

what the hell about Hero stuff!! Why protect humans when I have the power to annihilate them all... let's having fun with u in this new world

GOODAY · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs


Me, Hana, Elva, and Riza were picked up by two Imperial soldiers, they were the two of them who would take us to the meeting place. After walking for a few minutes, we finally arrived at the meeting place.

I was quite surprised to find out that this meeting was taking place in such a beautiful place like this. How not, this meeting was held in a building that stands in the middle of a lake which is also surrounded by various hills.

Woah... I didn't expect the Empire to have a place like this.

We walked across a small bridge to get to the meeting place. The guard who was at the place immediately opened the door of the room as soon as we arrived.

Oh yeah, we're also forbidden to bring any weapons into here. So I left my sword in the room. All eyes were on us when we entered this room.

But I ignored them all and immediately sat down in the designated place. Elva and Riza also stood behind us like bodyguards from other Kingdoms, this meeting finally started after we came.

"Introducing, my name is Sakura Hanazono. And I will be the moderator at this meeting."

The woman who has pink hair opened this meeting with her voice that sounded very graceful.

"Before this event starts, let me introduce the leaders who are willing to attend this meeting…"

"The host of the organizer of this event. The Sun Emperor, Hikaru Kagami-sama."

Hikaru looks quite dashing in the clothes he is wearing, and for some reason he just emits a mana aura from his body. Even though he clearly can control the aura very well.

Or is he doing this on purpose? Yes, it seems so...

"From the Beast Kingdom, King Leon Panthera."

As his name suggests, he is a lion-type animal man. He really looks dashing with his big muscles and the wound in one eye also makes him look terrible.

"Leader of the Moon Kingdom, Xavier Alexander."

From his appearance alone, it was obvious that he was an arrogant and greedy King. It can all be seen from the shape of his very large body and also the various jewelry worn by him.

Hey, Greed. It seems that person is still more greedy than me, why don't you choose him...?


Uh! Why is that...?



Yes, yes... I'm sorry...


Eh?! Alright, I'll take your advice.

To be honest I was very surprised to hear this, but I had to be as calm as possible so as not to arouse suspicion.

"From the Female Kingdom, Queen Medusa Vermilion"

Kingdom of Women? It's the first time I've heard of it… but all the representatives from the Kingdom are indeed only women.

Eh?! Tail? Does that woman have a tail...?

The woman's appearance really looks like an ordinary human, only she has a tail. So I don't know if he belongs to the human race or not.

"Queen Levia Carcharias of the Sea Kingdom."

The woman really looks very elegant with hair and eyeballs that both have a navy blue color. The clothes she was wearing also really made me lose focus.

I could feel Hana's murderous gaze while I was watching Queen Levia, so I quickly looked away from her.

"Then from the Star Kingdom, Queen Frisca Star accompanied by the Hero Party, Mark, Julia, and Rikka."

I was quite impressed to see that they were still able to hold on after losing the strongest King and Magician not too long ago, even though it was all Hana's doing. But who is the person who is escorting the Queen...? I just saw it for the first time.

That person isn't around either, could it be that he's dead? I don't know, I don't care either.

"The latter; Miss Earth Dragon, Hana Pendragon. And the former Hero, Yoru Edelhard."

Huh?! Why did you introduce myself as a former hero...

"We have two topics that will be discussed at this meeting. First, Miss Earth Dragon will establish its territory as a Kingdom. And secondly, regarding the Demon Race's increasing activity."

For a moment, the atmosphere in this place actually became very calm. I can even hear the sound of the wind blowing through the ventilation in this room. Until finally, King Xavier gave his opinion.

"I don't agree with the territory becoming a Kingdom!"

All eyes were now on him, but I remained calm because I still wanted to hear the reason.

"Can we find out the reason, King Xavier…?"

Oh! To think Hikaru would say the same thing I was about to say.

"Most of the land in the area belongs to us, so I won't give it away."

"Why did that place become yours? It's clear that the area has become uninhabitable due to the war that occurred 200 years ago. Wasn't the Moon Kingdom formed after the war…"

As I said all this, the look on King Xavier's face started to look annoyed.

From the direction of the conversation, it was obvious that the Moon Kingdom wanted compensation or title to the territory we currently occupy.

"Why do you look panicked, isn't what he said true..."

I didn't expect King Leon to join this conversation.

"The territory belongs to us! You have to give some money if you want to use it."

Tch, what a greedy person...

I didn't expect him to say this so openly in public.

"I don't agree with that either."

