
The Yandere Prince is Obsessed with me

Viviene, a side characther who trys to change the novel story she live in to help a self proclaimed tragic female protagonist that she just met, to help her. Viviene Became freinds with the future tyrant inhope that he wont go to the dark side. little does she know. the little tyrant has been obsessed with her from the first sight.

Serenaxx · Fantasia
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2 Chs

The hearts blessings

Feeling the burn of sunlight from the opened window, viviene slowly opened her red eyes that doesnt show any reflection from the sun who makes her appearance looks creepy.

"Rise and shine lady" sayed marie, vivienes personal maid and one of the people that she trusted.

Viviene the stretches her body as she get up from the bed that has the aura to make anybody want to sleep again

" good morning marie, how is your day?" asked viviene

Marie answers cheerfully "I'm very good lady, it's all thanks to the ladys care that all the maids in this manor is able to rest peacefully with new fluffy pillows to sleep in"

Viviene smiles happily "i am glad to hear that"


Right now viviene is wearing a violet dress with ribbons in it's back. Viviene looked elegant with the dress that made her have a fresh and young look.

Viviene sayed as she arrives at the dining table "Good morning father, mother" she then sit on the chair beside her mother.

"Morning sweetie" sayed by my beautiful mother that has white hair and a pair sky blue eyes that reflecting the beautiful light at the dining room

Father then put down his spoon "vivi, you are already 18th." my father looked very serious. As he slowly brush his black hair out of his face and the same red eye as mine doesnt show any emotion. It's becouse we can't reflect the light making it exceptionallu scary. Sometimes i don't understand why my kind mother want to be wed with this guy.

Mother then putted her spoon aggresivly "Darling! She does not want to get married! And she's only 18 please stop talking about this already! "

Father reply "Viviene, you are wasting your talent. You are the-"

Viviene blocked her fathers word and reply

"The first scholar that graduate the famous Magic academy in three years when it's supposed to be six years" i then rolls my eyes hating this conversation.

"yes. You are a one time genius young lady! And yet you let your talent waste by rotting in home and never going out! " sayed father

Vivene then angrily reply "Excusme? Yesterday i got out of the house to a noble party! Not only that i even bring home a freind! What do you meant by home rotting FATHER???!!! "

Father then bangs the dining table loudly making mother shocked "YOU-"

Mother then confronts the angry father as i calm my self down and start eating. I somehow remembered again about my plan and start moving my mouth

I smirks as i stabbed the steak using a knive "My apology father, i think you are right. Instead of wasting my talents by home rotting as you sayed i will become a private teacher for some rich noble kid"

Father then let out a hmph! And reply

"Yes, you finally understood my words correctly" he let out a proud smile making mother giggle.

After breakfast father call me to his office and give me a bunch of paper about young noble whos looking for a private tutor as if he's been waiting for this moment for his whole life. I then only take one paper as i already put out my mind on who i will be teaching. And it's obviously the rumoured bastard child of the royal family. The Bullied prince, Lucian Moonlight. Father was shocked by my choice but then agree as he only want the best for me. All becouse im a genius the king admitted my proposal and made me the princes teacher in an instant.


A week after i was agreed to be the soon to-be tyrants Teacher, i woke up much more earlier than usual and wore a white shirt with a black tie, long appropriate black dress. For my hair accesories i uses a black ribbon in my half up hair. And right now i am at the princes palace. And this is my first time meeting him.

The royal maid then talk "Teacher, this is the room where the young prince stayed"

I asked confuse "Why is he still on his room? Aren't we supposed to learn on the learning room? "

The maid sweats start dripping "t- that is.. I dont know please ask someone else..! " then she run aways leaving me alone.

There are four buildings in the royal palace. The first one are the famous golden palace where its walls was made by pure gold showing everyone that the kingdoms economy is very good. The golden palace is the places where they hold royal balls, coronation, and the place where the royal family lifes.

The second one is the Servant's headquarters where the maids and servants place to sleep in. The third one is the Knights headquarters where the kingdoms knights would train, live, and be the kingdoms bright shield. And Last but not least, the North Palace, in the past it was famous becouse it was made by the second emperor who loves his wife so much that he made her, her own palace. But now it's nothing but a scary palace that is not taken care of. And yet the prince actually lives in there. Now theres a reason why he became a tyrant in the future. But i must stop it at any cost. Not only for yuriel, this is for the future of the kingdom.

I knocked three times at the door, not hearing any words from inside the room i barged inside only to find out that the room is very cold and stuffy becouse there is no window. And the young prince who still sleeps on his bed while coughing without a single servant helping him. Then i approach the sickly prince. But he seems to realize i was there and hold into my hand when i try to touch his head.

"I wont hurt you" feeling the grip from the young childs hands gone i then touch his head who's burning of fever and use healing magic making a light shows on my palm.

As soon as i realized that the fever is gone i tried to take out my hand but the prince wont let me leave. "Good morning prince" i sayed warmly.

The prince looked like a 12 year old girl instead a 15 year old boy making me want to help him. He ask weakly "A.. Fairy..? "

I giggle at the young prince question. I then replies "No, i am not your highness" i sayed softly as i pat his hair.

The naive prince replies "Well then are you a Red eye Grim reaper? "

There is a tale in childrens folklore and one of them is a story about a red eye grim reaper who takes bad childs soul and send them to hell. I kept on thinking is my eye really that scary.

" are you scared of me? " i asked. I then stop caressing his angelic face and took my hand away.

Lucian answers "no..?" with a confused look

I put out a smile as i pull his blanket "Goodmorning your highness, today is the first day of our class"

Lucian stares at me with a confuse look as if he doesnt think this is coming "what? "


After i waited for the little prince to change his clothes i waited inside the guest room becouse there is no learning room in the north palace.

Finally the boy that i waited for hours has arrives with a fresh look. But he looks rather skinny and quite pretty? I mean he has such fair white skin like the snow, black hair and a pair of blue eyes. He looks like the male version of snow white.

As soon as lucian sat on the chair i startes talking. "Let me introduce my self, my name is Viviene Heart. And i will be your teacher and master. Do you have any question to ask about your highness? "

"um, why do you want to be my teacher?, i thought it was supposed to be the empress choice" he asked

"Well it's becouse the king admitted me as your teacher becouse i am one of the youn students who graduate academy in three years. " i take out nine books out of my bag. "we have 9 study materials such history, etiquete, dancing, swordmanship, magic, languages, Math, potion making, and last but not least musical. But ofcourse, today is a free day! Let's get to know eachother" i excitedly sayed to the young prince.

Lucian whispers to himself "you talk too much.. "

"what did you say? " i cant hear him.

"nothing."the prince cover his mouth with his palm and looks away.

“ A little devil in disguise and a naive master ”

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