
To Have A Second Chance To Reunite With My Love

Asutashi · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The Letter

As the concert comes to an end, Kyohi looks down at his watch and sees that it has already been 3 hours.

"Time really does fly at concerts."

Yoshiharu looks over at Kyohi's watch then grabs his phone out from his bag and sees what time it shows in his phone.

"Yeap, it sure does."

("Bro, my watch says the same time.")

Kyohi stands up and stretches his back a little, as Yoshiharu just looks at him.

"Gets old."

"Oh, shut up."


Kyohi walks to the door as Yoshiharu stands up from his seat and flows right behind Kyohi out the door. As the two get closer to the exit starts to smell, as he turns around and starts to walk back to the stage. Kyohi looks back at Yoshiharu with a confused face before saying.

"Where are you going, Yoshiharu?"

Yoshiharu looks back at Kyohi as he keeps walking to the stage.

"You know, I'm just going to get that girl's number for you."

Kyohi felt like he became a stone statue when he heard that from Yoshiharu. He then runs after Yoshiharu and says,l. 

"I swear Yoshiharu, I'm going to kill you man."

"You have to catch me first."

Yoshiharu starts to run through the crowd as Kyohi chases after him.

"Excuse me. Sorry."

"Let me through. Yoshiharu, I swear."

"Come on Kyohi. You're almost there."

As Yoshiharu gets closer to the stage, he feels his shirt get pulled back, and as he looks back he sees a man in a black suit.

"Hello sir."

The man in the black suit gives Yoshiharu a serious look before saying.

"Why in the hell are you boys running? There are people around here that you could run over."

"Yeah, sorry about that sir."

"Yeah sure y'all are."

The man in the suit looks back at Kyohi, as Kyohi looks like he is out of breath. Kyohi points at Yoshiharu.

"Good job sir, you stop him."

"Stop him, you mean I stopped you both?"

"No sir. You see that man was about to do something stupid."


The man in the black suit looks at Yoshiharu before looking back at Kyohi. As Yoshiharu gives Kyohi a concerned look on his face.

("I swear to God, Kyohi. You better not get me in more trouble than I am already.")

"So, what stupid things was your friend here going to do?"

"Oh, it is the worst or the worst sir. You don't understand."

The man in the suit looks confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Yeah, what do you mean, Kyohi?"

Kyohi put on a serious face then went to speak but forgot what he was going to say.

"He was… was…" ("Why can I not remember what I was trying to say.")

"Hey boy. Are you trying to play tricks on me."

Yoshiharu looks up at the man in the suit.

"No, no. Just give him a minute. He will come up with something."

"Oh, I see. Wait, come up with something?"

"Yeah, you know, something to cover his ass…"

Yoshiharu and Kyohi both just realized what Yoshiharu was saying, as the man in the suit grabs both of them and drags both of them out of the building. After both of them get dragged out of the building, they start to walk to Kyohi house as Yoshiharu asks Kyohi a question.

"So, what highschool you going to after th8s summer?"

Yoshiharu looks over at Kyohi, and sees him on his phone not listening to anything he is saying.

"Hey, Kyohi."

Kyohi looks at Yoshiharu with an annoying look on his face before looking back at his phone.

"What look was that for?"

Kyohi looks forward as he puts his phone in his pocket and speaks.

"I am just kinda annoyed when people ask me that. I mean my mom has been asking me that for the past 3 months and now you're asking me."

"Well, see, I only want to know where you are going as your best friend. Your mom needs to know so she will know if you're getting the right education."

"Yeah, I know. I just have not thought of it. So just give me a day or two and I will apply for the school I want to go to."

"All right, I will hold you to it. O yeah is your mom making that good pasta of hers tonight?"

"Yeah, I think she is."

"Awesome, your mom the best."

Kyohi and Yoshiharu get to Kyohi house, where Kyohi mom cooks her pasta that both Kyohi and Yoshiharu love. After all, three of them ate, Yoshiharu went home and Kyohi went to bed. 3 days later Yoshiharu texted Kyohi to see if he applied for the highschool that he wanted to go to.

[Hey. Did you do it."]

["Do what?"]

["You know, applied for the highschool that you want to go to."]

["Oh, yeah I did."]

["So, what highschool was it? Miyu High, Kimuka High, or is it Yokote Kita High?"]

["I applied for Tensai High."]



["Well, the good news is that if you get in, you have almost 100% chance to make a good live when you graduate from Tensai High, but you have to be good at something to get in or really good grades."]

["Yeah, I know, that is why I applied because of my grades. I don't think I have a skill that could get me in but my grades."]

["That makes sense. I mean you were in the top 10 smartest in our class in middle school."]

["Yeah, that is true."]

["Well, how long will it take to hear back from them."]

["It said up to 5 days so we will see if I get in."]

["You got this bro I believe in you."]

["Thanks man."]

{5 Days Later}

Kyohi's mother was cleaning up in the living room when she heard someone knocking on the front door.

"Thud, thud"

She walks over and opens the door to see who it was. When she opened the door the mail man stood there with some letters in his hand.

"Oh, it is just you Mr. Mura."

"Good morning Mrs. Subete, how are you doing today?"

"I am doing just fine, thank you for asking."

Mr. Mura hands Mrs. Subete 6 letters.

"These are for you Mrs. Subete."

"Thank you. Now you have a great day Mr. Mura."

"You to Mrs. Subete."

Mr. Mura walks away as Mrs. Subete closes the door behind her. She starts to look through the mail and she sees one of them with Kyohi's name on it.

"Oh, and who sent this one?"

As Mrs. Subete looks closer at the letter, she sees that it is from Tensai High. She instantly walks over to Kyohi's door.

"Hey Kyohi sweetie, you have a letter for you."

Kyohi is laying on his bed playing on his phone, as he looks at the door then back at his phone.

"I will look at it later mom."

"I think you should look at it now sweetie. It is from Tensai High."

Kyohi instantly stood up from his bed and opened the door.

"What does it say?"

Mrs. Subete held the letter in front of him.

"I don't know, why don't you read it and tell me."

Kyohi grabs the letter from his mom and walks into the living room and sits down on the couch, as he opens the letter his mother sat down right next to him to see what the letter says. As Kyhoi gets the letter opened he starts to read the letter then looks at his mother with a face of joy.

"I got in."

His mother gives him a hug with a smell on her face.

"That is my sweet little boy."

"Thanks mom."

Kyohi stood up and started to walk to his room, as his mother asked him a question.

"Where are you going, Kyohi?"

"I have to text Yoshiharu that I got in."

"Oh, okay. You should also ask him to join us for dinner."

"Yeah, that is a great idea."

Kyohi's mother walks over the table counter to grab her keys.

"Okay, Kyohi. I am going to get things for the store for dinner tonight. Be back in a little bit."

"Okay mom."

{Kyohi texting Yoshiharu}

[Hey, man guess what.]

[You got a girlfriend.]

[You're so funny.]

[I know. So what is up]

[I don't know if I want to tell you now.]

[Oh, come on.]

[Okay. I got a letter from Tensai High today.]

[For real. What did it say? You have to let me know.]

[Well long story short, I got in.]

[Hell yeah, that's my boy. I guess I need to try to get into Tensai High now lol.]

[You can try but with your last grads I don't know if you can.]

[Thanks for the support.]

[No problem. Oh yeah, my mom asked me to invite you for dinner tonight.]

[Oh, I will be there. Your mom's cooking is the best.]

[Watch it, hope your mom doesn't hear you say that.]

[She will never hear that from me. I would like to see the next day.]

[Lol. See when you get here.]

[Yeah see you soon.]