
Three chronicles of a Death God

Beginning P: A simple human with a wish to live forever with the World he has created. World Saga Online, the game that many has regarded and lauded as the best piece of video game of the 24th century. A dynamic System, an interesting Multiplayer concept, and a booming number of talented Players to boot. It doesn't restrict the user in any way, and everything they want can be enacted inside their very own World, given that they have enough power to seize and realize it. Death is what he is, and he is the end that many has faced and fallen to. Now, this man seeks the happiness of his new, 'real' family. The family he has built, and one he can't afford to lose now that he has gained it. Beginning D: (Condition isn't met) Beginning N: (Condition isn't met) ************** Author's Note: Long chapters and with much details, so it might be a lot to read. I'll try to be as brief about the details as possible so that you won't have to spend dozens of minutes reading (or if you enjoy it then I'm glad) Thank you for reading this novel and for noticing this little author :)

DaoistQ6aRit · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Fourth day, still nothing

My walk was uneventful like yesterday. But, it was bearable at least with a small company by my side.

I'm not one for a companion on long trips, but these days my heart is more open for some reason. I accepted this Slime for the sole reason of it being special, and maybe it could prove to be invaluable one day.

'...Though, I do wish there were more action happening.'

In times like these, I would've doubted whether my cover was blown and I'm walking into a trap. I became wary of my surroundings and belatedly noticed something that had slipped my mind.


My stomach growled like a fierce animal. I touch it with my hand, and let out a sigh.

''Sorry, I forgot. Let's go get something to eat, Slime."

I turn back to the green blob that's been following me for the whole trip. Its curious stares, I can feel it.

'It feels like I have a dog…'

I look to my side, the view of a forest that's been the center of my curiosity comes to my eyes.

'It is surprisingly large…'

I use Mana Sense to encapsulate the surroundings, to have a rough overview of the entire forest in front of me. It was roughly 80 square kilometers, maybe a little more than that.

'An abundance in Life, and… Humans.'

My eyes narrowed, and I focused my Mana Sense to picture the humans that I've felt inside the forest.

'A lumber village, cutting down trees and replanting them for future uses. It seems the residences are healthy and well-fed. 24 children and 56 adults, 32 males and 24 females. Polygamy… is surprisingly present there.'

After a short overview of one of three villages, I could see that this forest is populated with signs of Humanity.

'It isn't surprising, I guess.'

I take my first step outside of the dirt road I've been traveling for two days. Life signs of berries and other edible food sources are about 3 kilometers into the forest.

'The nearest is 7 kilometers in, and it seems like… one is on patrol nearby.'

I cast a low tier Spell, Visibility Shroud, in order to blend in with the environment. And, to be extra careful, I also applied it to my companion Slime.

We walk for a while, heading to the destination I have in mind while putting some distance to the threat. And after a few more minutes, a human comes into view.

"Man, this is so boring.''

A kid was walking around with a bored look. His hands picked a berry from a bush filled with it. Black in color, and also leaks black liquid.

''Why can't they leave me alone? I've done nothing, yet why are they doing this to me?"

The boy mumbles and seems to be sulking about something on his own. It wasn't my business, so I just quickly moved out of his view and picked the berries without making any noise. I picked about 40 berries, a large amount that I wasn't expecting to harvest from a single bush.

"Alan… he was so kind when we were young. Ely as well, my friends… have they changed? When? Why?"

From the sounds of it, the kid wasn't always here. His friends changed, and he didn't.

'Adaptability determines the apex, child. Adapt or be eaten.'

I pluck the final berry from the bush and quickly move away from him. It isn't my business to interfere with mortal conduct, especially things as simple as 'life progressing'.

''Such… meanies. Damn them, all…?''

Suddenly, an influx of Mana gathered towards my back. I turned back, as the kid was still there.


When I turned back, I could see the small boy looking in my direction. His eyes were wide, and mouth slightly open.

''Someone's there?"

'...Mana is being used in his eyes.'

It was like a natural thing. His eyes glowed bright yellow with a white dot at the center from his previous dark brown eyes. I stare at him for a second, before turning around and carrying on.

''Wait! W-Who are you?! Stop!"

