
The Xenomorph on Pandora

When the RDA first arrived on Pandora, they weren’t expecting any intelligent life on the beautiful planet. But when they discover that the natives to the planet were indeed intelligent, they tried to get their experiments off world. However, that would draw too much attention. Forced to keep their illegal experiments on Pandora, they work in secret. But then one of their experiments escape. What will happen to this experiment? Will it survive the harsh environments of Pandora? Or will Pandora and it’s people change because of it?

DeadHydra · Filmes
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19 Chs

Chapter 3 - A Visit


(Moat POV)

It had been fourteen nights since we had last seen Shadow, when we returned to the clan we had told everyone what we had witnessed and everyone was in awe of such a creature and understandably in fear. 

But when we explained how it came up to us and inspected us they were confused how such a beast could be so friendly yet so deadly. When we told them of how... affectionate it was to us everyone as well as myself were intrigued and confused by this. 

My mate told me it would be best if we were to remain in the home tree for some time to recover from the near death encounter, I agreed but only for a small time as I still need to perform my duties as Tsahik and so I could comfort my children. 

But much to my mates and my own surprise, the children wanted to go back into the forest to look for Shadow but of course we would not allow it unless they rested their minds for a bit, much to their displeasure. 

But I could not blame them for I too wish to return to the forest to see Shadow again. Something about the unknown creature drew me to him and I wished to learn more about him but only after I have rested. 

My mate has told the clan to watch their surroundings when in the forest for Shadow, if they see him, leave him be and return to the clan and inform us immediately so that we may watch and study what he does. But if he acts aggressively they are allowed to kill him but try to avoid that path.

And so after fourteen nights I've finally been able to return to the forest and collect more herbs but my true goal was to search for Shadow but for five days I have not seen him and yet I felt a pair of eyes on me every time I ventured into the forest. 

Was he watching me? Learning about me? Or was he protecting me again within the shadows? 

Many members of the clan distrust him but I do not, if he wished to harm us he would have done it long ago. 

I placed the freshly cut Scorpion Thistle in my basket, more medicine and poison for the clan. I do not like the idea of our clan using poison to aid their hunts but it does help as well as heal our sick. I stand from my position and look over to see some Dapophet and approach it but stop halfway as I sense some eyes on me again. 

I look around my surroundings, the ground, the trees but I see nothing but I know he's here. Unable to see him I turn back to the Dapophet but I've only taken a step before I've run into something black and bony. 

I take a step back in fear but I quickly relax seeing it is only Shadow and smile at the chirping animal. 

"Shadow, it is good to see you again" I say still smiling while I hold my hand out and he starts rubbing his head against it like the first we met. 

Then he moves his head away and turns to the Dapophet then to the basket in my hands then to me and cocks his head to the side. 

"I'm here to collect some plants for the clan, they can feed us, heal us or we can use them against our prey" I explain to unsure if he understands me or not but then to my surprise he chirps moves to the herbs and brings up his tail to them and begins to cut them at the root, then picks up the cut herbs with his jaws and places them in the basket. 

I was stunned, this animal seemed to understand what I had intended to do and how to properly do it as well. I inspected the cut plants and see he did it perfectly then I turn to him with a very proud and happy smile. 

"Yes that is perfect thank you" I thanked him as I rub his head and he chirped happily. 

I now understand that this one is very intelligent and I decided to test him a bit. Looking around I see another plant I could bring back to the clan. 

"How about those? Think you could gather those for me?" I ask him while pointing to the plant, he looks over to where I'm pointing and chirps again and dashes over to the herbs. I watch as he gently cuts them and place them on the ground next to him but I use this time to look him over.

I inspect his skin that look like bones, his long domed eyeless head, his long sharp tail, his six fingered hands but as I inspect him I notice one crucial thing about him...

He has no Queue.

Meaning he can't bond with anything or anyone which confused me greatly but then it dawned on me. 

No one has seen a creature like him before, he has no Queue unlike everything and everyone here, which means one thing...

The Sky-people brought him here. He is from the Sky-peoples home.

My eyes widen with this realisation and fear creeps up into my back. The Sky-people must have brought him and others to help them fight against us and bring destruction upon our- 

My thoughts are interrupted as the basket moves and it becomes heavier, I look to see Shadow had cut all the herbs and placed them in the basket and he looks up at me and chirps happily. 

I freeze, he was brought here by the Sky-people to help them invade our home and yet here he is helping me pick some herbs. I was confused but then I also remembered how he saved me and my daughters from a terrible fate. 