I was quite surprised to hear Queen Frisca say this, I thought she would agree. Even Mark and the others didn't seem to know this.

"Listen to me human, I didn't come to this place to seek your approval. I'm just telling you that the territory is mine."

I didn't expect Hana to say all this, even though she hadn't said anything to me before. Of course Queen Frisca and King Xavier could only hear all this.

"How could I allow a being like you to create a Kingdom…!"

"So what!? Do you have a problem with that human…?"

The atmosphere in this place was getting hotter and hotter; and the bodyguards from the Star Kingdom were also starting to look worried. Even I don't even know if Hana will follow this conversation to that extent.

"A murderer like you doesn't deserve to make an empire."

"What are you saying! How dare you talk to me like that, human!"

The aura from within Hana's body overflowed after hearing Queen Frisca say that, to the point that the necklace that was used to suppress her aura was shattered. Hana also took out some roots to strangle Queen Frisca.

Everyone became very depressed by the aura that Hana gave off, there were even some people who fainted because of this. Panic was seen on the faces of everyone present in this place; and the guards were also seen preparing magic.

Damn it! The thing that Queen Frisca meant was definitely about her husband's death. I have to stop this immediately.

I used the [Mind Control] skill to stop the movement of everyone in this place.

"Don't try to get out of this magic if you don't want to die!"

I crushed the root that was strangling Queen Frisca and let her loose. He coughed a few times with a face that looked really scared

"Hana, look at me! Please stop all this…"

I held his cheek as I continued to look into his eyes.

"Yo-Yoru… she called me…"

"Then why, what's wrong with that. The Star Kingdom has imprisoned you for over 200 years; If I were you, I would definitely kill everyone who has made me suffer…"

Hana's dragon aura slowly began to calm down, although it still made others depressed. I immediately created a shattered aura suppressing necklace using the [Create] skill and immediately put it around Hana's neck.

Thanks to this, the terrifying aura emanating from Hana's body had completely disappeared and the atmosphere in this place became calm again. I also released the effect of [Mind Control] magic on everyone here, so they can move freely again.


Hana just nodded when I asked this.

Hgnn...! Why are you so cute.....

Feeling exasperated, I pinched her cheeks and it only made her even cuter.

"Let me continue this, you can go and calm yourself..."

"Is that okay...?"

"Don't worry, I'll be fine..."


I created a clone and also asked Elva to accompany Hana until this meeting was over. Elva happily agreed to my request, but something very rare happened when they were about to leave this room.

Hana suddenly hugged me really tight, and I was quite surprised by that. Because as long as we live together, it's always me who makes the move first. So I was both surprised and happy to see Hana do this.

After kissing his forehead and rubbing his head several times, the two of them finally left the room.

Okay! Let's finish this meeting.

"I'm sorry for what just happened, we can start this again..."

I lowered my head and apologized to everyone here, and I was quite surprised to find out that Riza also lowered her head when I apologized.

Riza, I didn't expect you to lower your head even if it wasn't your fault. Because of this, I gave him my respect.

"Former Hero Yoru…"

"Ah, please just call me Yoru..."

I cut off Queen Levia's words when she called me a former Hero. I don't know who suggested the nickname, but it's a really ugly name.

"In that case, okay; Yoru! Can you explain what the Earth Dragon imprisoned for 200 years means…?"

Ng?! Don't they know about this...?

To be honest I was quite surprised after hearing Queen Levia ask this question, because I thought they all knew about this.

"200 years ago, the hero of the Star Kingdom had succeeded in defeating the Demon with the help of the Earth Dragon. But the Hero instead sealed the Earth Dragon in the valley of darkness. A few months ago, for some reason I fell into the valley. Inside there, I met a Dragon named Zarias; then she asked me to release Hana from the seal that bound her."

Almost everyone in this room looked so shocked after hearing my story, even Emperor Hikaru lost his cool because of this. And of course, all gazes were now on Queen Frisca.

All the leaders except King Xavier and Emperor Hikaru showered Queen Frisca with questions.

"Is everything he said true…?" (Queen Medusa)

"Queen Frisca, please explain to us…?" (Queen Levia)

"Oi, don't tell me your Kingdom intends to use Earth Dragons as weapons…?" (King Leon)

Queen Frisca looked so depressed as the leaders showered her with questions. The bodyguards and the Hero's Party also looked very confused about this situation.

"Please calm down! I will explain everything…"

Thanks to those words, the other leaders sat back down and the atmosphere in the place became calm again.

