhi, who had watched the news at that time, really admired Xiao Mei.

This was why she knew that Xiao Mei had excellent ability if she was given a chance. She liked the woman's determination.

Xiong Zhi who had reached her car smiled slightly.

'This would be easy.'