The kid's voice was loud, making me turn back to him hurriedly and raising my hand towards him.

''That's quite enough. If you don't want to die meaninglessly, then I suggest you forget seeing me here."

"You… you're, invisible?"

"Yes, and you, boy, is quite a talent to be able to exercise and focus Mana. Now, forget or die.''


The boy stayed silent, and silence usually meant either two things to me. Backstab, or obedience.

"If you're not answering, then I'll take it as you accept. Farewell."

I spared him no more words and casted a stronger stealth Spell.

''Mirage Illusion.''

A Magic Eye naturally appeared and my current stealth Spell was nullified as it doesn't have a stacking effect option.

I didn't look back anymore and just went on my way. I am a God, and I've far detached myself from mortal quarrels.

'I'll pick a few more berry bushes before leaving, they probably won't mind.'

With that being said, I carried on collecting snack foods that I'll use to keep my human body from dying. I ate some on the way and shared it with my companion Slime as well. It's a pleasant small little detour.

'Alright, that should be enough to last me a few days.'

Maintaining my human body at its utmost condition isn't my main focus. I just need a flesh suit, nothing more.

I stopped in place and this also prompted the Slime to stop as well.


I start to float upward and fly up into the air. My companion was squirming around a lot, probably from the new sensation of not being on the ground. Frightened, its voice leaked out.

"Gheee, Kreee!!"

Unusual sounds coming from a blob with little sentience. How it produced such high-pitched sounds though, is another mystery.

'Let's head back to the main road… or maybe I can just fly there?'

I start heading back to the road that I've been walking on, only to ponder whether it's a good option to fly to my destination. But, it was too open to fly there.

'A tracking Spell could easily detect me unless I use Anti-Spell Magic.'

But, Anti-Spell Magic is a little unique. And I'm afraid that the 'uniqueness' would attract unwanted attention.

'Let's go safe for now, I don't want to alert them yet.'

I landed down on the road a few minutes later. I watched around carefully to check if anyone's hiding, or some type of trap was laid, but it's just my excessive paranoia.


I continue for the rest of the day walking on the road.


"Flame Arrow.''

On the night of my fourth day, a group of monsters ambushed my sleeping spot. They were wolves that came from the forest, and they attacked under the cloak of night with the intention to feast.

''Earth Hold."

I burned two wolves with Flame Arrow. It hit the first one and then the splashing embers caught another wolf on fire. Then, I restrained the wolves in order to not get myself in a bind. They were trying to encircle me and attack one by one. It's a good strategy for a soloist like me, but it's unfortunate that it was me that they're facing.

"Flare Burst."

A Magic Eye appeared and broke the next instance. A heatwave charged up and exploded from me, frying the wolves black and making them whimper.

"Earthen Flytrap."

Then, to end this small event, the ground tore apart and made a mouth that crushed the wolves to meat paste. Blood was dripping from the small mounds that formed from the Spell. A nasty iron smell permeated the air.


The Slime was drinking some of the wolf's blood that's leaking. The green color was slowly changing to a more reddish green color. Its size grows little by little, the surface pulsating with a vein-like appearance.


I walk back to the campfire, to the dead logs I've carried from the forest to sit down. A breath escapes my mouth, my emotions are dull and a bored feeling starts to arouse within me.


The crackling of the wood and the billowing smoke pillar, a serene atmosphere minus the smell, and the drowsiness that's overtaking me. It's the perfect time to lie down and be motionless for hours straight.


Once again, mortal needs came to my mind and I closed my eyes.


Once again, I am inside my dreams that I rarely ever go to. I didn't have the need for sleep even though I could fall asleep in a sense in my old body.

'It's just…'

I turn my eyes from the view in front of me, a carnage from the past.

"How- Kuack! How… are you still standing?"


I wasn't controlling my body. It was going towards the inevitable on its own. My hands stretched out and grabbed a human girl by the throat.

"No, noo!!"

The King could do nothing but watch, as his most precious jewel was stripped away from him in front of his eyes.

"This, is the punishment for defying my absolute will. This is the consequence in betraying my trust, violating it in the most despicable way. You gained it, only to lose it meaninglessly. Now, I'm going to cause what you've done to me, a thousand times worse."