"Everything Mr Yoru said is true. But our Kingdom has absolutely no intention of turning it into a weapon."

"Then why did you imprison him for 200 years?"

King Leon still kept asking for an explanation on this matter. Honestly, I'm a little suspicious of him.

What was he really looking for...? just curious or something else?

"The seal magic used by Hero Brixton has a bit of a specialty; the magic can only be released by the user of the seal, the Hero Brixton. But the Hero had to die after using that magic, that's the reason the Earth Dragon was sealed for 200 years."

King Leon and the others looked quite shocked after hearing this, even though I also just found out that that person died immediately after sealing Hana.

"For now I will believe your explanation…"

It seemed that King Leon seemed quite satisfied with Queen Frisca's explanation and he didn't ask any more.

"Alright then, we'll get back to the main topic. Are you going to accept the territory currently occupied by the Earth Dragon as its Kingdom…?"

With this question, it seemed that Hikaru wanted to get back on the topic of this meeting.

"What about you, Emperor Hikaru. Do you agree…?"

Oh! To think that King Xavier would ask this first.

"Of course I agree, only a fool would refuse that."

The look on his face that was so annoyed once again appeared on King Xavier's face after he heard Hikaru's answer.

"The Moon Kingdom still won't agree to this."

"My kingdom will not approve of it either."

Yes... the attitude of the two of them has been very clear since earlier. But I don't care, even though most of them don't agree. Hannah and I will continue to make our territory a Kingdom.

"I have no reason to refuse, so the Sea Kingdom will agree."

"The Women's Kingdom will also approve…"

"Well... whatever the outcome of this meeting, I think they will still build an empire. So I just agree…"

Heh... to think King Leon could have the same thoughts as me, I'm quite impressed.

"What the hell, didn't I tell you that our Kingdom didn't agree!"

Tch... the fat guy still doesn't agree.

"Until then, I will never approve of the existence of that Kingdom!!"

After saying that, King Xavier and his subordinates left the room with faces still looking annoyed and dissatisfied.

It's good that he's gone, I'm already fed up with his behavior.

"We as event organizers sincerely apologize for what just happened, I hope this incident will not happen again."

Sakura Hanazono lowered her head and apologized to all of us in this room.

I was quite impressed to see him do that, even though it was clear that it wasn't his fault.

"In that case, the four kingdoms have already made their stand. With this, the Earth Dragon's territory will be recognized as a Kingdom."

Sakura Hanazono as the moderator of this meeting has announced that the territory we currently occupy will be recognized by other kingdoms. In this way, our territory will truly become a country.

"Thank you very much, I hope our kingdom can have a good relationship in the future. Once again, thank you."

I could see a few tears and a very sincere smile on Riza's face when our territory was truly recognized, and I was quite happy to know that.

Elva once told me how difficult the life of their Race was after Hana was sealed. The Elves must try to survive the attacks of monsters who dare to attack the settlements, they also have to be wary of the human kingdom who intends to kidnap and sell the Elf as a slave.

For 200 years, they must continue to try to survive all threats that endanger the Elf Race until Hana is finally freed by me. So I can understand why Riza reacted like this.

I immediately informed the results of this meeting to Hana and Elva through my clone. Like Riza, Elva also shed tears when she heard this and Hana also seemed very happy with this news.

"Then we will move on to the next topic. That is the increased activity of the Demon Race."

"Before we start, may I know the reason why Demons and Humans are at war with each other…?"

As far as I know, the Demon Race is really obsessed with conquering the Human Race. But I don't know the initial problem that made these two Races at war with each other. Therefore, I have to ask this question to make a decision.

Eh?! Why is everyone still silent, do they also not know the reason.

"The reason huh.... to be honest I don't know either."

Gee! How could you not know the root cause of all this. Then why are you fighting all this time?

Honestly, I can't believe I can get an answer like this from Emperor Hikaru. I thought you were a know-it-all, but you're not.

"Even though I don't know it, we still have to stop their cruelty…"

Yes... I think you're right.

"First of all, can we ask the opinion of the Hero Party of the Star Kingdom that has faced demons in the current era…"

The moderator of this meeting opened the discussion by asking the opinion of the Hero Party who had faced the Demon army.

"I Mark, the leader of the Hero Party; will give a little bit of my opinion, the Demon Race must be exterminated immediately! The things they do to Humans are unforgivable, they kill humans, tear their bodies, rape women and do other cruel things. After seeing that, I wish I could exterminate them soon."

