
A new world

I had fully awaken upon this new bed, I stared at my hands, then went to look at a mirror. I was shocked to see a younger self of me. I looked like at my 30s, could I be dreaming? A lady walks in the room.

"Oh you're finally awake?" she said.

"Umm, where am I?" I asked.

"My name is Helen, and well, I found you in a river passed out. So I thought you might've need a bit help," she said.

"I think I was teleported to another world, just before, I was in a court and suddenly.. everyone went nuts," I said.

"Huh?" Helen said.

"Oh, sorry. Never mind, I think I should get going," I said.

"But wait, you're still injured," Helen said.

"I'm fine, I've been through-" I said as I collapsed on the wooden plank floor.

Helen took me back to bed, it seemed like I was really dehydrated and hungry. So she fed me some chicken soup and bread. Anyways, I'm still wondering how I end up here. Everything feels strange, and actually better. I knew I was teleported into another world, but what kind of world. So I asked Helen as she was treating my wounds which I wasn't sure how I had a bruise.

"Helen, world is this. I think I've lost all my memories.." I asked as rational as I can without sounding crazy.

"You've lost all memories? That's quite strange, never met someone who's lost their memories before. And it seems like you don't know what world you're in," she laughed.

"Uhh, well, when I was a kid I got hit in the head really hard. Ever since, I've had memories problem," I said.

She seemed pretty shocked or surprised. "Well, if that's the case. Then I can teach you all about the world, but promise me you won't go running off, okay?" Helen said.

"Deal" I replied.

She took my outside, and not what I was expecting. I thought I had been teleported to the past, but I saw 2 giant lizard man, a dog man, and flying lizards on the sky, vibrant birds and creature roam around. It felt more like a mmo rpg game. Wasn't expecting this type of situation. Then I spotted a knight with silver armor, he looked pretty old and drunk. He ran up to me.

"Oi lad! The man who my daughter has fallen for?!" He yelled.

"Names reifah, been a knight for 50 years, best warrior you can find out here," he said.

"Father, please be gentle with him. He's lost his memories," Helen said.

"Lost his memories you say? Well then he could start becoming a knight in his new life! Then maybe one day rule the lands or Varexo!" Reifah said.

"That's not happening, he first must know the knowledge of this world. Lets first take him to leader of the village," Helen said.

The old man was pretty energetic, but at the same time clumsy and drunk. I had no idea what to do, but Helen seemed more sane than her father. So I followed her. She took me to the leader of the village.

"Welcome Helen and fellow newcomer," he said.

"Hi mayor," Helen said.

"Please, call me Daniel Helen, I used to know your mother for years, we're practically friends," he said.

"Well, Daniel. As you know, I've bought this man from which I found in the river from the forbidden forest," Helen said.

"Ah yes, the forbidden forest, you know girls shouldn't be there, too dangerous for such a light hearted caring person," Daniel teased.

"I know, I just wanted to help," Helen said.

"I'm just playing, so anyways, can you leave me and this newcomer for now?" Daniel said.

"As you wish," Helen replied.

Daniel, he looked about 50 years old, almost like Reifah. The leader of the village, he seemed pretty wise. Maybe I can trust him in this new world.

"So, what is your name fellow newcomer?" Daniel asked.

"Name is G- Elliot," I replied.

"So what brings you here? Family? Invitation?" Daniel asked.

"Helen told me I was found in a river, passed out. And I can't remember anything.. except my name," I replied.

"Hmmm, quite strange. I don't usually have fellows whos forgotten their memories," Daniel said.

"Well, I'm not asking much. I just want to know.. what world I'm living in," I said.

"What world you're living in? Well, its quite a curse and protection at the same time. This world, is a world fill of hate, anger, and frustration. We're all greedy, and we're all looking for power so we can prove to one another how worthy we are. We pretend to care, only so we can feel good. At least that's the theory anyways, when we need hope the most, it vanishes and with love comes with fear and weaknesses. The point is, are you ready for this new world?" Daniel asked.

