
To Have You Back

Aira lives a typical college life. Her life takes a turn when she encounters a handsome yet mischievous guy, Ashton. Love beings to blossom yet there are secrets that can change their lives forever. But then again, he suddenly disappeared. Where is he? Thus begins Aira's search. How will Aira be able to cope up with the new changes in her life? Did Ashton purposely left her? Will she be able to find him? If so, will she accept Ash along with his secret or is it the end? What decision will Aira take? Read in to find out.

Bobaholic_girl · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 13

Lectures get over early today so Alice, Karen and me, we all go to the ice cream parlour, Creamcheats. We take our seat in the corner and order butterscotch for all.

Alice questions me again," So, what happened between you and Darren?" Karen looks at me, "Did he propose you?" She asks taking a spoonful of ice cream in her mouth.

I sigh, "Yes and no. He came to me yesterday morning asking why I don't like him, before I could say something Alice and Sofia came in class." "Oh, I am so sorry, we didn't mean to interrupt you both." She says with a smirk. "That's it?" Karen asks.

"No there's more" I say "He came to my house after college seeking for an answer. I told him that I would never fall in love with him. So, he kind of challenged me." "Wait, What?" Alice interrupts me again. "What was the challenge?" Karen questions.

I take a deep breath, "He challenged me that I will fall for him within this week, if I win, he will move on with his life and if he wins; he will claim me." Karen's and Alice's Jaw dropped with their spoons.

I call for Waiter, "Can you get two spoons please." I ask directing towards Karen and Alice. He gets it quickly and hands them over. They seemed angry. "How could he?", Karen angrily shouts while Alice tries to calm Karen down. "How did you react?" they asked me simultaneously. "Yeah, well, I kind of accepted the bet." I answer savoring mouthful of ice-cream in my mouth.

"So, what are you going to do about it now?" Alice asks with some uncertainty. "Well, you know me guys; I won't fall for that twerp. Never in my life." I say it proudly. We finish up our dessert, pay the bill and walk home our separate ways.

I see Darren walking up to me with a smile plastered on his face. "Hi baby, Alone today?" I try to walk faster than my usual pace. "Go Away Darren, I don't want to talk to you today." "Awe, come on, I was being nice to my sweetheart."

"What do you want?" "Be my girlfriend" He says with a smug face. "Heck No and stop pestering me about it." I know that was rude but he deserved it. He slightly flinched but regained his composure once again, "Going for a picnic, eh?" "You were eavesdropping, weren't you?" Curse this fellow.

"Not really. You see, Dexter is my cousin. He invited me with him, so just happened to ask who all were going." This ain't good. What do I do? I can't even back out. Karen will kill me if I back out. I feel like punching his smug face.

"Like I care. I would care less even if u were coming or not" He laughs at my remark. "Really? I thought maybe you would love it, spending some moments with me like every girl wishes to be" "I am not any girl Darren, who will fall for a freak like you.

Just get lost, I don't want to talk to you, at least not now" I feel my temper flaring. "Ok girl. Jeez, you are such an angry bird. Bye for now sweetheart." He mocks me.