I was quite surprised to see Mark's attitude that seemed to hate the Demon Race a lot, but it was all in keeping with his very high regard for justice.

"I totally agree with you, Hero."

Unexpectedly, Queen Medusa was the one to respond to this in the first place. For some reason, I could feel a sinister smile coming from him the moment Mark called for an immediate extermination of the Demon Race.

"Why do you look so eager to exterminate them, wasn't your kingdom never attacked by the Demon Race."

"I have my own reasons for exterminating them…"

Once again I felt such a terrifying aura after Queen Medusa said this. It seems that he really wants to exterminate the Demon Race, although I don't know why.

I was quite surprised because the people in this place were silent as if they did not notice the aura that was emanating from Queen Medusa's body. Then when our eyes met each other, Queen Medusa smiled sincerely while closing her eyes on me and the aura that enveloped her instantly disappeared.

Eh?! She seemed aware that I was watching.

I looked away from her and acted normal as if nothing had happened.

"Honestly the Empire does intend to go to war with the Demon Race, that's why I gathered all of you in this place to ask for help. I'm sure we can beat them if we work together, how...?"

"For now the Beast Kingdom will remain neutral. Because until now, the Demon Race has never come into contact with our country at all, so I hope that you will accept my decision."

"Our kingdom will also be neutral, it seems the Demon Race only wants to conquer the human kingdoms and they have never touched our territory at all. So we will not take any stance against them; but if you ask for help, then Aqualand will immediately help you"

I was quite surprised to hear that the two of them chose not to help the empire. But I was more surprised to learn the fact that the Demon Race had only been attacking the Human Empire.

If that's true, then I don't need to prepare myself to fight against them. Our territory is only inhabited by Elves, so I hope the demons don't attack us.

"Yoru-san, how about you…?"

Emperor Hikaru asked me this directly, and he seemed to have high hopes for my answer.

"From the words of King Leon and Queen Levia, it seems that the Demon Race only wants to conquer the Human Empire. Since our territory is only inhabited by Elves, I won't cooperate with you…"

I could see a hint of disappointment on Hikaru's face when he heard my answer. Even so, I must say this anyway.

I'm sorry Hikaru

"I see, even though I really hope you can help us..."

I couldn't help but smile in response to Hikaru's words.

"Calm down Emperor! Unlike them, my Kingdom will definitely help."

"I am very happy to hear that, Queen Medusa."

The Women's Kingdom has agreed, meaning that there is only one more Kingdom that has not yet declared its position; the Star Kingdom.

If you heard Mark's words earlier, it was very likely that the Star Kingdom would also join the Empire. But this is just my assumption, I also don't know if they will cooperate or not.

"What about you, Queen Frisca…?"

"It would be foolish for me to waste this opportunity, so our Kingdom will join you."

"Thank you, I hope our Kingdom can work well together."

"Yeah, I hope so too..."

According to my estimation, they will definitely cooperate.

"In that case, the two main topics in this meeting have succeeded in reaching an agreement. First, the Earth Dragon's territory was currently recognized as a Kingdom; and secondly, the three great Kingdoms, namely: the Sun Empire, the Woman's Kingdom, and the Star Kingdom have formed an alliance to fight against the Demon Race. With all agreements reached, it means that our meeting today has been completed. I'm Sakura Hanazono as the moderator at this meeting to thank all the leaders who have been willing to attend this meeting, once again I thank you."

Finally! This tiring meeting was finally done.

I lowered my head slightly as I wanted to leave this room; and leaders from other Kingdoms responded to this in a similar way. I immediately walked out of this room with Riza who followed behind me.

Actually I wanted to use teleportation magic to return to the inn room, but I abandoned my intention because I felt it would be rude. So I just rushed to the inn to meet Hana again.

It didn't take long, we both finally arrived at the inn. I could see Hana and Elva who were chatting in front of the inn as if they were waiting for the two of us to arrive.

"Ah, Yoru is back…"

Hana smiled very sweetly and waved her hand when she saw me.


Oh! How surprised I was when I saw Elva who suddenly ran and immediately hugged Riza very tightly. Honestly, this is the first time I've seen the two of them hugging. It turned out that it was not only me, Hana was also surprised to see this.

After a while, they both finally stopped and I could see their faces turning red with embarrassment.

"We… we're sorry! Miss Hana! Lord Yoru…"

"No problem... I'm quite happy to see you two making out."

Both of their faces turned even redder when Hana said this, and for some reason I was quite happy to see them acting coyly like this.

