
The Yandere Prince is Obsessed with me

Autor: Serenaxx
Fantasy Romance
Contínuo · 156 Modos de exibição
  • 2 Chs
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What is The Yandere Prince is Obsessed with me

Leia o romance The Yandere Prince is Obsessed with me escrito pelo autor Serenaxx publicado no WebNovel. Viviene, a side characther who trys to change the novel story she live in to help a self proclaimed tragic female protagonist that she just met, to help her. Viviene Became freinds with the future tyr...


Viviene, a side characther who trys to change the novel story she live in to help a self proclaimed tragic female protagonist that she just met, to help her. Viviene Became freinds with the future tyrant inhope that he wont go to the dark side. little does she know. the little tyrant has been obsessed with her from the first sight.

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  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
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