The little girl, fair and beautiful with pale white skin and hair. This was the byproduct of the traitorous King with a human woman. The jewel and 'heart' of the King was ripped terribly from him that day.

"Let this be a demonstration, future transgressions will be dealt with more severely."

A pitch black smoke billowed beneath my feet and enveloped my view. It changes from a bloody ballroom to a pitch black world devoid of color.


"This shall be your prison from now on, girl. Your father has committed a sin against his God, and this will be his punishment."

"B-But… what, did daddy do?"

"...He betrayed my trust. He lied to me, stabbed me, and broke me further."

I release my grip on the girl's neck and she falls down to the ground with a thud. I look at her shivering body with eyes devoid of any emotion. She was so vulnerable that I could just step on her and she would just die like that, like a bug.

"But… you, don't deserve to be collateral damage."

But, my heart was unsteady. Her shivering, frightened figure was so similar to how another one of my important people was at one time. Her cowering and scared figure was almost as identical to the girl in front of me.

"Ultimate Curse: Prisoner's Eternal Torment."

I casted the most heinous Curse. The most vile Curse one could inflict to another being. I stripped her of her mortality, of a True Death.

"You will live, forever. When your father's debt has been paid, then I'll consider releasing you to once more enjoy the freedom of mortality."

Aging is the natural course of things. It has a meaning as it is finite, once lost can never be retrieved back to how it used to be. But, what if one does not have this ability anymore?

''You will suffer, but it will be fine if you live."

The Curse will keep her alive, but it does not negate the pain and suffering she will go through. Hunger, thirst, insanity, self harm, they will hurt in due time.

'No… it was, just the past.'

Indeed, it is in the past. A terrible past, but one that was for a better future for me and those that I care for.

'I shouldn't care much about what has come to pass. But at least… I should set things straight.'

I make a promise to the back of my head, to release an unfortunate prisoner who no longer serves me a meaningful purpose.

"Wait… please."

Then, the control was relinquished to me.


I turn around, something I wouldn't have done if it was still a competitive game. If it was still a game where one must seek the most benefit. I would've left without a second thought.

"I am… sorry, child. Your father, I cannot forgive him lightly. You must suffer, so that he will suffer one thousand fold when he finally sees you again."

I left her those words that I didn't leave before. Out of the remaining humanity I have, since my real consciousness and my own persona merged. It conflicted, battled, but now it finds peace.

'Maybe that's it… maybe I'm… not whole yet…"

My dream, which I thought would've ended there, began anew once more when I exited the pitch black pocket world that is the Dark Nexus, the prison world where I keep those I still see useful for usage.


"And let me tell you, his Magic was the saving grace that made our escape possible! It was so powerful that the minotaur got set flying through several trees!"

In a tavern somewhere, a cheerful atmosphere was there as the people celebrated what seems to be a successful raid on some Boss-level monster. But, the one they praised to be their saving grace was nowhere to be found in the large festive room. Instead, he was up in his room, reading what seems to be a very thick and old leather book.

"So… this goes here and that… no, that's wrong again.''

He was drawing something in the air, a Magic Eye. He was using the texts and diagrams from the book as reference.

'No, no, no. This fool, he hasn't grasped it yet."

Meanwhile, his mind was berating him on how poorly his performance in executing a Spell is done. It's a tier 5 Spell, Freezing Storm Heavy Rain. It's an ice attribute Spell that has a 40% scaling to Intelligence and Wisdom combined.

'You're not even accustomed to using Ice Spells, you idiot! Buffoon!'

His mind shouted, while the body kept on trying. Until, there was a knock on the door in front of him.

"Is the hero of the hour still awake? I wish to come see him~."

"...This woman."

'Ah… Alicia Bregain.'

Alicia Bregain, one of my Shadows that formerly stood side by side with me.

"Come in, even though I know you would've unlocked it without my permission anyways."

"Awww, how considerate of you~."

Then, a pair of mountains swing side by side as the door violently opens upon me unlocking it. The robe that's supposed to protect it from unwanted gaze did little to keep the pair of mountains contained.