"We'll be back tomorrow. So you two can have some fun before we head back, just think of it as a vacation for you guys."

"Thank you very much! We will definitely make the most of this opportunity."

With beaming faces, the two of them entered the inn and left the two of us here.

"What about us? Do you want to return to the inn or somewhere else…?"

"Let's go eat, after that just go for a walk to the city."

"You think there's only food, huh..."



Right now, Hana and I are exploring a place that looks like a shopping center. I assume this is because this place sells a lot of goods and also food. Hand in hand, the two of us continued to enjoy this outing.

The people here are also very friendly towards the two of us, maybe they know that we are guests of the Empire. But thanks to that I feel comfortable in this place, because usually we both always get strange looks when we go to a city; and that sometimes annoys me a little.

Although this place is comfortable, it's still very hot during the day. Looks like Hana is also starting to look hot.

"Hana, want to rest for a bit...?"

"That is a good idea!"

Finally the two of us looked for a shop to rest.

How surprised I was when I realized that various shops in this place used signs bearing the letters of countries in Asia such as Japan, China, and Korea.

Shit! Why didn't I notice it earlier?

I pulled Hana to a shop that said 'Ice Shop' in Japanese. I can understand the writing because my father is Japanese, in fact I lived there until finally my parents divorced when I was in elementary school.

The bell rang as I opened the shop's door; and a man who was quite old greeted us very friendly.


Oh! I thought this guy would speak Japanese, but he doesn't.

I sat down in one of the chairs and immediately opened the menu book. Once again I was surprised by the various menus that were quite familiar.

"I don't really understand these foods...?"

"You calm down, let me choose!"

The man who seemed to be the owner of this shop came over to our table after I called him.

"Would you like to order?"

"Yeah, I want Kakigori, Anmitsu, and Mochi Ice Cream."

"Okay, please wait a moment..."

It didn't take long, finally our orders were immediately served on the table.

Shaved ice that has various colors because it is drenched in syrup really looks appetizing. Anmitsu also looks really delicious with various fillings, but Mochi Ice cream is what caught my attention the most.

"Nice! This ice is so delicious..."

Hana seemed to really enjoy the shaved ice, even her tongue turned the color of the syrup in the shaved ice.

"Just… my recommendation can't be wrong."

I also tasted the Mochi Ice Cream that we ordered, the softness of the Mochi and the sweet taste of the Ice Cream made this combination so delicious. I also enjoy this food even more when I find the green tea flavor which is my favorite among this Mochi Ice cream.

After being in this shop for a long time, Hana and I finally decided to take a walk again. I gave 2 silver coins as payment before the two of us left this tavern.

The two of us immediately left the shop, and the shop owner looked down with a very happy expression.

We visited the shop a lot and saw the goods sold in this place. I also bought Hana a hat to block the sun from hitting her head. She looked very happy, but I had to pierce his hat so it could be worn between his horns.

I bought a lot of paper and ink to stock up on manga when I got home. As for Hana, she only thinks about eating; even now his hands are full of various snacks and drinks.

"Want to find a seat to enjoy it all?"

"Yeah, I'm tired of holding on to all of this too."

"Want to go to the park yesterday…?"

"OK, I think it's a good place..."

I immediately hugged Hana and immediately activated [Teleportation] magic to get there. In an instant, the two of us had moved from the shopping center to the cherry blossom-filled garden.

The air in this place feels much fresher, maybe because this place is full of trees and is on higher ground.

Hand in hand, we looked for a seat to enjoy the food that Hana had bought. But I was quite surprised when I saw that the Hero Party was also in this park.


"Oh! Hi..."

How about this! I didn't think they would be here.

Will Hana be angry... What should I do...?

"Yoru, I'm really sorry."

I was quite surprised to see Julia suddenly apologize to me.

"I'm sorry for everything that Axel has done to you"


Because the atmosphere was so awkward, I asked all of them to sit on chairs in the garden. It turned out that Hana didn't mind this either, so I could chat for a while with my friends.

In this park there are seats right under the cherry blossom trees, so we all decided to have a chat in this place. Even though Hana was sitting with us, it seemed that she was only focused on the food she had bought.

"Let me repeat, I'm sorry for everything Axel did to you..."

"You don't have to worry about that, I've already forgotten about him."

After I said this, the atmosphere became quiet again.

"We forget all that. Yoru! How are you?"

"Sure good.."

The silence was broken when Mark asked how I was doing.

"Yoru, are you sure you won't help us conquer the Demon race…?"

