
To Go Even Further Beyond (Dragon Ball Z)

Once upon time I was a normal guy. Now, I am Kakarot, the clone of Son Goku created by Kami. There isn't much time, but I'll use it wisely, and go even further beyond. https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 - Feel free to support me on Patreon.

0_Jordinio_0 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
94 Chs

Progression 3

Bulma sighed, leaning against the railing of the veranda we were in, "...It's just, everything going on y'know?" she replied to my question about what was bugging her, "Things haven't been great with Yamcha for a while, he's always getting caught up with those fangirls of his now he's a baseball star, and beyond that call to tell me about you, he, nor anybody else actually have contacted me since. And everyone's totally leaving me out now just because I'm not some muscle head!"

Huh. Well, that was something I didn't know about. Seriously, he had to have a phone or something with him if he contacted her about me. It's been nearly a month and a half since I woke up here, and he would have probably called her on the first day I appeared. Quite a while to ignore your girlfriend for now wasn't it?

"Yamcha's never been the most well thought out guy," I shrugged, "If you called him up and told him about the problems between you both, he'd probably try and put in more effort."

Bulma scowled crossing her arms under her prodigious bust, "I got on at him all the time about the fangirls he loves to dote on, but he never changes about them," she spat, before shaking her head, "Besides, I shouldn't have to tell him these things. We've been in a relationship for years, but it's always felt like I'm the only one trying to make it work."

Well, I had to give it to her there. "Then dump him, it's not like Yamcha's the only one you could ever get with," I replied easily, I'm so not one for relationship drama bullshit, if someone is wasting your time, then why bother with them? If they don't care enough to put in some work themselves, they're not worth it, "You're rich, hot and probably in the top five smartest people on this entire planet."

Bulma bit her lip at my words, but nodded hesitantly in agreement, "...That is true," she murmured, before her gaze sharpened and she looked at me weirdly, "Wait, did you just call me hot Kakarot? I thought you guys like knew nothing about sex, hell, even when I asked Goku about how he and Chi-Chi did it to make Gohan, he didn't even get what I was talking about."

I scowled at the reminder of that dunce. Disregarding the memories I received from that other man, as Kakarot, I had gained full functioning knowledge of sexual reproduction while within the gestation pod. Honestly, I cannot understand how that dunce never learned about sex early on considering how pervy grandpa was, not to mention Master Roshi.

"Didn't I tell you not to compare me to that idiot?" I crossed my arms.

Despite my tone though, Bulma just smiled widely, "Well, so since you're basically the same as him, just much smarter, that means even Goku was never immune to my looks huh?" the busty bluenette giggled before giving me a sly wink, "I wonder how travelling with him would have went if he was like you and never lost his memories."

I rolled my eyes, but allowed a smirk to grow on my own face, "I can't speak for him," I shrugged, "But, if it was me personally, you wouldn't have had to worry about that boyfriend crap you were so obsessed with back then."

Bulma blinked at my words before going wide eyed, a slight flush spreading across her face, "Wait….seriously!?" she goggled at me.

"Seriously, serious," I replied shamelessly, "Like I said before, you're rich, smart as hell and as hotter than the surface of the sun. And you are, or rather were Goku's closest friend besides Krillin, though personally, I personally prefer you more. If I was going after a girl, it would be you I went for before anyone else."

Bulma continued to stare at me wide eyed for a few moments, her cheeks getting progressively darker before she squealed lightly and slapped her cheeks, "Ah! I've got no idea how to react to that!" she shook her head and growled at me, "Why'd you have to go and say that you brat! Now I won't be able to stop thinking about it."

"Heh," my smirk grew, "Fine with me. But how can you expect anything else? You should remember how many times I've seen you naked."

Quite a few memories came to mind. From the original taking off her panties, to walking in on her in the shower, various things like that. The main one my mind focused on right now though, was when we were dealing with General Blue and getting an up close view of her in nothing but her red tube top and thong wiggling her big, round ass around.


It had made even the original feel all tingly inside, though he hadn't realised what that feeling was. Goku might not have ever understood it, but Bulma was right in deducing that even he had been attracted to her back then.