"Ara~? Studying even when you just came back from a dangerous adventure? How diligent, but you should really rest."

"It's fine, I'm aware of my limits.''


The mind looks upon his past form. He had it, the best life one could ever hope for. Companions, friends, loved ones, a home to return to. So much was sacrificed in the name of 'conquest', in order to fulfill the dream of a selfish man who was deprived of love and parental protection.


A fool who sacrificed everything in the name of his selfish need to be the 'star'. He killed himself, shed his mortal form to advance. He found happiness, but the past still haunts him like a looming dagger over his heart.

''Can I have a look?"

"Sure, I've been stuck here for quite a while now. Got any ideas?"

"Oh? Ahh, you're applying it wrong. Here, I'll show you.''

At the beginning, NPCs had a much higher scaling than Players at the start. It is to prevent the game from losing its difficulty which it is known for. The 'hard-mode' of games in its time. One mistake and decision will lead to ruin over a span of a few seconds or maybe even a moment. So, it was taken very seriously.

However, not all the time though. Upon completing the Quest [Free your World], which includes beating the assigned Boss that's guarding the right to operate your entire World, you will truly be free to do whatever that you like.

You can go conquer, or you can go mess around in your World. Many options are unlocked, and one of them is to make your World into your own personal playground, a lust-filled, disgusting World that oftentimes isn't worth it to conquer.

'These Worlds… what degenerates.'

I have never seen anything fulfilling in those sorts of Worlds. Just a waste of effort that can be wiped out so easily.

''And, there! Get it now?"

"Ummm, yeah, I think I can reproduce it now. Thank you for the guidance."

"Fufufu, no problem. I'm always willing to help if it's within my knowledge."

The two chatted with each other about various Magic-related topics. The topics also included the World's affairs at that time.

'The previous King dies shortly after my raid, the princess was the only heir so the nation gained a Queen instead of a King, a war broke out which was outside of my calculations, I learned the forbidden Necromancy around that time and changed the tide of war, however what resulted from it was the distance that formed between me and my human companions."

'My true journey started when I defeated the Lord of Daemons, Alric the Fallen, and gained his title, Dark Lord. My companions all see me as the monster I am, a filthy Undead. But, some didn't. Alicia was one of them.'

I made her one of my Shadows, and she even gave her consent for me to do it when I asked. She served me as my aid for many years now, a great advisor until she was outmatched in wits and power by the Second Best Mage, Alexander Annabelle Siphis.

'...Maybe I should've talked to her more, even if her usefulness is lost.'

I battled with my conflicting Human mind, the Sora from reality, and my God mind, the Sora known as Saurosh Koravek Solomon. A battle was taking place within my own psyche, something that has never happened before. I was changing, drastically so.

'Well… maybe another time.'

Another promise was put at the back of my mind for another time.

"Ahhhh~, it's getting late. I think the others downstairs are probably too drunk from booze to get to their rooms, especially Cidri. For a dwarf, he's pretty resilient to alcohol even amongst dwarves."

"Yeah… anyway, I'll go to bed first. Goodnight."

"Hey~, you're going to leave a woman like me out? Can't you have the decency to take me back to my quarters~?"

"...I know why you're whining, and no. You're a lady, have some class of your own. The reason for that nasty nickname of yours came from your undisciplined libido."

"Awww~, that's hurtful coming from you, meanie~."

"Whatever, do what you want."

"Hmmm~, then I'll sleep here! I'm also kind of drunk, and I don't feel like going back there and being cold all by myself."

"You have a blanket…"

And, the rest was a blur. An intense night went by, and morning arrived both here and in reality.


My fifth day arrived, and what greeted me was a soft sensation on my chest. The Slime was there, now the size of my head after consuming all of the wolf's blood. Its shade of green was now dyed reddish and it developed yellow pupils.

''...What are you looking at?"

I got up and this prompted the Slime to move from my chest. I stand up and stretched, and then just realized that I was lying down when I was sleeping.


I collected my frazzled mind and continued to move on, after erasing the campfire site and returning the surroundings to a relatively normal state.

'Let's continue, I'll arrive there at noon if I'm lucky.'

I start walking. My goal still fresh in my mind.