
Times Up

A girl named Thea has to go through difficult times in her life since her father died, she feels her world is shattered and problems keep coming into her life, she feels she doesn't have anyone in this world even though she still has her mother whom she hates so much. It doesn't stop there; problems keep happening and she has to go through it alone. Until she met someone who changed her. The introverted Thea slowly becomes someone who opens up since meeting Luna, a friend she finally had during high school. Luna helped Thea get out of her comfort zone and convinced her that life was much better out there. But she has to meet Milly, someone she saved earlier. After knowing her, Thea's world was getting messy, and problems started to bother her, it was not her responsibility to solve the problem, but a feeling of guilt continued to grow inside Thea. The problem opened her up and made her a new person, she had no friends but because of that problem, she had many enemies who were ready to destroy her. But for Thea her life was shattered long before she encountered that problem, to be precise when her father died and her mother abandoned her. She went through many problems, from family, friends, school, love to grudges, and becoming one in this story.

inpeaceplace · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 11

Last night was a new thing for Thea, she never thought that at only 16 years old, she would start to see the evil world outside with her own eyes. She thought that only her family was destroyed, but it turns out that there are many more broken than herself.

Many people like crowds just because they don't want to feel alone, but many people like silence just because they want to be understood. Being at home is not what Thea wants, but staying alone in her room all day is the best thing, lying in bed listening to her favorite music is more than enough.

But last night, she saw lots of people who came to the party, many of them were drunk and kept dancing as if they wanted to escape the trouble that was in their heads. But in reality, the pleasure is only momentary.

Next week Thea and her friends are going on a field trip to Jeju island, and they have to pay before the weekend. But Thea hadn't even said anything to her mother about the field trip, she had no intention of going there even though all students were required to go.

That morning Thea went to school, as usual, and she saw Luna already at the bus stop, alone. Thea walked over to her and sat beside Luna.

"Morning" Luna greeted and as usual, Thea ignored her.

"Thea, you're on the field trip right?" Luna said.


"Why? Aren't all students obliged to come?"

"I don't have money"

"Do you want to use my money? I have savings, not much but--"

"No thanks"

"Even though I want you to come, we will have fun there"

"Luna, can you act like I'm your only friend? I know you're like this just because you feel sorry for me."

"No, you're right, you're not my only friend, but I'm your only friend, right?" Thea just glanced at Luna.

"Oh yeah, Sam told me that last night Noah looked confused after talking to you, what exactly were you two talking about?"

"Not important"

"Then why did Sam tell me that?"

"I don't know, I'm just asking something simple, maybe he's confused by my question"

"What did you ask him?"

"Luna" Thea sat facing Luna.


"How long have you been close to Sam?"

"Hm I don't know, maybe almost a year, what's wrong?"

"Are you also close to the others?"

"No, I'm only close to Sam, Julian, and Ethan, why?" Thea was silent.

"Thea, what's wrong? Don't make me curious"

"You said you're my only friend right?" Luna nodded.

"Will you help me?"


Arriving at school, Luna and Thea split up, they headed to their respective classes, Thea passed Noah's class and his friends and at that time Noah saw Thea, he immediately ran out of the classroom to hold Thea.

"Thea.." Noah shouted and Thea stopped, she turned towards Noah who was approaching her.


"Come with me" Noah pulled Thea, and passed back to his class and this time Ethan saw them leave. Noah took Thea near the stairs, no one was there because the bell would soon ring.

"What?" Thea said.

"How did you know about Milly?"

"Know about what?"

"I asked you first"

"I don't know what you mean"

"How did you know I had sex with Milly? You weren't there at the time, did Milly tell you?"

"Did you do it?"

"Don't make me angry Thea, you don't know who I am, now answer my question"

"I think you don't know who I am either, this is none of my business, this is your business with Milly, why are you asking me something that only you two know"

"What happened to Milly?" Noah said.

"What did I say to you yesterday?"

"I'm going to be a father, what does that mean?"

"I'm sure you're smart enough to guess what that means, as a man, you should be responsible for what you do, don't dodge like a coward"

"What? What did you say?"

"You heard that well" Thea left Noah in his stupor.

"Damn it!" Noah muttered.

Thea went to her class but she was surprised to see Ethan not far from where Thea and Noah were before.

"What is it?" Thea said.

"What happened to you and Noah?"

"This is none of your business"

"He's my best friend"

"Then just ask your best friend" Thea looked at Ethan at that time.

"Are you two have a relationship or something?"

"Ethan, what if Karen knows you're asking me this? She might think, you like me" Thea said and left Ethan alone there, Ethan turned to Thea, but he only saw Thea getting further away from him.

The bell rang, and it was lunchtime, Luna approached Sam in his class, they were all there, preparing to leave the class.

"Sam" Luna said.

"Hey, why are you here?" Sam said.

"I want to talk to you"

"About what?"

"But not here, do you know a secret place? I will tell you something important" Luna said.

"You better take her to the hotel, there is no room here for two lovebirds like you," Noah said and left his class.

"Sam, we'll wait for you in the canteen," Julian said and Sam just nodded. Sam took Luna to the library, a place he always went to when he needed peace.

"What happened?" Sam said.

"Sam, we promised not to keep anything secret right?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"Do you know about Noah? He got Milly pregnant"

"What?!" Luna immediately covered Sam's mouth with her hand.

"Can you please stop yelling like that" Sam nodded and Luna released her hand from Sam's mouth.

"Who is the gossip from?" Sam said.

"It's not gossip, Milly told Thea"

"And you know this from Thea?" Luna nodded.

"Did you go to the party Karen threw at the hotel last month?" Luna said.

"Yes, I went to the party, but... Luna, I know Noah is an asshole but he can't possibly do that"

"But that's what happened, Milly almost killed herself because she found out she was pregnant"

"What? Is that true?" Sam said.

"Thea said it to me and I was also surprised to hear it"

"Then why are you telling me about this?"

"I trust you, I need you to help me, Thea and Milly"


"I want you to find out the truth"


"Sam, please you say you love me right?"

"Yeah, but this has nothing to do with helping you."


"Luna but he's my best friend, what will you do if you manage to get what you want?"

"I don't know, Thea didn't say anything to me, but at least he admits what he did to Milly and takes responsibility." Sam was silent.

"Sam, please, you're the only one I can count on"

"Fine, I do not promise I can get information about this but I'll try"

"I love you" Luna pecked Sam's lips and Sam just smiled.