
The Xenomorph on Pandora

When the RDA first arrived on Pandora, they weren’t expecting any intelligent life on the beautiful planet. But when they discover that the natives to the planet were indeed intelligent, they tried to get their experiments off world. However, that would draw too much attention. Forced to keep their illegal experiments on Pandora, they work in secret. But then one of their experiments escape. What will happen to this experiment? Will it survive the harsh environments of Pandora? Or will Pandora and it’s people change because of it?

DeadHydra · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Chapter 1 - Free


Two men in lab coats are currently in a room with a large window that shows Asset 6 asleep in the water tank. Both are sitting at the same table in front of the window , one scientist is watching a heartbeat monitor which is beating at a normal slow rate while the other is filling out some paperwork. 

"Hey Dan?" The scientist at the heartbeat monitor speaks up and the one now know as Dan looks up from his work. 

"Yes?" Dan asks with a raised brow. 

"You got a smoke or something?" He asks his coworker who gives out a tired sigh. 

"Harold you know we're not allowed to smoke on the clock" The one known as Harold groans. 

"I know but c'mon man, I've been watching this fucking monitor for the last hour and surprise surprise no changes, I need a break" He says as he throws his hands up, Dan narrows his eyes at Harold. 

"Well how do you think I feel? I'm the one who has to fill out all this paperwork while you sit around and do basically nothing" Harold rolls his eyes. 

"Then let's take a break then switch positions and let's see how you'll do when you got to stare at this thing" Dan keeps his eyes narrowed at him but he gives out another tired sigh. 

"Fine one smoke break and we'll switch" Harold claps as Dan reaches into his pocket and pulls out some cigarettes and a lighter, he passes one to him and lights it and does the same for his own. 

After a minute of smoking Harold speaks again.

"By the way, what's gonna happen to him after he's ready?" He gestures to Asset 6 and Dan shrugs. 

"Not sure, RDA might use him for the natives or we'll sell him back on earth" He says as he takes another drag from his cigarette. 

"Hopefully it's the former, those blue freaks are seriously messed up, with his help they'll be gone by nightfall" Harold says and laughs. 

"What? You don't want to keep some of them alive? More specifically the women" Dan says with a grin. 

Harold let's out another laugh "True, those women are fine looking, especially in those little outfits of theirs, almost like they're teasing us" 

They both give out a laugh then finish their smokes and Dan stands up.

"Alright breaks over, now move ov-" Then he goes very still and silent and slightly wide eyed, Harold follows his gaze and looks at Asset 6 but doesn't see anything, he turns back at Dan. 

"What? What's wrong?" He asks with a raised brow. 

"What does the monitor show?" Dan asks him a little urgently which makes Harold a little uneasy, he turns to the monitor and turns back to him. 

"It's normal, why?" Harold asks him as he stares intently at the water tank. 

"I thought I saw him move" Dan says after a minute of staring which makes Harold jolt a bit and he begins checking other monitors. 

"All systems are green, sedation is doing its job, I think your being paranoid" Harold says with a smile but his eyes keep glancing at the water tank holding asset 6. 

"Hmm maybe" Dan says and he takes a deep breath and sighs as his hand runs down his face. 

"Alright, if your done trying to scare me you can go sit and watch the monitor" Harold says still glancing at asset 6.

"Yeah yeah I'll-" Dan freezes again and Harold immediately turns to Asset 6.

"Now I'm definitely sure he moved" They both go deathly silent as they stare at the water tank, a minute passes, then another but nothing happens and they let out a breath of relief and Harold shoves Dan. 

"Quit scaring me you fucker, the systems are green, he's been heavily sedated multiple times, it would take a miracle for him to-" Then he goes deathly silent as he saw a small but very noticeable twitch. 

"Please tell me you didn't see that" Harold half begs and half hopes to Dan who was also watching the water tank. 

"I wish I didn't" He says as they both go wide eye at this revelation.

He's waking up.

They both spring to their feet and began going over their monitors. 

"I'm green here!" Dan calls out to him 

"Here too!" Harold replies back, then a sound that makes their blood go cold. 

The heartbeat monitor begins speeding up. 

They both look at each other then they look at the water tank just in time to see Asset 6 twitch again but three seconds later he twitches again which makes the two scientists even more wide eyed. 

"Sound the alarm, I'll alert security!" Harold nods as he runs over to a console flips a cover and presses a button. 

"Asset 6 is waking up! I repeat Asset 6 is waking up! We require the containment unit in here now!" Dan practically screams as the alarm goes off and every room in the base starts flashing red lights but then suddenly the monitors start going red too. 

"We're losing power in the tank! It's going to empty itself!" Harold yells over the alarm. 

"Then fix it! It can not get out!" Dan cries out as he tries to fix the sedative monitor. 

Four armed men enter the room, two are holding shock batons while two hold sedative guns and surround the water tank and it begins draining out the water. 

"Oh shit oh shit oh shit" Harold keeps repeating as he try's to fix something, moving to one monitor to the next as Dan does the same, minus the cursing. 

The tank now empty and Asset 6 lying still at the bottom curled up in a ball on his left side, the four soldiers raise their weapons and wait for him to start attacking, Dan and Harold now noticing the tank is drained they stop what they're doing and watch through the window. 

Everything and everyone but the alarms is still and silent as they await for Asset 6 to move... 

And he does.

First he shifts then he moves his right arm and pushes himself up then stands on his legs reaching his full height, 10 feet, his back to the scientists, and he slowly turns to face them, his eyeless domed head staring directly at them and baring his teeth which, literally, nearly made them shit themselves. 

Then all of a sudden Asset 6 rears his head back then brings it down on the glass which creates a small spider web crack. The sudden move made everyone take a step back in fear, then he does it again and again creating a bigger web but stops, then he takes a step back and he charges smashing through the glass and landing on all fours next to two of the soldiers who backed away when he smashed through as the other two come a little closer to the others. 