Thinking back at my past life, it was the same as we he had said I suppose. But there was no turning back, whatever happened, happened. And now back there, people will still think of me as a murdered.

"Not sure if I'm ready, but I think I remember a part of my life. Where I would get punch in the face, and get back up until I could no longer keep getting up," I replied.

Daniel smirks and then began grabbing 5 books from the shelf. Placed them down on the desk of his office.

"These 5 books, from 5 kingdoms. The Red Kingdom, founded by King Proktor. The Lion, also known as the Leone Kingdom, founded by King Chove. The Blood kingdom, founded by King Trumite. Scorpion Kingdom, founded by King Eli. And then the Underworld Kingdom, lead by a demon lord, founded by King Atomis. These are the books about how the kingdom shaped the world we now live in, but as of now. There is one kingdom we should be worrying about," Daniel said.

"And what's that?" I asked.

"The red kingdom, its a kingdom we're dealing with right now and have been dealing with for 200 years. The red kingdom is currently lead by King Dekurah. He's a powerful king whos taken over many lands and country, he's the only kingdom that's currently trying to stretch his power all over the planet. But we know they won't stretch his power to other kingdoms, but there are many people living here that have been slaughter for opposing them. A rebellion about a million was formed to defeat the red kingdom. But the red kingdom had such strength and warriors, we eventually hide and hopefully reach their weakness soon enough. The red kingdom has almost over 500,000 soldiers including supporting civilians. They also have dragons and special grade mages," Daniel explained.

"Well, the rebellion have already lost before even fighting," I said.

"I fear that may be true, but, we can't just let them kill us all can we?" Daniel replied.

"You said it yourself, they'll only kill us if we oppose them. I say listen to them or found somewhere else to move," I said.

"Can't you see, there isn't anywhere to move. Everywhere we go, another kingdom comes and tear us down, until then we will gather every warrior and take down the red Kingdom and rebuild our own world where everyone can live peacefully," Daniel said.

I was starting to think, that this world was worse than my previous one.

"So, now what? I just sit and wait until we either lose or win? Its hopeless then isn't it. Guess you were right, maybe this world is a curse," I said.

"Hmmm, well I did say we might have a chance," Daniel said.

"Not sure if I heard that part," I replied.

"As of right now, we're outside of the red kingdom territory, we're playing it safe by not opposing them. But we're also building our personal soldiers. The red kingdom doesn't mind it as they have nothing to fear with such powerful army. Sometime they red army would come and visit, looking for young children or healthy adults to join their army forcibly. But the point is, if you're willing to become apart of our troop, then it is your choice to make. What kind of life you want," Daniel said.

"But I want to live in a peaceful world, without fear or imperialisms," I replied.

"I don't think you have a choice," Daniel said.

"Well then why did you ask me what life I want," I replied.

"What life do you want in a corrupt world? A bystander or someone against the bully?" Daniel said.

"I don't want to risk my life, and I'm not fit for combat," I said.

"You'll be trained, I've met many visitor who have come here from barley lifting a boulder to shattering a mountain," Daniel said.

"That's funny," I replied.

"I'm being serious, but its up to you. I give you the knowledge of the world, you choose what life you want," Daniel said.

I thought about it. "Alright then, I'll join your rebellion. But don't expect much from me," I replied.

Daniel smirks. "Well then, I will be talking to reifah. And tomorrow there will be a rebellion training, but we call it hunting school to keep it a secret from the red kingdom," Daniel said.

I went outside of the office and there I see Helen waiting.

"You're finally finished," Helen said.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Don't tell me, he made you joined the rebellion," Helen said

"Yeah, how did you know?" I asked.

"Well.. he's always doing that to newcomers," Helen replied.

"Well, should I take you back to the house?" Helen asked.

"Sure, I guess," I replied.

We went back to her house, she taught me some things about this world. Other than kingdoms ruling lands. But the creatures, race, countries, environment and the nature of the planet.