

Privilege for two chapters only two coin! is available! and more. check it out for preview chapters! Elie Griffin is not your average teenager. He's gone through a lot which broke him and destabilized him mentally, but that's not the point. Elie was special. People saw him as a Freak but only if they look a little closer. Which was what Christy Evans a curious newbie did! It started with a little bump, then secrets where been shared and first kiss was been made. But the problem only got worst. Elie Griffin still had the things in him, those vicious creature from hell, Christy is totally helpless as it wasn't physic. They both had to make a choice but a very difficult one. Stay together or sacrifice there love for the sake of Love. READ TO FIND OUT! SEASON TWO is out and completed! SEASON THREE is going on.

oluna15 · Terror
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131 Chs

Chapter 7


The chiming of the alarm stubbornly penetrated in my sleep, destroying every moment of peace I was having with my pillows.

I lazily slam my hand on my nightstand knocking the stupid object down.

I scoop my pillow closer with a satisfactory smile, I was going to sleep till afternoon after all it was Saturday.

I started drifting off when the incident of yesterday came haunting my memories. I leaped out of bed, said a quick prayer  and rush to the shower for a quick bath.

I dried myself and tripped in my purple leggings and pink skirt with my 'I love cats sweater.'

I stood in front of the mirror and pack my hair in a loose pony tail, it didn't help much, cause my hair was really long and curly.

I jug downstairs to the kitchen for breakfast, I stop in front of the fridge to read the sticky note. Mum always leave one when she isn't around.

"Gone with John to the dentist, take care and stay safe." Your lovely mum!

I rolled my eyes at her words, how many million times would she ask me to stay safe? Is a good thing she had gone with John I won't have to babysit him that way.

I put on my pink boots and off I go!

I stayed on my guards as I walk the street to his house, this time the secret had pedestrian walking up and down, they weren't many though.

I sat on one of the benches beside an old lady feeding the birds. I pulled a newspaper up so as to shed my face from him while I keep my eyes on his house.

The house was still same like I left it yesterday except the Pickup was back, my eyes was constantly shifting to the door of the worn out house as I waited impatiently for him.

The scene of yesterday was still playing in my mind even though I tried wiping it away from my memory. The loud sound of the brutal slap echoing in the empty road was all I could hear. It frightened me. How does it feel to get hit like that? With such brutality and violence.

A person coming from behind the house caught my attention, I noticed it was a boy in black hood with crossbones, he had his hood up, I couldn't tell if it was him or any other guy, but his bag totally gave his identity away, it was similar to mine, the blue black puma bag. I couldn't help the grin that sprawl across my face. 

"Love birds?" The old lady beside me finally spoke in her thiny adenoidal voice.

"Um, not really." I politely got up with a fake grin before walking away.

I walked behind him leaving enough distance as he walk the streets, he never stopped to look back or take notice of his environment, he was just walking with slumped shoulders hands in his hoodie pockets.

He entered a dark alley and kept walking, I stood in front of the alley biting my lips nervously.

Just let him go!

I brush the curly lock that had drop on my face to the side of my ear. Cold sweats ran down my forehead, I couldn't do that, walk in such a dark alley alone! Because I was obsess with a freak! Not just a freak, he gets abuse, I needed to do something.

God please protect me, let no evil befall me.

I step in the alley with my arms wrapped around me for some comforts, the sounds of trash bags moving, made me trembled, let's not speak of the rat that ran pass me seconds later.

I let out a shriek before running out of whatever hell hole it was, I was glad to see the rays of the Sun behind the clouds giving light to the morning street.

I inhaled deeply and exhale, I took some time to calm myself down before pursuing my mission.

But he was gone no sign of him in the little crowd of people, I walked on the streets peacefully taking my time to admire the short fence and kids playing in the park, it was so warm around here, sounds of giggles came from under the big tree where six children were seating with a middle age woman in a khaki vest with a badge, I guess she was a teacher, social worker or whatever, I didn't come to admire kids!

I turn to my left heading down the shallow road, it was deem from the roofs of the two buildings coming too close

I touched the walls as I walked down the bent and narrow road, I finally came to the end of the road, it lead to another residence. I saw him standing on the wooden stair of an old house more older and worn out than the other one, he was looking across the street where a similar house stood before disappearing behind the old house.

I looked around the street and found no one, it was totally vacant! Just like a witch had cast a spell on this particular area. The sky grew gloomy just like the area. Torn pages of Newspapers lay on the floor moving around through the help of the cool breeze. graffiti on the walls.

I stood across the street observing the house he had gone through. I was so confused.

