
This is Our Time [English Ver]

A Fil / English Version Story The story of a web developer who splits and slips through time and goes back to high school to fix his journey beyond to the future. His mission is to avoid the girl who stopped in 3rd-level high school and went back after 5 years to become one of his classmates. -- MAIN CHARACTERS -- Czkea 32 / 17 Years Old Pronounce: Tsi-Keya Qyuni 37 / 22 Years Old Pronounce: Kyu-ni Others To be followed along the story continues.

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2 Chs

what is this?

Czkea hurriedly went out and got into the car, quickly driving away. Unbeknownst to him, Qyuni's uncle was chasing her from behind.

Police 1: "Sir, what's the problem?"

Qyuni's Uncle: "There's an emergency at home, and he left in a hurry! He didn't even take us with him."

Police 2: "Let's follow him on the road and find out where he's headed."

Qyuni's Mother: "Please, officers, I have a feeling he's going to our father's house."

Czkea rushed because he knew that every seven o'clock, their grandparents would call for help.

While driving, Czkea tried calling Qyuni, but she didn't answer. Little did he know, Qyuni was also driving towards their grandmother's house.

Due to the heavy rain and fog, Czkea couldn't see clearly. In the distance, he heard a honk and saw some lights. He slowed down and suddenly swerved to the left to avoid a truck, hitting the side of the car on the bridge's post.


Czkea was stunned as he narrowly escaped a fatal accident. Trembling and nervous, he stepped out of the car.

Police sirens

Workers' chant noises

Approaching the scene, Czkea saw three police cars that the truck had hit. He ran towards one of the police cars and found it overturned with blood on the road. Qyuni's mother was there, reaching out her hand to Czkea.

Panic and stress incoming for Czkea

Czkea: Beep

"Mama! Mama!!!! Mama! Somebody!! Help us! Ma! Open your eyes, Ma!"

It dawned on him that the car behind him was the one Qyuni's mother and uncle were in. He had avoided the truck, but they were the ones it collided with, leading to Qyuni's mother's demise.

Panicking, Czkea tried to open the car door, but it was jammed due to the impact. This was one of Czkea's unseen pains; she easily suffered panic attacks in complicated situations.

His heart raced, and he couldn't feel her hands. Looking at his reflection in the car, he seemed unable to recognize herself.

Trembling, scared, and unable to speak, Czkea collapsed in the middle of the road.

Ambulances and police arrived minutes later. The injured and deceased were taken to the nearby hospital, including a wounded enforcer who was with Czkea before the incident.

Czkea was identified, and her cellphone, though damaged, was successfully opened. The police found Qyuni's contact labeled as "Adi my Wife" and made the call.




Qyuni: "Hello? Who is this?"

Police: "May I speak to Czkea's relative?"

Qyuni: "I'm Czkea's wife. Who is this?"

The police informed Qyuni about the accident and asked her to come to the hospital.




Qyuni tried calling Czkea back, but her calls went unanswered.

Qyuni rushed to the hospital, leaving her younger sister Veronica to take care of their daughter Queenie.

While driving, Qyuni's car suddenly broke down. She decided to run the rest of the way.

She entered the hospital and asked a nurse about the accident victims.

Qyuni: "Where are the people who had an accident earlier?"

Nurse: "Over here, ma'am."

After a few minutes, Qyuni found Czkea lying down, and the doctor approached her.

Doctor: "Are you a relative of this person?"

Qyuni: [Nod]

Following the doctor, Qyuni felt a growing sense of foreboding. Tito, Qyuni's uncle, approached her, tears in his eyes.

Qyuni: "Uncle!" [Hugged]

Qyuni checked on her uncle's injured left side.

Doctor: "Ma'am, here."

Qyuni: [Nod]

Qyuni followed the doctor. In the distance, she saw people covered in white cloth. Her knees weakened, and she slowly walked towards the doctor's guidance, sobbing uncontrollably.

Qyuni: "Thank you."

Qyuni searched for Czkea. After a few minutes, she saw Czkea resting. Qyuni wondered why Czkea's sleeves were stained with blood but found no wounds. The doctor showed Qyuni something, and her suspicion grew.

Doctor: "Do you know them, ma'am?"

Qyuni: Nod

Qyuni continued, thanking everyone and leaving the hospital with her family.

Days later, Qyuni's mother was buried, and family and relatives gathered. A rainbow appeared, and doves flew.

"I'm getting closer, but why is it so sad? Seeing Qyuni cry again, I couldn't handle it."

"I promised Mama that I wouldn't hurt Qyuni again. But why did this happen to us?"

What is this?

Czkea's black umbrella approached the tomb of Qyuni's parents. It seemed she wasn't part of those who attended and mourned earlier.

"I don't know why I feel this way, and I can't tell your daughter the truth."

"Not because she doesn't ask, but because I'm not speaking, not telling what happened that night."

As I returned from the cemetery, Qyuni's angry face greeted me. She threw her most cherished vase.

"It's broken now, and its value cannot be compensated for in this country."

"There's a chance it won't heal, and even if it does, it won't be as beautiful as before."

The question I've been waiting for from her came.

Qyuni: "What happened, Czkea?"

I heard her teary-eyed and sniffles, causing me to lower my head and cry as well, knowing that I did not expect such an event. I walked away, struggling not to speak because I knew I wasn't okay either.

I was hurt too. Did she ask about me? No, right?

Czkea's supervisor called as he was needed at the Site Project. Without hesitation, he accepted it and left immediately.

Before Czkea left, he saw Qyuni in the kitchen.

Approaching her, Czkea handed a letter to Qyuni and said,

"I'm going now, Adi. Please read my letter before I leave. I'm heading to the office; my supervisor is calling me."

Qyuni just looked and forced a smile.

After leaving, Czkea passed by Qyuni's grandmother's house. There, she was embraced by Qyuni's grandfather.

Entering the house, she saw Veronica holding his daughter, Queenie.

Czkea approached, kissed his child, bid farewell to the elders, and left.

During the journey, as he traveled the highway, he passed the bridge where the accident happened. He stopped by the side, bowed his head in silence, and cried.

After fifteen minutes, Czkea reached the office.

His colleagues welcomed her and hurried her toward the site.

Upon arrival, Czkea saw a crowd of people working on a large project.

This sight lifted his spirits, and he went to her team's department.

Five months passed, and they completed the project. The people involved in the project received numerous accolades.

Czkea also received a significant award from his company.

Joy and celebration filled the air after a long period of hard work.

Suddenly, he received an email.

Opening the email, he was surprised by the document he read.

Czkea quickly prepared to go home, eager to ask Qyuni about his plans and the reason for the email.

After fifteen minutes, Czkea was home. He immediately looked for Qyuni.

He found Qyuni in the garden, watering the plants. His daughter, Queenie, was beside her in a baby walker.

Qyuni looked at Czkea, paused in her watering, smiled, and said,

"Did you read it? Are you happy now? This is the only way I can do it for us, Czkea."

Czkea stood there, staring at Qyuni, feeling nervous and unsure of what to say.

"I can hear the pounding of my heart."

"It's so heavy."

"Why is this happening?"

"What is this?"

**heartbeats intensifies**

**heartbeats intensifies**

**heartbeats intensifies**

**heartbeats intensifies**

to be continued...

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