
Go Future Me

Izzy had Fridays and Saturdays off so they made plans to meet at six tomorrow and early the day after so Julian would have the whole day to work on it. She really didn't want to waste her whole precious weekend hanging out with the enigma she would supposedly marry but she had to help her kids.

Speaking of her kids…what was she supposed to do with them all day before going over to his apartment? She didn't want them to do nothing but watch TV but she had zero ideas for entertaining children that didn't cost money.

She supposed she could take them to the park but Roz probably wouldn't have much fun with that and it would only last for an hour or two. A whole lot of day would be left afterward.

She wasn't too proud to ask for help though. Roz and Ed already seemed to realize she had absolutely no idea what she was doing and had cut her an amazing amount of slack for it. Once Nora was asleep, she asked them what sorts of things she normally did with them.