So he had two houses, and two different families?! What the hell is going on? Who is this boy I'm so addicted to?! Why the fuck do I care about a total stranger to the extent of walking half of the city!

I was slightly annoy with myself for wanting to do stuffs that didn't concern me, I clenched my fist and sigh.

I:m done with this idiosyncrasy!

I took some steps backwards and turn to leave when I was stopped by the lady who lived in the house he was staring at. She was short and sturdy with a cheerful smile that exposed her wrinkles, she had dark hair with some little gray here and there, she wore a white blouse and a long black skirt.

I quickly turn around with my mouth wide open, my heart had start beating faster, "I'm going, no need to call the cops, it was a big mistake!" I chuckled nervously.

She rolled her eyes with a smile, "Don't be silly darling come on, I've got tea."

She walked back to her house, I reluctantly followed behind her, I needed answers maybe she could help me.

"You can seat." She pointed at the wooden chair beside the round table, I smiled politely before seating.

She left for the tea leaving me alone with my frightened self.

I drum nervously on the table, the house was strangely empty, only the round table and two chairs, with a little table holding the statue of Mary and baby Jesus. I lifted my head up to look at the top of the front door where the crucifix was hanging. I could see some writings on the wall just below the statue I had to squint and approach the wall before I saw it clearly.

Back off evil spirit!

That's all I saw it was a little weird to me, the way it was written with red paint and how this whole place seem dark and old.

"Just to keep them far." Her voice came unexpectedly causing me to jump with a little squeal.

She chuckle warmly, while pouring the tea in the two Japanese tea cup.

"Are you his girlfriend? I never thought he'll ever have one someday." She sat in the other side of the table and sip her tea.

I went back to the table and carefully sat down.

"Uh, yeah do you know him?" I pick up the tea cup not making any eye contact with her.

She sigh, "yeah I do."

"Really?! Who is he?!" I couldn't help the enthusiasm which was stupid cause the lady frowned. 

"Who are you?" She got up and crossed her arms.

"Um, I'm Christy Evans, I'm not his girlfriend, his is my class mate and I'm worried about him, cause, uh, I saw him get hit by this tall guy, and I really need to know what is going on, why is he so pale and..." I couldn't find the words my hands hung in the air.

"Gloomy? Depress? Dark?" She completed.


She sat down with a reassuring look, "I understand your worries my child but I fear you can't do anything for him, I warned his mother, I told her but she never listens." She look down at her tea cup.

"Who are you to them?" I asked, I just wanted to end all suspicion about this lady.

"I'm his God mother, Maria Teresa, and a cousin to his mother. I can still remember how that house once had a lot of lights, gleaming with two little adorable boys, Elie was always the shy and timid of the two. While Eli was the jumpy and hyper one." Her lips crack in a smile as she rubbed the cup with her thumb affectionately.

"What happened? Why did his parents become so aggressive? What is he doing here?"

"What parents? His brother died twelve years ago, he got drown in the pool when he was four, some months later his mother died, his father accused him for his brother's and mother's death, and abused him, he was just five, so innocent and fragile, he couldn't have the least blame in the world. I took him away from Thomas and since then he never came close to the boy. I haven't heard from him for a while."

"Why isn't he with you now? What happened? Who are those molesting him?" The questions drip from my mouth like some liquid, I wanted answers, so obsessed I was.

She sigh before looking up at me, "few months after Elie entered our house and his father disappeared, my husband Tony started assaulting him, Tony was a very gentle man, I never thought he could do what he did to that little five year old that just lost his whole family." She held her chest. Her words also sank in my heart and I was almost in tears.

"Elie grew more quiet and paler than he already was, he used to have bruises everywhere on his arms and legs when I would ask him he won't reply, I was becoming scared that he was suffering from some chronic disease, I didn't noticed the tension between Elie and my husband, everything seemed perfect, then one day I saw the cops in front of the porch, with my doors wide opened and John being cuffed, when I had asked what had happened I was told that Tony had tried to kill the kid, the case was reported to the cops by some neighbors, he was trying to drown him in the tub after he had cut him with a knife, it was also reported that he sexually abused him but there was no proof, Elie never confirmed that. Then he was taken away from me by the court, I was asked to stay away from him! Even till this day I regret all my husband did to him he was just too innocent, he went to other Forster homes and it was no different, he got abused by his foster parents, I really don't know how he can be safe, I just wish I was still there for him." She sigh once again and dropped her tea.

I felt like she wasn't telling me all the truth, the story seem uncompleted but I had to take it like that I'm not done yet, once I have the chance I'll sneak in that old house and collect as more information as possible.

Some pieces of the puzzle are still missing...