Come on Mark, why do you have to ask a question like this.

"Haven't I rejected that since the first time we all came to this world."

"But by defeating them, maybe we can all have a clue to returning to Earth."

"Rikka's right, don't you want to go back?"

Eh?! For a moment I felt a little negative aura coming out of Hana's body.

Suddenly Hana wrapped her arms around me from behind, and I could feel a soft feeling on the back of my neck as she did this.

"Hey human! Don't try to snatch Yoru from me."

I could see the expressions on the three of them suddenly turning into one of fright.

"Calm down Hana, I also have no intention of going back..."

After I said this, the aura on Hana's body slowly disappeared and my friends returned to their normal behavior. Hana also went back to eating the food that had been bought by her and didn't care about our existence.

"You really don't want to go back...?"

Julia asked this very seriously, her eyes were even glaring at me.

"Yeah, I really don't intend to go back..."


Rikka tried to calm Julia as she started to raise her voice.

"Yoru, can I know the reason?"

Unlike Julia, Mark asked this more calmly. So I can explain my reasoning better.

"There's no particular reason, I'm just comfortable living in this world."

"What about your family, don't you miss them?"

Rikka asked me.

"Of course I miss him, but it seems they don't care about me anymore. Unlike this place, there are people who are always worried about me; Even though she is sometimes childish, she is always there for me."

I said this while stroking Hana's head, but it seemed that it was disturbing her who was eating.




Gee! Why is there no response at all, do my words sound strange?

I was a little confused when I saw my friends just speechless after I said the reason I wanted to be in this world.

"If that's your decision, I can only respect it."

I just smiled when I responded to Mark's words.

"Okay then, let's go..."

"Eh! Are you ready to go?"

I was quite surprised after hearing Mark say that.

"Yeah, we still have a lot to do..."

"Yeah, Yoru..."

"Yoru! See you again..."

The three of them got up from the chair and immediately left.

"Hey, come over to my place if you have time…?"

"Of course! I will look forward to it very much."

Julia looked very happy when she heard my offer and immediately answered it. Mark and Rikka also looked happy when I offered this, and they ended up leaving me alone with Hana in this park.


Finally, the event that I made has been successfully organized. Although there are a few obstacles, I'm sure it will not be a problem. And soon enough, the main event that I had been preparing for was about to begin.

It's true that my Kingdom intends to defeat the Demon Race, but I have other reasons for inviting several world leaders to this place. I can only hope that my intentions don't cause any problems.

"Excuse me, Your Majesty, I have come to pick you up."

A man with neat clothes came over to me who was currently in my private room. That man was the Imperial advisor who had come to pick me up for the event I had secretly prepared.

"Honey, be careful..."

"Of course."

After hugging and kissing her forehead, I left my wife and went with the Imperial Advisor to the place we had prepared.

Okay! Are you ready; Pride?


Very nice! Let's make this event run smoothly.


After waiting for a while, finally two of the three people I secretly invited had arrived at this place. Of course, one of them looked annoyed by this. But I'm glad they still want to come.

Not long after that, the last person I had been waiting for finally arrived; and that person is Queen Medusa.

Ugh...! I didn't expect him to bring his pet to this place.

Maybe if the pets were animals, I'd be fine; but what he was carrying right now was a human. Once in this room, he immediately sat on his pet like a chair.

I've known Queen Medusa for quite a while; and I also know that she has a strange habit of keeping humans as her pets, especially men. But still, I can't stand to see this.

Likewise with the two people who had arrived first, an expressionless expression could be seen on their faces when Queen Medusa came with them.

But never mind, I have to start this soon.

"I thank you guys for still accepting this invitation from me. Queen Levia, Queen Medusa, and Yoru-san! I really appreciate your coming."

"Could you please tell me your destination, I'm already sleepy."

As I expected, Queen Levia is indeed an impatient person and goes straight to the main topic without further ado.

"I summoned all of you to this place, for we are all users of the same power; that is the power of sinners."

Their expressions were so shocked when I finished saying this.

"What do you mean?"

Queen Levia looks so annoyed while pointing a trident at me.

Wow! It turns out that she can make a trident out of water, a very great control of water magic...

I raised my hands in a sign of peace; and finally Queen Levia stopped using her magic on me. She also sat back down, although there was still a look of annoyance on his face.

"Then, can you explain your purpose..."

While sipping tea, Queen Medusa asked this so casually.

"We're in danger! To be exact, all Sinners skill users will be in danger!"

"Can you explain to us...?"

