
Three chronicles of a Death God

Beginning P: A simple human with a wish to live forever with the World he has created. World Saga Online, the game that many has regarded and lauded as the best piece of video game of the 24th century. A dynamic System, an interesting Multiplayer concept, and a booming number of talented Players to boot. It doesn't restrict the user in any way, and everything they want can be enacted inside their very own World, given that they have enough power to seize and realize it. Death is what he is, and he is the end that many has faced and fallen to. Now, this man seeks the happiness of his new, 'real' family. The family he has built, and one he can't afford to lose now that he has gained it. Beginning D: (Condition isn't met) Beginning N: (Condition isn't met) ************** Author's Note: Long chapters and with much details, so it might be a lot to read. I'll try to be as brief about the details as possible so that you won't have to spend dozens of minutes reading (or if you enjoy it then I'm glad) Thank you for reading this novel and for noticing this little author :)

DaoistQ6aRit · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
46 Chs

Uneventful third day

My third day traveling this New World. I have been walking for almost half a day with nothing interesting happening on the way. I seek shelter under a nearby tree as my human body can't take much of the heat anymore. Sweat was dripping down my face from the trip.

'Well, it seems like my body is functioning properly.'

I rest my head back to the tree and close my eyes. The human body also comes with its drawbacks, that being fatigue.

'It's annoying… I can't muster up the strength to move my body. My consciousness is getting hazy from the heat.'

I debate on whether I should rest or not.

"...Well, if something does happen, then so be it."

I can't think clearly anymore because of my human restrictions. My mind is overheating from the heat, I can't… think straight.



Something is off.


I snapped back to reality and came face to face with a bunch of gelatinous blobs trying to eat away at my equipment and clothing.

"What the-?! Slimes?!!"

Luckily, my equipment is durable, but the slimes still did a number to them.

''Blaze Ignition!"

My entire body was set into flames by my Spell, but none of the heat burned me. The slimes reacted to the intense heat and bounced off.

'Where did you…?'

The slimes, instead of dying from my Spell that could easily deal over 1000 damage, was still sliding around and had no sign of external damage. I was taken aback by its durability, but rationalized that it was possibly due to a special Skill or Passive that kept it alive.

'Slimes are generally made of Magic with a functioning mind of a toddler. They can absorb Mana and Magic to a certain degree until their body erupts and explodes due to overload, but sometimes there are a few exceptions.'

Slimes can be discerned through their color variation, the danger level.

Blue is the basic Slime, one made of concentrated Mana holding together water molecules in basic speech. Green is when a Slime has consumed different types of materials that aren't metal, giving them a harder feeling when hitting it with a weapon. Purple, a branch of three attainable Slime forms, is when it absorbs enough of the Mana from the atmosphere that causes them to inhibit electrical capabilities. Grey is a much harder version of Green. And finally the Red Slimes, a malleable Slime that can shape its body to basic forms or copy forms to a degree.

Amongst the Slime forms, there's also special Slimes that can have a unique ability or Skill that they directly made or copied from observation.

'And this one isn't an out of ordinary color… no, wait a second.'

The slime that assaulted me was green in color, but the inside was a darker, deeper shade of black that caught my eyes when I examined it.

''Soul Gaze."

A window was brought up for me to see. It was one of the Slime's Attribute Window.

[Name: ???]

[Race: Special Slime Variation]

[Level: 85]

[Vitality: 3,219]

[Durability: 2,056]

[Speed: 327]

[Racial Skill: <Cloning Division> ; <Hardened Form> ; <Boosted Corrosion>]

[Racial Magic: <Mana Absorption> ; <Oblivion>]

'...You're an interesting one.'

I approach the Slimes, and in an instant they swarm me without warning. I was once again covered in the Slimes, a tingling sensation was on my face and going further down into my body.


My body was once again engulfed in flames, but this time it had almost zero effect on the Slimes. They kept invading my body, albeit at a slower pace than before.

'It resisted…?'

It was a 5th tier Spell with high Damage, but the Slimes didn't retreat from it.

'It has high Vitality and Durability, which directly translate to pure Defense both Magical and Physical, but this is a little too much.'

"Great Curse: Ormon's Blight."

My orange flames turned black red and a visceral scream resounded. It was the Slime horde's.


The Slimes immediately leapt from my body. A remnant of my Cursed flame still burning them away. I follow the development closely, examining the effects that Ormon's Blight did to them.