I rub my hand against his head and he chirps affectionately at the attention and like so most of my doubt disappeared. The Sky-people brought him here but he was a friend to her, one she would admit openly and proudly. 

I smile at Shadow then a thought struck me. 

"Shadow?" I say and he looks up but keeps his head in my hand. 

"How would you like to come with me to my home?" Then he chirps again but in a way that sounds like confusion. 

"You could have a home with us, with me if you like. And I'm sure my daughters would like to see you again, they've been wanting to see you again since we returned to the home tree" I say with a smile. 

He looks down at the ground seemingly in thought, he looks down for a moment before he looks back at me and chirps happily, my smile widens at his acceptance. 

"Lovely, I have enough herbs for today, so let us return to our home" I say as I turn and walk back to the clan with Shadow crawling next to me. 

We walk for a some time and we reach the outskirts of the home tree. I look over at Shadow and see him stop and look up at the home tree, most likely in awe of its size. I smile at the sight of him being so curious and keep walking to his new home.

We reach near the roots of the home tree and some members of the clan see me and perform the Oel ngati kameie (i see you) but they freeze and stare wide eyed at Shadow crawling beside me and walking into our home. 

Then it spreads like a fire and many of our clan comes down to see the shadow of Eywa, many whispers are heard, speaking about how he looks, what is he doing here and such. My mate Eytukan stands by a fire and is to surprised by the appearance of Shadow but keeps a neutral face. 

"Ma Moat? What is this?" He asks very confused but very intrigued that Shadow is beside me in our home. 

"Ma Eytukan I encountered Shadow again when I was collecting herbs and he decided to assist me in collecting them" I inform the clan and they begin to whisper at my claims but Eytukan looks even more intrigued by this and approaches Shadow who was looking around the home tree and our people but looks at Eytukan when he approaches him. 

Shadow looks at my mate for a moment before he does something that surprises everyone.

He lowers his head in respect to Eytukan. My mate could not stop his eyes widening slightly at this and a small smile spreads across his face as he kneels down in front of him. 

"I thank you for saving my mate Moat and my daughters" He says as he holds a hand out to him and Shadow chirps happily and rubs his head in his hand. 

"Ma Eytukan," I say and he looks up at me still petting Shadow. 

"I also asked Shadow if he would like to live with us and he accepted" Everyone began to whisper once more with a mix of distrust, excitement and awe. My mate looks back at Shadow and gives a warm smile to him. 

"I have no objection to give the one who saved my family a home" Shadow chirps happily then sniffs the air. 

"Shadow?" Everyone looks over to the voice and see Neytiri and Sylwanin looking in awe of the appearance of Shadow. 

He then chirps excitedly and the children have a huge smile on their faces and run up to him. 

"Shadow!" They yell happily and hug him, he chirps happily and begins to rub his head against them before he starts licking them again. The children groan in disgust but can't stop giggling and the rest of the clan start to smile or giggle at the scene before them. 

"It would seem I was right, they did miss you" I tell Shadow and he chirps again before attacking them with licks and rubs again. 

"Now where to decide where you will sleep for tonight" My mate says which makes Shadow perk up and he begins to look around. 

"Shadow?" I say but he keeps looking before his gaze settles on one of the roots of the home tree and begins crawling to it. Everyone moves out of the way for him and he climbs the root going a bit high before stopping. 

Then he does something strange, he begins to... vomit black tar on the roots? Everyone watches confused at what he's doing but don't stop him due to their curiosity. A few moments pass then Shadow stops and we are surprised by what we see. 

Shadow's vomit hardened almost immediately and he had created some sort of hole with the black vomit which is connected to the root, then Shadow place himself in the hole and rolls himself into a ball.

Everyone is surprised at how Shadow had created such a home for himself and how he did it too. I turn to my mate. 

"I think Shadow has already decided where he will sleep" I say amused as I learned a new thing about Shadow and my mate chuckles at this. 

"Indeed, tomorrow we shall see what other surprises he has in stored for us" He says and the crowd begins to disperse though they keep glancing at the sleeping form of Shadow up on the roots. 

"Come children it's time to eat then sleep, you can play with Shadow tomorrow after your father sees what he is capable of" My daughters smile widely at the prospect of playing with shadow tomorrow and run to the campfire to eat as I look back at Shadow. 

"Sweet dreams Shadow, you have a big day tomorrow" I smile at Shadow before I walk over to the fire.

(Shadow POV) 


I now have a home. 

And I'm welcomed in it. 

I still have much to prove about myself but one thing is certain. 

Moat trusts me and soon... 

She will be my mate. 

And maybe others as well.