

what the hell about Hero stuff!! Why protect humans when I have the power to annihilate them all... let's having fun with u in this new world

GOODAY · Fantasy
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14 Chs


Knock... Knock...

I knocked on the door a few times and went straight into the King's private room. I found him still asleep on the bed with several women, so I quickly woke him up.

I kicked their bed and turned it upside down, this succeeded in waking the King and the women who were sleeping up there. The women immediately left this room as soon as they saw me.

"Alpha, could you wake me up in a more relaxed way…"

"Hurry up and get ready, the others are waiting!"

"Yes... yes... wait a moment."

After the King finished getting ready, the two of us immediately headed for the courtyard of the Royal Palace. When I arrived, I could see the six Demon Generals and one million soldiers were already standing in the courtyard of the Palace.

"Act like a king"

After saying that, I joined the other generals who were marching.

We all bowed down at the same time after seeing the King who was already standing on the altar we had prepared for him. With the aura emitted by him, big brother really looks very manly.


Stab! Stab! Stab!

We all managed to attack the Demon Lord by thrusting all seven weapons from behind his body until it pierced his chest.

"Urk… Cough... Cough... What's the meaning of this?"

The king spit out a lot of blood from his mouth after all our attacks hit him.

"We are all willing to subjugate humans, but not led by you... brother."

"So you chose to betray me…? ...God damn it!! In that case, I will kill all of you."

I suddenly felt a terrifying aura emanating from within his body; therefore, I became wary of him and distanced himself from him. This was also done by other generals.

Shit! Why is he still standing, he can even give off an aura like this... you're not normal.

Omega pulled out all the weapons stuck in his body very easily, he did it like pulling a thorn stuck in his body. Omega was still staring at the seven of us very horribly, even though his body was bleeding profusely.

"You think a few pieces of iron can kill me… of course not!"

Omega moves very fast and immediately throws a punch right at my face. I bounced and hit a building until it was crushed by the blow.

Damn it! That punch really hurt.

I can feel excruciating pain in the facial area; and I can also feel the blood coming out of my nose and mouth.

"Omega must be defeated immediately! Cuih..."

After spitting out the blood that was in my mouth, I immediately returned to Omega's place. I really can't believe what happened here. All my comrades were already lying on the ground, even Gamma looked helpless as Omega's gripped his face so tightly.

"Oh, my sweet little sister is back. Good, then you can witness the death of one of these comrades of yours. [Burn]"

Gamma could only scream in pain as the blue flames continued to burn his face. But the high level fire magic continued to burn Gamma until his face was scorched and he lost his life.

I couldn't stop my tears after seeing this. Even though I've never been with Gamma, he's been my best friend ever since.

Calm down mate, your death will not be in vain!

"Kuhahaha….this is what will happen if you dare betray me. With this, there are only six pieces of trash left."

I was furious when I heard him say that, and it seemed that all of my comrades felt the same way.

"Hey, let's do that plan…?"

Everyone immediately got ready when I said this, and we finally prepared to counterattack.

"Activate [Anti Skill Barrier]"

We managed to cast this magic and got the Demon Lord trapped within this barrier.

This barrier has the ability to nullify any magic or skill on the person trapped in it, while the person who activates it can still use the magic inside this barrier with great freedom.

In addition to resisting Omega's powerful magic, this barrier served to withstand outside attacks. So the Demon soldiers won't be able to stop us.

"You're trying to hold back my power huh! But this won't bother me at all…"

"Feel this! Lightning magic [Lightning Spear]"

"I will also help you, Alpha! Fire magic [Fire Dragon]"

I cast mid-level lightning magic and directly attack Omega with it, Beta also attacks Omega with his fire magic. I was quite surprised after seeing Omega could easily withstand the attacks of the two of us with just his bare hands.

Shit! Shit! Shit! Why is he so strong?

"Alpha, Beta, defend the attack."

After saying that, Delta and Eta immediately approached Omega to attack him with a sword. Omega immediately deflected my and Beta's attacks so the attacks hit Delta and Eta.

"Is this the only strength you guys..?"

"Of course not."

Zeta suddenly came out of Omega's shadow and immediately plunged a knife into his neck. The knife that Zeta managed to stick directly exploded and caused a lot of smoke around Omega's body, even the smoke covered his entire body.

