
To Have A Second Chance To Reunite With My Love

Asutashi · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

The Popular

{2 months later.}

"Kyohi sweetie, you don't want to be late for your first day of high school."

"Yeah, yeah I know mom.'

Kyohi puts on his high school uniform, and he trips over the trash in his room before he gets out of his room. His mother sees this and spoke.

"I told you to clear that up like months ago."

Kyohi puts his shoes on and looks back at his mother.

"I will soon. I promise."

"I heard that before."

"Okay I am heading out mom. See you."

"Kyohi wait…"

Before she could finish her sentence, Kyohi is already out the door.

"Well, I guess he is growing up so fast.It felt like just yesterday he was my little boy and now look at him."

Kyohi gets to the front of his house and sees the bicycle that Yoshiharu got for him, as a gift for making it into Tensai High.

{Flash Back to 2 weeks ago}

Kyohi is helping his mom with groceries when he hears Yoshiharu yelling his name.


Kyohi slowly turns and sees Yoshiharu riding a bicycle.

"Hey, man. Look what I got."

Kyohi looks at the bicycle then back at Yoshiharu.

"You got a bicycle. Cool I guess."

("You guess.") "Yeah, I got it at the store not too long ago. I figured that maybe you wanted to give it a ride."

"I will pass."

("You don't even think for a second.") "Oh, come on man."

("Why do I feel like something is up.") 

Kyohi takes a breath before walking over to Yoshiharu and looks at the bicycle again.

"Fine, but only one time."


Yoshiharu hands over the bicycle to Kyohi, as Kyohi gives the bicycle a test ride. 5 minutes have passed and Kyohi returns with the bicycle. He gets off the bicycle and tries to hand it back to Yoshiharu.

"It is okay, it is something I should get in the future."

Kyohi sees that Yoshiharu is not taking the bicycle back.

"Here Yoshiharu, take your bike back."

"I would if it was mine."

"What do you mean?"

Kyohi looks at Yoshiharu with a confused face, when Kyohi's mother walks outside and speaks.

"The bicycle is for you sweetie."

Kyohi looks at his mother then back at Yoshiharu.

"Do what?"

"Yeah man, I got the bicycle for you. Tensai High is 2 miles from your house and like hell will I let my best friend walk 2 miles to school every day."

Yoshiharu gives Kyohi a smell, then gives him a hug.

"I am proud of you Kyohi. Now go make a name of yourself at Tensai High. You got that?"

"Yeah, I got that."

{Present Time}

Kyohi rides the bicycle to school and parks it on the bike rack. Kyohi locks up his bike and walks to the entrance to the school, as he sees a lot of nice cars and ever limousines dropping off kids that are well known.

"Oh, my god. It's Ryu Mase."

"He is so hot."

"Look man, it's Ami Tsuchiya."

"Man, I wish she was my girlfriend."

"Yeah, I know, she's going to be the next big thing for singers."


"Can I get a picture with you?"

Aran stops and looks at the girl and gives her a smell.

"Sure. Why not."

The girl turns red as a tomato, as Aran walks up to her and grabs her phone. Then pulls her close to him to get a selfie with the girl.

"Say cheese."


Aran takes the selfie and goes to hand the phone back to the girl when Ami grabs the phone from Aran, then gives him a look.

"Aran, why are you taking selfies with fans, or should I say lower beings."

"Ami give the girl her phone back and they are not lower beings. Without them, our skills will never be seen or known. So, if anything we should be showing them thanks for helping us get to where we are now."

Ami rows her eyes at Aran.

"Don't you go there. With or without them I will still be on top like I am."

"Sure, if you want to believe that."

"What was that Aran?"

"You heard me."

Ami goes to throw the girl's phone, but before Ami could, Ryu stops her.

"Now, Ami. Is this how a popular singer is supposed to act?"

Ami looks at Ryu then she looks down.

"Well, no."

"Then hand me the phone."

Ami hands Ryu, as Ryu takes the phone he walks up to the girl and breaks the phone right in front of her. Aran looks at Ryu with a face of disbelief.

"Ryu, why did you do that?"

As Ryu turns and looks at Aran, the girl goes to the ground crying.

"Aran for now on, don't lower your standards or you will be seen as one of them and not one of us."

"That makes no sense."

"It makes more than you need. Now get to class."

Aran makes a fist with his hands and stands there looking at Ryu and Ami walking off to class. Aran looked back at the girl and spoke.

"I am terribly sorry for what happened just now."

Aran walks off to get to class. As everyone just leaves the girl sitting there crying, Kyohi walks up to the girl and drops 10,000 yen in front of her.

"I hope that can cover it."

The girl looks at the money then looks up at Kyohi.

"Who are you?"

"I am Kyohi. I am a 1st year student. It seems like all the popular and famous kids are stuck up like no joke. I wonder something."

"Sir, thank you but if I take this, you could get into turrible."

Kyohi looks at the girl with a confused face.

"I will get into turrible for helping you?"

"Yes, because one of the most popular is who broke my phone, so whatever he does is always right."

"Even if it's the wrong thing to do?"

"Yes, there is nothing you can do about it. So please take the money back."

The girl grabbed the money and went to hand it to Kyohi, but when she looked up, he was no longer there. The girl looks around for Kyohi but can't see him anywhere.

"I need to find him, or he will get in really turrible."

As the girl looks around the school for Kyohi, Kyohi is just avoiding the girl. As Kyohi walks down the halls of the school, he starts to think.

("Well, that girl is really trying to give that money back. But why is the school so heavy on the more popular you are the more control you have at the school. I don't think that is right.")

As Kyohi continues to walk down the hall looking down with his right hand on his chin, he walks into another student.

"Oh, I am sorry."

"Yeah, you better be, or you would be finished."

Kyohi stopped and turned to see who said that, and when he fully turned around, he sees Ami. Kyohi gives Ami a smell.

"What are you smelling at?"

"To be honest with you, I don't know yet. So, can you tell me what you are? I know it is not human."

Ami puts her hand on her chest and looks at Kyohi with a face of shock.

"How dare you, do you know who I am?"

"A bitch. No sorry a stupid bitch."

"How dare you. I could get you expelled for this, but I am feeling nice."

"You, being nice. Now that is funny."

"You have a big mouth for a 1st year."

"Yeah, I have been told before."

Ami bits down on her teeth, then smells.

"I guess you leave me with no choice."

Ami points at Kyohi

"Every day from now on, you will be picked on by a different kid until I get tired of it."


Ami looks at Kyohi with a shocked face.

"Just okay?"

"Yeah, I mean if that is all you can come up with, then yeah I can deal with that."

Kyohi walks away from Ami, leaving Ami speechless and confused. As Kyohi continues to walk down the hall, he walks into the girl from outside.

"I guess you saw everything?"

"Yes, but why did you do it?"

Kyohi gives the girl a smell.

"Well, it is simply really, if I can make every popular student hate me and only me, all you other normal students can enjoy a normal life at school without them up y'all asses every second."

The girl starts to cry.

"Why are you crying now?"

"Because what you are doing for everyone else."

"Well, someone has to do something. So why not me."

Kyohi gives the girl a tap on the head and walks to his next class. As for Ami, she goes to the council room to talk to the other top 10 most popular students to see what they can do with Kyohi.