"Oh you little perv!" she snapped out of her embarrassment quickly. Bulma shook her head and pressed a hand to her forehead, "This is a lot to take in y'know? And there I thought I didn't need worry about being embarrassed about any of that because Goku didn't understand it at all."

"Trust me, you've got nothing to be embarrassed about." I replied, giving her a blatant once over with my eyes, making sure she saw them lingering on her abundant cleavage.

Bulma rolled her eyes, but didn't shy away at all, didn't block my view in anyway and didn't even reprimand me, "Out of curiosity, do you still have that bunny outfit you got from Oolong?" I asked. I always loved that outfit on her.

"Oh man, you really are a perv aren't you? Here I was just calling you one for a joke," Bulma groused, shaking her head, "And I do actually, it's in the back of my closet." she answered, nonetheless.

"Good to know for future reference." I nodded, very, very pleased.

She arched a brow, "Oh, and why is that?" she raised an eyebrow at me. "You think I'll wear it for you?"

"Hopefully," I replied shamelessly again, beating around the bush is not in my nature, if I want something, I'll go for it, "You're relationship with Yamcha looks to be dying. You might be able to fix it, but if I'm being honest, I hope it fails so I can go for you myself."

Despite the situation, Bulma snorted out a little laugh, before outright chuckling, "Y'know, as flattering as that is Kakarot," she began, "Even if I do break up with Yamcha, I'm twenty-eight years old, and you're what? About fifteen at most memory wise."

Good points in all honesty. "Irrelevant, despite Goku growing up here on Earth, we are not humans, I'm a saiyan," I replied, besides I have the memories of a full grown man as well, "We're a warrior race, age means nothing to us when it comes to relationships. We go for the best partner, and here on Earth, you're top of the pyramid." technically Eighteen is still around, but what Eighteen provides in strength, Bulma more than makes up for with her genius, her intellect and abilities as a scientist are massive type of strength themselves. Besides, it's not like Eighteen can pass on her abilities to offspring.

"Well, nothing I can say to that at least." she shrugged, though there was a certain coyness to her tone, and a little proud smile on her face, "How about we table this discussion for now and get to what you came here for?"

Yeah, I already had the scouter, now, I needed to see about my space pod and the gravity chamber. "Fine with me, I'm polite enough at least to not try and make you my woman while you're already with another." I replied. Something about being a saiyan made things like this seem so simple and not worth beating around the bush.

"Sure, why not, let's go with that," Bulma laughed lightly, "But, as far as the real reason you're here for is going, the gravity chamber you wanted isn't quite done yet."

Putting aside the situation with Bulma, I frowned, "Ah, too bad," I replied, it had only been a month after all, I wasn't sure how quickly they were made in your memories of the future, so I couldn't even guess a rough estimation of how long it would take.

Bulma quickly raised her hands, "No need to looked so disappointed, jeez you look like somebody just told you your puppy was ran over," she said, "It's not far off, and if it was just the gravity chamber, it would be done already, but I've had a feeling you'll be going off planet, so me and my dad have been using your space pod to create an all new, much larger ship, and it will have the gravity chamber within it."

Excitement filled me then. I thought I would need to just use my space pod and sleep on the journey to Namek, but with this, I can actually train while I go, just like the original did when he went off to Namek. A massive grin spread across my face, "That's amazing Bulma!" I gushed, and unable to contain my excitement I bound over to her and swept the taller woman up into a great big hug, lifting her up into the air.

"Oi oi! Watch the hands you little perv!" Bulma banged on my shoulders, and that was when I realised, my hands were sinking into something large, round and delightfully jiggly and soft.

I let go of her lovely ass and set her down, "Sorry, my hands slipped." I apologized, it was actually all instinct after all!

Bulma snorted, narrowing her eyes at me and reaching down to clasp her ass in both hands, "Suure they did," she drawled sarcastically, before she reached out and bonked me atop the head, "Like hell I'd believe that after what you just came out with a minute ago! Especially after you just spent a month with that perverted turtle hermit!"