"Did you do that, Epsilon...?"

"Yeah, the knife Zeta used I've already imbued with explosive magic."

"Good, as I expected of you..."

Epsilon does have a pretty terrible power, he has a unique skill called [Write]. With this ability, he can write all magic spells anywhere except for living things.

The smoke that enveloped Omega had slowly dissipated, and it turned out that the Demon King Omega was still alive even though his neck was visibly crushed and bleeding profusely. Omega also continued to hold his neck to hold his head up.

"I'm quite impressed to see that you are still surviving my Explosion magic. But it looks like this will be over soon…"

"ka... kuff.. kaa.. li... koff..."

Omega looks very difficult when he wants to speak, it seems that it was caused by an exploding vocal cord. But from the look in his eyes, it was obvious that he was really angry.

With the wounds on his chest and neck so severe, Omega was still able to get up and run towards all of us. Just a few steps walking, Omega fell again and was unconscious.

"Sigh… he finally lost too…"

I took a deep breath after seeing Omega was already unconscious.

"Finally the poison works too..."

All of our weapons that managed to penetrate Omega's body in the first attack earlier were actually coated in poison. The poison is said to be able to instantly immobilize an adult dragon, so I was impressed to see Omega still being able to survive this long after being hit by the poison.

"Immediately proceed with this plan!"

After saying that, the six of us immediately stood in our respective positions and formed a six-sided star (hexagram) with Omega in the middle. Zeta also took out an ancient artifact from within her shadow and immediately placed it near Omega's body.


After saying that, the bodies of the six of us began to be enveloped by black light and a hexagram-shaped magic circle began to appear out of nowhere. The ancient artifact that Zeta brought also began to crack and emit a lot of black smoke that enveloped Omega's body.

I can feel the mana in my body decrease drastically while doing this ritual. but finally the smoke that enveloped Omega's body had begun to fade and we could see a creature there.

"Ah.... I finally got a physical body again..."

The six of us immediately prostrated before the creature.

"We have been waiting for your resurrection, God of Destruction Lord Abaddon"

"You all have fulfilled your promise, thank you..."

I didn't expect someone like him to thank lowly beings like us. His nature is completely different from Omega, even though currently Lord Abaddon has the exact same appearance as Omega.

"This body is very good, but the mana in this body is very low…"

"We have prepared 'food' for you..."

"You are all really reliable..."

Lord Abaddon patted me on the shoulder and immediately jumped into the crowd of Demon warriors. I was also very surprised when I saw a million demon soldiers suddenly fall after Lord Abaddon snapped his fingers, and I could also feel the mana of the demon soldiers starting to flow into his body.

His power is beyond reach.

The six of us immediately approached Lord Abaddon after he finished eating all the mana from the Demon army. And again I was amazed by its power.

"Death is not an end, but a new beginning. [ Arise ]

All the Demons that Lord Abaddon had killed seemed to have revived and turned into Undead.


The six of us and the Undead immediately prostrated before Lord Abaddon as soon as he said that. And now, it's time to start the war again.


One of the Elves in charge of monitoring the surrounding location suddenly came to me in a hurry. When I asked him, he said an army led directly by the Sun Emperor was approaching this region.

Honestly, I was very surprised to hear this. Because as far as I know there are many rumors that the current emperor is quite arrogant. This rumor I heard while still in the Star Kingdom, so I don't know what it's like.

"Are you sure that they are Imperial troops…?"

"Yeah, I couldn't have seen it wrong."

How about this...? I do not know what to do. Think! Think! I have to think! ...err.... ah, I know!

"Mera and the others immediately prepare a room, you go back and tell Elva to welcome the Emperor's arrival..."

"Okay, Lord Yoru."

The Elves immediately left this room and did my bidding.

"Yoru, are you all right…?"

Hana suddenly grabbed my hand as she asked this, and it eased my mind a bit.

"I'm fine... I'm just a little confused about how to deal with the Emperor..."

"Don't worry, I will always be by your side. I'm also prepared to destroy him if he behaves unkindly…"



Hana and I sat in the room that had been prepared by Mera and the others while waiting for the arrival of the Sun Emperor. Until now, I still hold Hana's hand very tightly, this I do to suppress the feeling of being so nervous.

