
Streams of blood.

"The Legendary knight!"

"We're finally saved."

"Thank god."

Huh? Thy're ;alking about me, right? Yeah definitely. I'll try and clear up the cofusion.

"Look, I have no clue who that "Legendary knight" is, and even if I did know it, I have absolutely no reason to spend my time saving some random town." Ah, what a headache.

"That doesn't make sense. You're lying!!"

"Yes. Yeah, right!"

"He was the only outside person to ever get into the fifth floor. Some stranger like you.. *cough*.. *cough*" The man's head started deforming, and so did everyone else's.

Their bodies violently convulsed, and then, all at once, they exploded into fountains of blood. I sprinted outside and looked through the enire town, using TP to cut around the corners faster.

"AAAH, noo!!" I heard a scream.

"Are you guys alright?" I dashed inside and saw Coke, Fanta and Spite, and all three of them looked completely distressed.

"We? Yes, we're fine, but look at what happened to Pepsi." Fanta pointed her finger at Pepsi's obliterated body.

"So everyone is dead, huh?" I bit my lip.

"But how come you three are still alive?" That doesn't make any sense to me, considering that literally every other person here has been blown to pieces.

They gave me a pretty detailed explanation, but, to put it shortly, here's what the cause is;

Once a year, a mysterious being comes to this floor, and I assume that's the room's boss. Every time it arrives, a red mark, known as a blood print, appears on the bodies of everyone who is present.

The mark's job is to kill it's wearer if a person comes from the dump, but supposedly it will go away if a person known as the "Legendary Knight" will be the one to come from the dump.

"And that's all a lie." The legendary knight is what a few of the inhabitants made up to calm theselves down, for a sense of hope. With time, everyone started to believe the it, not because they were fooled, but because they wanted to believe it.

All humans need hope, after all.

And then, here's when I come into play and kill everyone, though not intentinally. There's two more things bothering me, one of them being very simple - why did the marks not trigger when I just entered the floor?

I have no Idea, and I still don't even know how and why those people are here in the first place, but I'll have to ask the boss all of those question, and I know for a fact that he can communicate with people, since he managed to explain the rules of the blood print.

The second unclear thing is the reason he had to wait until someome from the dump comes before killing all of those people.

Still, I have no way to find out until I actually meet him so that will have to wait as well.

"And why, then, did you three stay alive?" The question was, of course, directed at the archer girls.

"We.. We're not really humans. Our race is unknown, and even the status plate just says [Race: 100% ??????]. Even if we had a family before, we don't remember it." Sprite looked down when she mention that she is not a human.

So non-humans have a bad reputation in this land. Or rather, had, cause they're all dead now.

Anyways, that sparked my interest, since I am also starting to turn into this unknow race, but one thing is clear - either this race has the appearance of humans, or they are able to change themselves into human form, taking the appearance and possibly other traits of mankind.


I was thinking of a way to call the boss, and looked through some places to see if there is perhaps some sort of ritual which you need to do to call the boss, but then I noticed movement in the corner of my eye.

"Is that blood? Why is it moving though?" I looked up, confused, and saw hunders of moving blood streams, and they were all gathering in the same direction.

This was the blood of all those people who got blown up.

I ran in the direction in which the blood was heading, and I arrived at the destination and, having arrived on the other side of the town in 40 seconds - and I should mention, that the town was several kilometers long -, I was greeted with quite a sight.

"Hey, you there!! Would you mind giving me a few answers? I'm totally confused, you know?" I shouted to the creature.

What was the creature? Well, to put it simply, it was a freaking head sticking out from the ground, somewhat resembling that of a goat, but with a few major differences.

One, it's mouth was opened disgustingly wide, like that of a snake. Two, it had several layers of canine teeth, like a shark. Thirdly and most importantly, it was gigantic.

About three times as high as me.

What made things weirded is the fact that it was purely a head. I tried feeling the mana to see if I can sense its whole body, but there wasn't one. Instead, it was just the neck which released roots all around, so getting it out from the ground wasn't an option.

"Aww, so you're just goning to ignore me? Okay, you asked for it, I'm gonna beat the crap out of you, and then you'll give me the answers. Deal?" I threw a mnipulator at it, but he took no damage. It wasn't because I didn't deal any.

I knew fine well what kind of boss this was. A stationary boss. These will be invunerable for most of the fight, and only when you manage to counter or survive their attack will they become vunerable. Once you beat him for a few seconds, he will stop taking damage again and attacks will start coming at you again.

"You're my worst nightmare. I've had such a hellish time beating ones like you in games, but this time it's for real." I said with a salty smile. This fight is not gonna be a fun one, I can tell.

If you're not sure about some stuff, it makes sense, the next chapter will contain a lot of KNOWLEDGE.

Looking forward to writing the fight~

Yahazekcreators' thoughts