It becomes a standoff as the soldiers keep their weapons pointed at Asset 6 and he stays on all fours looking left and right at the soldiers, then Harold grabs the microphone.

"What the fuck are you waiting for!? Get him!" And with that chaos erupts. 

Before one of the two opens fire Asset 6 pounces on the gunman on his right, the man didn't even get to scream before his throat was slit by his sharp claws and pounces on one of the baton soldiers. He grabs the man and throws him at the second gunman and they both go down while the second baton soldier charges at Asset 6, sparks erupting from his baton, he brings it down but he side steps around hit and grabs the man's head and launches a second jaw at the side of it which goes through with a crunch. The last two men manage to untangle themselves and get up, the gunman raises his weapon and fires a tranq dart but Asset 6 drops to all fours again and rushes at him, he fires another dart but he dodges by jumping to the left then when he reaches the gunman he swings his right arm at him, he knocks the weapon out of his hands then grabs him by the throat, lifts him up, then slams him on the ground and starts slashing and tearing into him. The fourth and final soldier seeing his friends dead sets him in a panic and he runs up to the window and starts banging on it crying out for help to the scientists but all they can do is stare wide eyed at the horror they're witnessing. When the third soldier was dead Asset 6 looked around looking for the final man and finding him at the window he begins slowly walking on his two legs, upon reaching the panicking soldier he grabs him by the head and pulls him to his side. The soldier starts screaming in fear while Asset 6 stares at the scientists for a moment before he lifts the soldier up and starts smashing his head on the window which shakes the window and eventually starts making progress as spider webs appear on the window. Then he takes a step back then throws the badly beaten soldier through the window which causes the scientists to fall to the ground and finally kills the soldier. He then jumps through the broken window and sees the two cowering men, he sets his sights on Harold first and brings up his tail and stabs him through the chest and lifts him off the ground and throws him across the room killing him, then he turns to Dan who started crawling to the door on all fours but he's suddenly on his stomach due to some massive weight on top of him, two black bony hands grab his head and he screams but is cut short when Asset 6 uses his second jaw on the back of Dans head killing him instantly. 

With six of his captors dead he gives out a victory screech.

He looks around the room for an escape route and luckily he finds one on the wall, a ventilation shaft, climbing the wall he pulls the grate off and proceeds through the vents, avoiding any unnecessary fights. But those unavoidable fights? He deals with those quickly but painfully while painting the rooms and halls red. 

He eventually reaches a door and sees a sign above it that looks like fire but unable to read any human languages he ignores it and rips the door down and walks through. In the room is filled with pipes but one caught his eye, it was a large white cylinder tank with the fire sign on its side. Then he hears footsteps above him and looks to see two soldiers with automatic weapons on a catwalk, with the mass casualty amount they no longer wish to try and capture him but instead eliminate him as he overheard some soldiers talking when travelling through the vents. 

The soldiers see him and immediately start firing at him, thinking quickly he drops to all fours and runs at a wall and climbs to reach the catwalk. Upon reaching it he climbs to the bottom of it and runs across the catwalk upside down, the soldiers keep trying to hit through the catwalk but it blocks their shots. When he reaches them he passes the first soldier but uses his tail to stab through the catwalk and then through his chest which slightly lifts him to his toes before he gets slammed into the catwalk which frees the tail from his body. With the second soldier, the grate under him was grabbed and ripped off the catwalk causing the soldier to fall to his death. 

With the room cleared of soldiers, he jumps off the catwalk and back onto the ground but before he moves on to the next room he hears something, a hissing sound, looking around he spots what's causing the sound, the large white cylinder tank has a bullet hole in it and it's leaking some sort of air. Even though he doesn't know why, he knows that's really bad, not wasting anymore time he dashes through the next door and try's to find the exit with extra haste.

Within about five minutes he reaches a door but this one had windows on it showing a second door which leads to the outside world, relived he rams the door but it doesn't budge, so he grabs it instead and pulls, the door groans but it's eventually ripped off its hinges. Moving onto the second door he grabs it as well and pulls but he then hears multiple footsteps. Doubling his efforts he pulls again and manages to bring the door down but as he does another alarm is set off and the soldiers behind begin yelling but he ignores them and runs out the building. 

Running on all fours on the smooth stone ground in the night, he runs towards the wall surrounding the base but bullets start landing next to him, he moves left and right to avoid them but halfway to the wall a huge explosion destroys the building and sends him flying. He hits the ground hard and rolls for a bit but stops, somewhat disoriented he looks back at the building and sees it on fire. Pushing himself up he keeps running and reaches the wall and climbs up to the top and sees the forest but then a bullet hits his shoulder, he screeches in pain and looks back and sees some surviving soldiers shooting at him. 

He jumps down from the wall and runs into the forest as fast as he can despite the pain in his shoulder, bullets hit the trees and the ground next to him causing to move faster. When the base is out of sight the gunshots stop but he doesn't, he runs through the forest for a good two hours before he stops and rests. 

He stays still for a few moments trying to hear or sense any danger but he doesn't and relaxes. With the adrenaline rush wearing off, his shoulder begins to burn with pain, looking over his shoulder he sees the hole and brings his tail to it, ignoring the increased pain, he uses it to pry the bullet out. When he finally pry's it out he opens his mouth but instead of the second jaw a long black tongue comes out and he licks his wound, cleaning it with his saliva. 

With his wound dealt with he looks at his surroundings, despite it being nighttime, the forest was very bright with the plants and trees glowing various colours. 

He looks up to the dark blue sky and sees a large planet floating there. 

He takes a deep breath and gives out a large screech.