Not long after that, Elva and her husband as well as the Sun Emperor with his four bodyguards entered this room. The Sun Emperor slightly lowered his head to both of us when he entered this room, so I did the same when he saw him do that.

"Miss Hana, Lord Yoru, we have brought the Emperor..."

"Please, sit..."

"Thank you..."

I invited the Emperor to sit on the bench that we had prepared, he immediately sat on the bench and his four bodyguards stood behind him. Elva and her husband, Riza, also immediately stood behind the two of us after the emperor took his seat.

"Please forgive my impudence for coming to this place without informing me…"

"Ah… yes, it doesn't matter…"

Eh?! I was quite surprised, apparently the Emperor was not that arrogant. He seemed quite friendly and smiling, unlike the rumors I heard.

Mera served tea and some snacks to all of us in this room. After serving tea, Mera immediately left this room in a very polite manner.

"May I know your intention of coming to this place…?"

"First allow me to introduce myself. I am the Sun Emperor, Hikaru Kagami."

Emperor Hikaru told him his purpose in coming to this place, and it turned out that his purpose was to invite Hana and me to a meeting they were going to hold in the Sun Empire. Emperor Hikaru also said that the leaders of several major Kingdoms would be there.

"Why do you intend to invite us? this place isn't a kingdom...?"

I'm asking this because Hikaru said he invited several leaders from a fairly large Kingdom.

"Honestly I invited you because I wanted to ask for help..."

"Ask for help...?"

I was quite surprised after hearing Emperor Hikaru say he wanted to ask for help.

"The meeting we are holding will discuss the development of the Demon Race, and there is a possibility that we will go to war with them. So we need the strength of both of you, especially yours; Miss Earth Dragon."

"What are you saying!"

Hana suddenly gave off a terrifying aura and made everyone in the room wary, even Emperor Hikaru's bodyguards began to draw out their weapons.

"Hana, please stop..."

I immediately grabbed both of his hands and tried my best to calm him down. After Hana looked into my eyes, the aura she gave off slowly disappeared.

"Excuse my rudeness..."

The Emperor's guards began to re-sheath their swords when Emperor Hikaru apologized. And finally the atmosphere in the room calmed down again.

"Hana and I have no interest in facing the Demon Race, so I will refuse your request if it is related to the Demon Race."

"You heard that didn't you, so hurry up and get out of here!"

From his gaze and tone of voice, it seemed that Hana was still annoyed with Emperor Hikaru.

"Okay I understand, but can I make a suggestion…?"


"Yeah, what if you declare this territory to be a Kingdom."

I was quite surprised when I heard the suggestion, but it doesn't seem like a bad thing. Not only me, Hana, Elva, and Riza also seemed interested after hearing this.

"You know, you can get a lot of advantages if you make this territory a Kingdom."

Emperor Hikaru explained the advantages of this region becoming a Kingdom; such as cooperating with other kingdoms, and conducting trade on a large scale. And the longer Emperor Hikaru explained this, the more interested I became in making this place a kingdom.

"Hey human, I'm quite interested in your proposal."

Oh, I didn't expect Hana to just admit this. And Emperor Hikaru also showed a friendly smile when he heard Hana say that.

"But how do we declare it…?"

"That's easy, you just need to declare this at the meeting we're going to have; and the Sun Empire will be the support of this kingdom, how…?"

Why this person could say such things so easily, I became a little suspicious of him.

"Why are you so easy to help us, are you after something from us...?"

I say this while giving off my dragon aura slightly. I did this to put some pressure on the Emperor, although I was quite impressed that he was able to withstand the aura that Hana had given off.

As I did this, the Emperor's guards started to look wary again. But I immediately used the [Mind Control] skill and immobilized them all.

"Don't just be silent, answer my question!"

"Actually I want to return the favor, I want to return the favor to Zarias-sama..."

Huh?! Zarias, why did that name suddenly appear in this conversation...?

"What do you mean by repaying my mother, human…?"

"In the Empire, we regard the true Dragon Zarias Pendragon-sama as a guardian God. Therefore, we want to serve and help him as much as possible. And this reason also makes me want to help you as one of his descendants."

I had previously used the [Mind Control] skill to read Emperor Hikaru's mind, and I didn't expect that there wasn't the slightest bit of deceit in the words he spoke.

"Why is my mother so important to you...?"

