

I woke up in a strange wooden room, I felt quite strange. Couldn't really feel the usual smell of air, as if I was on another planet. Am I dead?

Before I had awaken in this room, I was a high ranking officer, general. I lead a group of U.S army into a battlefield that I thought was going to be a triumph. Its the year 2025, modern military technology advances like always. Countries still in conflict, nothing has changed. I fought alongside with my comrade, hoping to draw the battle to victory. But I was wrong, the outcome had plunder almost all of my comrades, and we dealt with high casualties. During mid battle, we had soldiers who were still defending on the frontlines. I was in panic, I froze up, couldn't make a call. Airforce, retreat or keep on fighting. The battle took place in a city somewhere in the U.S.

"Sir, your orders!" my lieutenant yelled.

"R-retreat! Fall back now everyone!" I commanded.

"But sir, we still have men on the front lines. And there are also squadrons over the outpost, they're corned and are being suppressed fired at," the lieutenant said.

I wasn't thinking straight, everything was loud, more soldier began telling me what I should do. I began losing focus and made my final decision.

"That's an order! Everyone fall back now!" I yelled.

The soldiers began falling back and retreated. I did as well, this was not going good for us. I then began initiated air force strike as we were being fired at. 10 minutes later, I looked back, I still see some men still defending their post. Some retreated, some stayed and fought. Then suddenly a you could hear the sound barrier the jets made as they close by, dropping missiles which would obliterate every building including my own soldiers.

A day had passed, we ended up settling at a U.S base near a forest. About 5,000 U.S soldier had died, 450 injured, 123 MIA. I had heard the mission was a success from a call, but it felt like a great loss at the same time.

"General Elliot, commissioner Goanman wants to speak with on you the phone," said my lieutenant.

I went to talk to the commissioner on the phone, we had a talk about the mission.

"I understand but-"

"That's quite enough, the media and people are going mayhem. What you had just did was reckless and out of order. General, you've been in the military for 60 years, your first thought was to abandon your men? Listen... I'm trying to help you out here because.. there might be a trial," the commissioner said.

"Trial? What trial? You can't be joking, listen what I did was needed, otherwise a lot of our men could've been all killed. You tell the commander in chief, no trial is needed" I replied.

"General, its not up to me. I'm sorry but, as of the moment you will be placed under arrest from the orders of commander of chief," the commissioner said as he hung up the phone.

A week later, I was uphold trial for abuse of power, manslaughter, desertion, and alleged murder. There were families who had lost their loves one, the court was loud, people were angry. The court took about 5 hours, I had my lawyers, I tried my best not to say things on my own. Even though I believed I was in the right, anything I say could backtrack on me. More than a court would uphold a trial for me. It took about a month to go to a bunch of trials and testimony. And then the final day, the day where the court rules me guilty or non guilty.

"Elliot, or General Elliot of the U.S army, accused of Manslaughter, abuse of power, murder, drinking on duty, is found.. non guilty," the judge said.

Everyone began shouting, the crowd get angry and a protest began emerging. And out of that crowd, a man with a black cap comes over to me, pulls a gun from his jacket and in that moment. Everything went dark. I was shot in the forehead, which made everyone panic even more, but I think some or if not, most were happy to see what I deserve.