[Ormon's Blight]

[Curse Rank: 8]

[Curse Effects:

+Visibility reduced by 80%

+Physical Ailment Resistances reduced by 200%

+Induce the Frail state to the target, as long as the Curse lasts this state will remain

[Resources: -60 Vitality, -3,800 Health permanently]

Curses, especially the Great Curses, all have a hefty Resource need to them, Stats to be exact. It drains you of your own Stats in exchange for a battle changing advantage you now have over your opponent. Curse focused Builds are rare because who would want to exhaust the very resources, the Stats that you painstakingly built up over many years, just for a one time advantage in one out of countless billion fights you'll have during your playtime.

'It's simply not worth it, but it couldn't hurt to have them.'

Curse focused Builds are stupid, but it's never a shame to have a few trump cards. I for one will not shy from sacrifices for winning.

'But this time, maybe just for this time.'

I watched as the Slime separated parts of itself that were on fire. It's now a singular being, and as small as a hand now.

I approached it slowly, and the Slime reacted frighteningly by my approach. I found it amusing, watching the little thing suffer.

"Well, it seems like you no longer have the will to fight back. A shame, since I would've appreciated a challenge."

I spoke to the Slime like it understood my words. I crouch down, eyes still on the writhing and fearful Slime. My shadow casted over the Slime and completely drowns it in shadow.

''You aren't so bad, but I've got better ones than you."

I reached out my hand and was about to grab it until a voice, soft and girly, resounded from it.

"Please… spare… me…"

"Oh…? Mimicry?"

My hands stopped for a moment, before resuming once again towards it. The Slime cowers back, afraid to let my hand touch it, but couldn't move any longer.

''Soul Gaze."

Soul Gaze is a very flexible Skill in my entire Build set-up. It allows me to see the opponent's Stats, their mental state, and peer into their personal memories and deep thoughts. It was the Skill that I acquired shortly after becoming a God of Death, and had been my most frequent Skill in my entire Build.

'Mind… afraid… dark, man…'

'It has a consciousness.'

Words came from its mind, few and simple but words nonetheless.

'It has basic intelligence to be able to use Mimicry, but it isn't listed as a Skill so it must be a natural thing.'

I touch the blob of gel and pick it up with my gloved hands. It was shivering and shaking within my grasp, and its mind was erratic.

'Death… death… death… I'm, going to die?'

"...No, not yet."

I stood up with the Slime in my hands. I raise it to my eye level and spoke to it, as if it knows the words that're about to come out of my mouth.

"I shall give you the opportunity to live under my shadow, consider it a once in a life-time chance. I will show you this World and so many others if you can live."


It made a noise by vibrating its body. The shaking ceased in an instant after that and silence permeated. I take it as the Slime consenting and place it down on the ground.

"Survive, and I shall take you through countless Worlds to satiate your tiny curiosity."

I began walking, resuming my journey after having a small rest and encountering this now adopted Slime. It was strange, uncharacteristic of myself to spare something that would otherwise prove an inconvenience in the future for me.

'Maybe… I am different?'

It was a bit of a weird wording, but indeed, I feel that deep down I have changed my ways of thinking, permanently possibly.

'Soft… yet nice? This is… strange.'

My human insides feel warm, fuzzy even.


It's nighttime on my third day. I set up camp for tonight and an unsettling sound came from… my stomach.

'Shit… it has to happen sooner or later.'

I am half Human, so basic necessities are a must have in order to survive and not lose this form of mine.

'For now, it's not so bad. But tomorrow I should go and find something to eat, preferably cooked.'

I sat down on a rock I got from nearby and stared at the burning campfire with an emotionless pair of eyes.



But, my eyes couldn't stay put on the fire for long. It was because I now have attention on me.

"What do you want, food?"

I didn't turn to the Slime to ask my question.


An audible vibrating sound was heard as a response, and I sighed lightly.

''Tomorrow, at sunrise, we'll look for something to eat inside the nearby forests before continuing. For now, endure."

Slimes don't need to eat physical food, but it seems like this one developed a sense of taste and digestion for whatever reason. It'll be bothersome, but since I also need to eat to maintain form, it isn't so bad of a disadvantage.

"I'll be resting now, be on the lookout for any incoming threats, if you can even understand me.''

I closed my eyes and activated a Magic Eye. It continuously flowed Mana into my body to stiffen its muscles, and I began resting just like that.


The same dream once again. The same, damn dream.

'...I don't want to wake up.'

I rest in my bed, my eyes staring blankly at the ceiling above.

'I want to escape.'

I raise my hands up, but couldn't control or conjure any of my Spells.


I slowly move it down, and close my eyes to sleep again.

"Brother~, wake up, breakfast's about to be ready."

'...Wait, that's not-'

I sat up immediately after I heard an unfamiliar voice calling out for me. My eyes were wide.

'No, it couldn't be.'