"Because of him, the Sun Empire was able to form."

"How about it, Elva, Riza, do you guys agree that this place becomes a Kingdom…?"

"It will be very helpful for our Race, but we will still accept any decision you will make…"

Elva answered this in such a polite tone while lowering her head.

"I see… then, how about you; Yoru...?"

Looks like this answer of mine will be decisive, so I'll have to think about it as best I can.

The kingdom huh... would be great if that could happen. But we need careful preparation; we need a system of government, defense, and other things that can support all of that.

I honestly don't think the Elf Race can fulfill all of these things. but for now, I agree to declare this territory to be a Kingdom and let other Kingdoms know of our existence.

"I agree, but for now we will only declare that this territory belongs to us and the Elves."

"Why is that...?"

Hana tilted her head as she asked me this.

"You know, we need very thorough preparation if we want to become a respected Kingdom."

"Ohh.... as expected of Yoru, you've even thought that far."

Hana complimented and gave me such a big smile, and it really made me happy.

"Huma-.... Emperor Hikaru, we will accept your invitation."

"Thank you very much. Oh... can you let go of my guards..."

"Oh, ah... I'm sorry."

I immediately deactivated the [Mind Control] skill on the four emperor guards, I completely forgot about this; luckily the Emperor reminded me.


I suddenly got up from my chair in a hurry, and this took everyone by surprise.

What is this feeling! for a moment I felt something really terrible, what is this...?


Yes, do you know anything about this...?


Oh, I see...

When I regained my composure, I could see Emperor Hikaru's pale face. Out of curiosity, I asked what I just felt.

"Did you feel it too...?"

"If you mean a very terrible feeling, yes. I feel it."

I was quite surprised to hear that, because it seemed like we were the only two who felt that way in this room.

"Yoru, why are you...?"

"No, I'm fine..."

Since it only happened briefly and there was no explanation for it, Emperor Hikaru and I chose to ignore it. After this incident, we were back to chatting as usual.

We chatted for a long time, until we realized that it was already dark. Because of this, I also offered him to stay at this place. Emperor Hikaru accepted it happily and Hana didn't mind this either.

I let Emperor Hikaru sleep in one of the rooms in this palace and his guards are still loyal to guard him. I also made room for the rest of the Imperial entourage to stay.


The next morning, we all prepared to leave for the Sun Empire. On this trip, Hana took Elva and Riza as her bodyguards and it was the four of us who would go to the Empire.

Hana applied several layers to this region to prevent outside attacks, I also left a few clones just in case. Since the Elf leader also went on this trip, Elva also appointed one of the elders named Eva to be in charge of this territory.

Emperor Hikaru was also kind and gave the four of us a ride, so I didn't need to invent a horse carriage first. I was quite amazed when I saw Emperor Hikaru's horse carriage.

With six horses that are so dashing as towing the carriage, the appearance of the carriage also looks very-very majestic and luxurious. The various decorations on the carriage seemed to be covered with gold, and also a...

Rubber tire?! Uh...? did I not see wrong...?

As far as I know all tires are made of wood, even the Star Kingdom's chariots still use wooden wheels on their carriages.

"Emperor Hikaru, is that a rubber tire…?"

"Eh? You know this…?"

"Of course, because all the vehicles in my world use that thing."

Emperor Hikaru's face suddenly froze as I said this.

"Your world...?"

"Oh, I come from another world. Didn't I say it...?"

"No, you haven't said it yet."

Eh... I thought he came to this place knowing I was from another world, so he came to this place just because Hana is Zarias' daughter.

We all finally got into the horse carriage and immediately headed for the Sun Empire. All of the Elf races lowered their heads as we left this territory, and this made me feel a little weird.

I, who had always felt lonely on Earth, felt very strange when suddenly recognized by a race that contained hundreds of thousands of souls. Even though I've been recognized by one race, I still can't stay in the crowd for too long.


Hana yawned quite wide when we had just been traveling for a while.

"Are you sleepy...?"

"It's because of whom I didn't sleep..."

Hana said this while rubbing one eye; and it seems his drowsiness has increased.

"Ahaha... I'm sorry..."

I patted my thigh a few times as a sign to let Hana use it as a pillow. Hana finally fell asleep after I stroked her head a few times. Elva also put a blanket on Hana and made her sleep more soundly.