Oh! Apparently you're also interested in this, Yoru-san.

"Of course, this is the story of the formation of the Sun Empire as well as the creation of the [Sinner Skill] for the first time."


I along with my five comrades were suddenly thrown into a world that we didn't know about at all. I was so shocked when I saw how chaotic this place was; and we're in the middle of this mess.

What kind of place is this!?

The ground cracked and split open, the wind was blowing very hard, and the fire was blazing with great rage almost all over the place.

When I was confused, suddenly a very large creature came towards us. I didn't expect to see an animal that had only existed in mythology, namely a dragon.

The wounded dragon stared at us and suddenly a voice sounded in my head.

{ Humans, please help me! Help me face the God who intends to destroy this world. }

Help!? God?

I really don't understand all this...

Not only me, all my friends also looked very confused.

{ I know you're all confused right now, but we don't have much time! }

After thinking and discussing for a long time, the six of us finally agreed to help the Dragon.

{ Thank you! Accept this as a gift... }

Suddenly, the six of us were enveloped in white light and the light formed a suit of armor that seemed as if we were wearing it. Not only that, each of us also got a weapon that was different from the other.

Not finished there, again there was a voice that sounded in my head. But this time, his voice was different from before.



[ RECEIVE MP : 5,000,000 ]

[ ACCEPT HP : 5,000,000 ]



So many voices suddenly sounded in my head continuously; and this makes me very dizzy. But somehow, I can feel my power overflowing and this is happening to all of us.

I also found out the reason for this mess after the voices popped into my head. It turned out that this chaos was caused by one of the Gods escaping from Heaven and intending to destroy this world.

As the protector of this world, the Dragon strives to protect this world from all kinds of dangers. Some of the inhabitants of this world who are both Demons and Humans are also on the verge of extinction, that's why the six of us were summoned to this world by the Dragon Zarias Pendragon.

{ Yuuta Kagami, Miwa Yonezu, Zhang Xin Yu, Arman Hendrawan, Morgan Star, and Lilia Wright. I have high hopes for the six of you! }

The six of us and Zarias faced God; and finally we all won the battle after seven days and seven nights of fighting.

Even though we defeated him with difficulty, the soul of the god managed to escape somewhere. And we only managed to destroy the physical body of the god named Abaddon.

But the destruction of the god's physical body resulted in the negative mana from within his body being released and uncontrollable. As a result, the environment becomes uncontrollable; there was an earthquake, the wind was blowing so hard that it made a tornado, and the fire was getting bigger because the wind was blowing it.

Seeing this, Zarias immediately tried to stop him by suppressing the negative mana with his positive mana. Me and the others also helped Zarias as much as we could, and finally the negative mana was controlled by Zarias.

Zarias ended up dividing this power into seven, and each of us was given this power.

Yuuta Kagami [ Pride ]

Miwa Yonezu [ Gluttony ]

Zhang Xin Yu [ Lust ]

Arman Hendrawan [ Wrath ]

Morgan Star [ Envy ]

Lilia Wright [ Greed ]

Zarias Pendragon [ Sloth ]

After this fight was over, we parted ways with Zarias; and she flew into the sky leaving us somewhere. We all finally came to human settlements and decided to stay there.

We teach how to speak, read, write, and dress the indigenous people of this world. We also teach them how to grow crops and raise livestock. We created several tools such as lamps, horse-drawn carriages and plows to help the survival of the people of this world.

Ten years later, the six of us succeeded in establishing a Kingdom which we named the Sun Empire. I married Miwa and became the first Emperor of the Kingdom we had created.

After twenty years, Morgan who is now married to Lilia chooses to go and create their own kingdom; that is the Star Kingdom

"These are all things I can only tell you."

I could see their faces were so shocked after hearing all this. That was only natural, as this story was only known to a handful of people in the Empire.

"So the Sun Empire and Star Kingdom were created by people from the same world as me!? That explains why the language spoken by this world is the same as mine…"

"Honestly, I was also quite surprised when I first heard your name. Yoru-san, are you also from Japan like my ancestors?"

"Yes, my father is from Japan and my mother is Canadian; I also have a Japanese name, which is Ishikawa Yoru."

"Sorry to interrupt your conversation, but can you explain what you mean by telling all that?"

Ah! It seems I was too busy talking to Yoru, that Queen Levia protested again.

"As you heard earlier, all of our power comes from God. And it seems that God has resurrected not too long ago…"

"How did you know?"

Queen Medusa asked this with a curious face.