I was sweating a lot, my forehead was drenched in seconds, and my eyes were wide as saucers.


I stand up from my bed, looking at my door with a hesitant face.

'It can't be, can it?'

I approach my door and unlock it. Pushing it outward, the house's layout was different this time. It was a hallway that greeted me, and to my left was another door that had a sign on it.

"Celia… Dawn…!"

My mind was thrown into disarray.

'Why would my dream…'

I was thinking of going back into my room. Sleep away this dream. Awake to a better reality than suffer in guilt.

"Brother~, are you u- Oh, well great, come and sit. I'm nearly done with breakfast."

Then, a girl with beautiful golden hair and emerald eyes peeked her head backward from the corner up ahead. With her hair tied in a ponytail and an innocent face filled with purity, anyone would fall in love at first sight to her.


Suddenly, my memories of a time long ago flashed across my mind as I stared at her face. The dear face that I turned away in order to fulfill my ambition.

'Brother, play with me!'

'I'll protect, and be by your side no matter what, Brother!'

'Even though… we aren't blood related, I still love you as my one and only Big Brother. Please, don't…'

'Hello, Big Brother. I've returned, and look at how much I've changed…'

'Hahhh, hahhh… so, this is our end. Your hand, it's still so big, Brother.'

That last smile before her death, I still carry it in my heart and memories. As long as I live, her memories shall forever be with me.


And, with just a single word from her, my mind was clear again.

"Why are you just standing there idly? Hurry up already."

"Right, on my way."

I close the door to my room on the way out. I reached the kitchen where a table was neatly set with two plates and a pair of tableware for each. I sat down and turned to Celia Dawn, my Angel, Death's Light.

'Her favorite…'

What she's cooking right now was the first proper meal that she had ever gotten. Basilius Trout with Red Pepper seasoning, crispy chips as side dishes and a bottle of mead prepared on the counter.

'She can actually handle alcohol pretty well.'

An unexpected thing, even when we first ate with each other when she was just about 14 years old.

"Annnnddd, done! Breakfast's ready!"

She said with a cheerful face. A few moments later, we were eating away at the delicious Basilius Trout, a cup of mead in a big mug for the two of us. The Basilius Trout is a big saltwater fish that weighs about 2 kilograms at least when reaching full maturity. Its meat was chewy unlike most fishes, but the chewiness was what made Celia love it so much.

"Om! Ummm!!"

She was stuffing her mouth with the fish, as usual. It reminds me of a chipmunk with her puffed out cheeks. I didn't eat much, only savoring the fish from time to time and only watching her eat.

''Brother? Why are you just staring at me?"

"I'm just… thinking how beautiful you are, even back then."

"Oh, you flirt. I thought with your face somebody would've tried something with you, but nope, still just a virgin."

"Haha, now, you shouldn't talk like that to your poor brother."

"It's funny! Hehehe, but you should really find someone already. I want to have someone to talk with beside you!"

Her adorable cheerful face was practically radiating sunlight. I nearly bled internally from how cute she looks.

'I want this moment… to last forever.'

This was what she had wanted everyday whilst traveling with me. To settle down in a house somewhere nice, atop a nice hill maybe, and live out our lives with just the two of us if it comes to that. A simple, yet impossible wish for the 'me' back then.

'...I'm sorry.'

Suddenly, a tear rolled down my cheek as my eyes looked down on my nearly empty plate.

"Brother? Why are you crying?!"

Celia rushed over to me and hugged my face to her slightly big chest. Her voice was concerned, and that made my heart ache painfully.

''Is something wrong? Were… my jokes too much for you? I'm sorry, don't be sad. If a woman has seen your face, they would definitely be entranced without a second thought in their minds. I guarante-''

"It's fine, Celia. I'm just… happy I got to chat with you again."

"Huh? Eh? What do you mean? We meet each other everyday, don't we? You're saying weird stuff again, Brother."

"Hahaha… I'm sorry, I dampen breakfast again."

"Nonsense, breakfast doesn't mean shit when I don't have you and your smile. Please, don't be sad. Oh! I know, how about I sing for you? That always makes you smile!"

"It's alright, I'm okay, Celia. Let's finish breakfast, we still have a long day ahead of us."

"...If you say so, Brother."

Celia reluctantly let go of my head, and I escaped her bosom that was so close to suffocating me.

We continued breakfast, with endless chatter that I wished were words that came out of Celia's own mouth.


And so, the fourth day starts.


I was depressed, but my heart soon chilled and my mind was forced to forget that moment of solace I had just moments ago.

'I have a purpose, for now I just need to continue without faltering.'

Yes, steel my resolve, eyes forward.

A new day awaits.