"It seems that Miss Earth Dragon really feels comfortable by your side…"

"But actually I'm the one who feels very comfortable by his side, because Hana is the first person to acknowledge me..."

The two of us chatted a lot during this trip, Hikaru asked a lot about the world I came from and I explained it too. I also told him why I was in this world and ended up living with Hana.

I don't know why, but I feel very comfortable when I tell Hikaru this.

While chatting with Hikaru, I noticed that our party had entered a cave near the Demon Forest. This cave is very-very dark, but I can still see in this darkness with my dragon eyes.

"Why did we enter this cave...?"

I asked Hikaru this out of curiosity.

"The journey to the Empire can take up to 3 weeks if you take the normal route, so we use the teleportation gates that we have prepared in various places."

"Teleportation gate…?!"

"You'll find out soon enough..."

Our group stopped when we reached the end of the cave, Hana also started to wake up when the train stopped. Suddenly a very large rock shifted and made a tremor in this cave. After the rock shifted, I could see various kinds of magic circles inside the stone.

Our group entered the room at the end of the cave, and the magic circle in this place immediately gave off a very bright light. I could feel the vibrations being quite intense, and to be honest it kind of reminded me of the first time I was thrown into this world.

As the light began to dim, I could see we were all still among the rocks. So I assumed that we were all still in the cave. And sure enough, we went back down this cave until finally we could see the exit and the atmosphere I felt was very different when I came out of this cave.

This group continued to follow the existing path, until we finally arrived at the entrance to the territory of the Sun Empire.

"Everyone, welcome to the Empire..."

Hikaru said this with such a friendly smile on his face.

I can feel a strong sense of nostalgia when I enter this region. It seems that this is because the atmosphere of this place reminds me of various places in Asia such as China and Japan.

From the buildings in this area, the facial features of the people of the Empire to the clothes they wear, it all reminds me of Earth. After three hours of traveling from the Imperial entrance, our party finally arrived at the Sun Imperial Palace.

So this is the Imperial Palace, or maybe it's more fitting to call it a Castle rather than a Palace...

As soon as we arrived at this place, the four of us were immediately directed to the place that had been provided. When we arrived at the room, various kinds of food were neatly lined up in the room.

Hana who saw this immediately jumped for joy; and finally we ate together here. At first Elva and Riza refused to eat with us because they felt awkward, but Hana told them to eat with us. Elva and Riza ended up eating with us, because the two of them couldn't possibly go against Hana's request.

"Yoru, Yoru... Look, all these foods are similar to these pictures!"


I was quite surprised when I saw Hana put out a manga.

"Why is this thing here...?"

"Because I brought it.... Look!"

Hana saw the contents of the bag full of manga.

So the big bag that Riza has been carrying contains a lot of manga. But I chose to ignore that, because I could finally see the rice.

Rice! Finally I can enjoy rice...

I feel so happy when I finally get to see rice or Asian specialties; because during 6 months in this world, all I found was western style cuisine.

I enjoy the food that is available at this place, Hana and the others also seem to really enjoy this food. The various kinds of food here also look similar to foods on Earth such as Ramen, Sushi, Tom Yum, Rendang, and other Asian-style foods.

"Cough… cough..."

When I coughed, Elva immediately got me a glass of water.

Damn it! This is so embarrassing...

I took the Sushi again which made me choke, and I realized there was a yellow sauce on top of the dish. I took a bit of the sauce to try it again, and I realized it had a very similar taste to wasabi.

I'm just about to choke...

"Hana, open your mouth..."

I took the food that had made me cough and fed it to Hana. And it seems Hana doesn't have the slightest suspicion of me.

"Hmm! What's this? Waaa… this is so spicy…!"

Hana's face started to turn red and her immediately drank the water that was nearby. Even Hana immediately drank from the water container.

"Hahaha.... you're so cute..."

"Huh?! So you did it on purpose…"

I couldn't help but laugh when I saw Hana trying to get rid of the spicy taste in her mouth. But because of that, Hana found out that I was the one who did that to her.

Hana hit me a few times for this, but somehow she looks even cuter when she does this.

"Yoru, you should also feel what I feel…!"