"A few days ago, I suddenly felt a very terrible thing for a moment. Don't you guys feel it too…?"

I immediately glanced at Yoru after saying this. Because I felt this way when I was in Earth Dragon's territory, and it seems Yoru felt the same way back then.

"Wait a minute, so then…"

Yoru looked quite surprised after hearing this. It's not just Yoru, it seems Queen Medusa and Queen Levia also feel it from the look on her face after I said this.

"Then, what happens if he comes back to life…?"

Queen Levia immediately asked this as soon as I finished speaking.

"I'm afraid he'll seek his power back, which is the Sinner skill we're now using."

"So you mean, we are being targeted by that God?"

"Possibly, but this is just my assumption..."

Queen Levia sipped her tea after I said this.

For a moment, the atmosphere of the room became so quiet that I could hear the sound of splashing water in the front pool.

"Hikaru! What would you do if he really attacked?"

Yoru opened this conversation again with his question.

"I need your help!"

I could see the surprised faces of Queen Medusa and Queen Levia when they said this.

"Help! Did I hear wrong? An emperor as powerful and arrogant as yourself is asking for help…?"

Queen Medusa said this in a slightly mocking tone.

I ignored Queen Medusa's words and kept asking them for help. I had to give up my pride to prepare to face God, because I knew that I couldn't defeat him alone.

"Yes! I want us to work together; not cooperation between countries, but cooperation between Sinner Skill users"

I looked at everyone when I finished saying this; but I didn't get any response and just watched them silently.

I really hope they will help me, at least one of them.

"Honestly, I don't want to get involved with the affairs of this world like devils and other troublesome things. But if the existence of that God can cause trouble, then I don't mind cooperating with you. On condition, tell everything you know about this God; how?"

I was quite happy when Yoru said this; and I didn't think that he was the first to agree to work with me.

"Thank you Yoru-san! I will give you all the information you want."

"if you are willing to provide all the information, then I am willing to cooperate…"

I'm even more happy after Queen Levia agreed to this as well. If it's like this, it means that only Queen Medusa has yet to give an answer.

"You're waiting for my answer...? All right, all right! I will also cooperate with you. But I want to know what power you guys have?"

With this, it means that everyone has agreed to cooperate with me. And for Queen Medusa's request, it was an easy matter.

"I have [Pride] within me..."

"I have [Lust]"

Yes, it seems that all of that is already reflected in your perverted nature.

"Heh… I have [Gluttony]"

That power was once owned by my ancestors.

"I honestly don't want to divulge my power, but it can't be helped. I have [Greed]"


Hmm!? Why is your tone so irritated...?


Do you dislike each other, even though you were created from the same source...


Yes, yes! forgive me...

"We already agreed to cooperate, so what are we going to do…?"

"For now, I can only give this thing to the three of you…"

I took the item from inside the [ Item Box ] and placed it on the table.

"Ring!? Why did you give us a ring…?"

Queen Medusa asked this with a curious face. Queen Levia and Yoru also looked curious after I took out the ring.

"This is no ordinary ring, this thing serves as a communication tool that will connect us all…"

I saw their shocked expressions after I said this. This is natural, because usually messages will be delivered directly or using animals as intermediaries.

But unlike other Kingdoms, the Sun Empire had been using this communication tool for the past 10 years; although this tool was only used by the Emperor's nuclear family and a few high-ranking nobles.

The founder of the Empire was the first to come up with the idea of ​​creating this tool; and together with the other founders, they went to great lengths to create this tool. After thousands of years had passed, my sister finally managed to perfect it ten years ago.

"Then, how to use this thing…?"

Yoru asked this while lifting and looking at the ring.

"That's easy, you just have to channel your mana into that thing..."

Yoru and the others did as I said; and suddenly the ring I was wearing started to vibrate.

Bzt... bzt....

"See! the ring on my finger vibrated after you channeled mana into it…"

This vibration is a sign that other ring users are trying to connect to each other. The ring I gave them also has a slight difference, namely that it can only be used by Sinners skill users.

"You're right, the ring seems to react..."

"Try to say something to the ring?"

"Ha-hello… test… test!"

<Ha-hello... test... test!>

Again they were surprised when they heard Yoru's voice coming out of the ring I was wearing.

Because I already understood how to use the communication tool I gave and it was getting late, I finally dismissed this meeting. With this, Yoru-san, Queen Levia, and Queen Medusa have agreed to cooperate in anticipating the attack that will be carried out by Lord Abaddon.

I just hope that this will be the right way.