
Stats and a peculiar reaction.

It took me a while to realize, but there's one other reason, a way bigger one, for that guild man to worry about me.

It's because I have one leg. Of course he would think it's best for me not to go, since my mobility is gonna be limited, and if there was a need to escape, I would have no chance. That doesn't apply to me though, since I have [teleport]. It's a little unfair, not gonna lie.

Also, now's about time I distribute my 667 stat points.






[free skill points: 667]

"Okay, so first things first, I need to upgrade the obvious." I said and put 150 points into agility and 200 points into MovementSpeed.

I've also figured out exactly what agility and MovementSpeed does, whereas before I only knew the basics. Agility has a similar effect to analityc thinking, allowing me to process and react to what is going on faster, and it also makes my body more flexible, allowing me to use the faster processing power to it's fullest.

MovementSpeed is quite different. Let's say you have a lot of agility, so you manage to notice a projectile flying at you in the air. Naturally, you would try to dodge or block it, but no matter how hard you push your body, it just won't be able to do it fast enough.

But, if you have MovementSpeed along with agility, you will be able to move your body in time. You can also run, swing your weapon, and other things faster.

The same goes for MovementSpeed, because, while you might be super fast at attacking, you need to actually understand what you are doing rather than swinging your weapon frantically.

That's why putting points into only one of the two is not very efficient, and having them both at the same time makes the dreamwork.

"Okay, and now the other two. 150 strength, and 104 stamina." And that leaves me with 63 points, which I invested into intelligence.

Strength is also a very important one. The first and most obvious benefit is damage increase. I don't really need to explain why that is, I hope.

The second most useful benefit of strength is armom pierce. When you fight a strong mob, there will be times when they take absolutely zero damage from you, and that's because you have less armor break than they have armor.

As for the third benefit, which you could have already guessed - it increases your armor, forcing you enemies to either use weapons which have high armor break or just to have a lot of strength themselves.

Stamina is very obvious. It just makes you run out of energy faster, as well as a few other benefits, but I'm not really sure what they are yet. It'll be little while before I know all the other effects, but even the energy consumption efficiency is aready more than good enough to make me upgrade it.

The last one, intelligence, is a little odd. I still have no Idea what exactly it does, but I feel some slight changes whenever I put points into it, so i'm going to invest my leftover points into whenever I have some.

Well, I am familliar with one effect - mana sense, which has helped me many times already, but I'll have to do some more testing in my free time.



What's that annoying noice..


Why do I feel like I'm being distracted..


"Huh? Oh right, sorry. I was thinking about something." I finally connected with reality again, and I'm not even sure what made me daydream in the first place.

"Good grief, don't get distracted like that in the middle of a battle if you don't want to get killed on the first day. Anyways, put your hand onto the magic stone, and that should measure what you're good at, so that we can designate you a role for the test." The man got a little grumpy.

"Before I do that, let me confirm something. Having a missing limb; does it impact what postion I will get?" I said and looked over at my used-to-be leg.

"Yes, but why do you need to know? It's not like you can grow it back or anything." He scratched his forehead and gave me a sorry look.

"Give me one sec." I took a look. Yep, the cooldown for the potion is over. 24 hours. I spawned a regeneration potion, and chugged the whole thing.






"Oh, nice. It actually worked." I moved around my new limb, content with the result. Also, it seems like the duration of the potions is always 5 minutes. I wonder if I can make a potion which extends the duration of other potions, or one that reduces the cooldown.. We'll see.


"Dude, that's creepy.."

"The fuck did that kid just do?"

Everyone in the guild looked over at me at the same time, clearly showing shock in their eyes.. But, that's weird. They got all the way to the fifth floor, and yet none of them have seen the effects of [potion master] even though they should have passed the same room as me.

Do the rewards vary from time to time, or is there some other way to get into here? Or maybe this community of people has roots from way back in time, and they were all bread from a group of adventurers that once managed to get to this floor.

Guess I'l find out later on, when I'm bothered to ask someone about it.

"Wh..at, was that. Don't tell me.. Did you just make a potion?" The receptionist man, who was confidently speaking with me before, was now shaking a little.

"Ye, I used this skill I got from the mimic. It's called [potion master]. Why'd you ask?" I was generally confused.

"Are.. you perhaps.. Fro- from the "Dump"?" Oh, so he figured it out? Wait, so does that mean that this is not the dump?

"Yes. What's so special about that?"

Sorry for the huge dump of information. This isn't the first time, and probably not the last, but I will do my best to explain things without huge walls of text..

Yea, I failed today, but there's still hope.

Yahazekcreators' thoughts