Hana took out many roots from the ground and made the floor of this room crumble. The roots immediately wrapped around my legs and arms so I couldn't move. When I couldn't move, Hana put the sauce in my mouth and I could only surrender to this.

"We're even, okay..."

"Haha, that's enough I guess..."

After this place became chaotic, the maids in this place immediately asked the four of us to go to the inn. But before leaving, I repaired the shattered floor using the [Create] skill and the room finally returned to its original appearance.

We were given two rooms to stay in, so I shared a room with Hana and Elva with Riza. This room has one very large bed, and what caught my attention the most was the private hot spring bath available in this room.

"Hana, look! this room has a private bath..."

"You're right, and it looks like a very comfortable place."

"Let's take a shower, I'll also rub your back as an apology..."

"Oh! That is a good idea."

The two of us finally decided to go take a shower, we went straight into the hot tub after cleaning our whole body. As soon as I soaked in this pool, I could feel the tiredness from traveling to this place was slowly fading away.

It seems that this hot spring also contains a bit of mana which can restore energy, because my dragon eyes see a green aura mixed in this pool. Coupled with the view of the mountains that can be seen from here, it makes this place even more comfortable.

"Ahh… this bath is so comfortable...."

Hana seemed to really enjoy it when I rubbed her back, even making a sound enough to make me unable to hold my focus.

"Haha, looks like Hana who hates bathing is gone..."

"It seems so..."

When we first started traveling with Hana, she didn't want to take a shower at all when we were in the city. But when we were living together, I kept forcing him to go take a shower.

I wouldn't even let him sleep in the same bed with me if he hadn't showered. because of that he started to want to take a bath; and it seems that now Hana is really enjoying this bathing activity.

We both finally got out of this pool after about 30 minutes of soaking. After wiping the whole body with a towel, the two of us immediately put on the kimono that had been prepared in this room.

"Hana... you really look pretty..."

"Eh? Thank you..."

Huh?! did I say it out loud, I just didn't notice.

"Come here, I'll dry your hair..."

"Is it true...?"


I sat on the bed and immediately cast a little wind magic in my hand. By doing this, Hana's hair will dry slowly. And every time I do this, Hana always smiles very sweetly.

Because it was still late, I asked Hana to get out of this room and look for a place to enjoy the sunset. While walking, we saw a very beautiful garden with a large tree that looked like a Sakura tree.

The two of us finally decided to go there, but we had to pass hundreds of stairs to get to the park. But I've been thinking of other ways to get there.

"There are too many, we better fly..."

"Yes you're right."

Two green wings began to emerge from Hana's back, and she began to float in the air. Even though I can't take out wings like him, I can still fly using [Mind Control] skill.

I can see a giant cherry blossom tree that is so beautiful when I set foot in this place. Not only cherry trees, a variety of very beautiful flowers are also blooming around this park. And this park became even more comfortable because there was no one other than the two of us.

Woah, I didn't expect to find a cherry tree in this world.

"This tree is so beautiful, isn't it..."

"You're right, but this tree will be more beautiful when it's blooming..."

Hand in hand, the two of us circled this garden. And not long after that, we both saw a very beautiful sunset in the west.

Even though I was enjoying the sunset, for some reason I couldn't take my eyes off when I saw Hana. The silky hair in the wind, the sparkling eyes, and the beautiful smile really caught my attention.



For some reason I felt supported by the atmosphere in this place, so I immediately kissed Hana after our eyes met. To be honest I've never done anything like this in a public place, but I dared to do it because there was no one else in this place.

Instantly Hana's face became very red after I did this.

"Hehe… your face looks really cute..."

"Eh… what if someone sees it…?"

"Relax, no one in this place..."

After it got dark, the two of us decided to head back to the inn room. But this time we both decided to go back on foot. I chose this place because I felt the night atmosphere in this place was so comfortable.

I could see the lighting lamp made of magic stone glow as I descended the stairs. After seeing these lights, I thought about doing the same for our territory. Because until now, our area still uses torches as a source of light.

As I was walking back to my room, I was distracted by a very loud voice near the entrance of this inn. And apparently, the crowd was caused by the arrival of a group from another Kingdom.

I could recognize the group when I saw them pass in front of me; and it turns out that they are a group from the Star Kingdom. I even looked at each other with Julia who was also in the group.

Hm.. so they also come. Then, I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's meeting.