
the world that changed me

25 year old mike gets to be the first experiment of the new world. is this good luck or bad luck for him. what will he find. will he be the savior or the end of the world?

mdh · Fantasia
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8 Chs

chaper 4 unknown's in the forest

after a good long sleep mike and oka woke up.

oka start to walk towards one direction.

i start to follow oka and ask her why.

oka pointed at animals, and went to go hunting them.

i stayed near the place we camped practicing atributeless magic.

i tried to make certain stuff like kitchen utensils.

by trying to shape my magic in a way its usable to eat with them.

but it seems like all that i did try to make was blocks or slabs of wood.

it seems like magic is not for precise making.

when i try to make fire its the easiest to control the size and the heat, but i cant get it any bigger since i don't have enough magic power to do that and i don't know how to increase it.

also it seems like the cursed tattoo is magic resistant.

so at least i have one working arm and one half working one.

it still burns when i use it to much.

practicing magic trough the pain and concentrating i went to take a nap.

i feel something slimy around my body.

i wake up to oka licking me.

oka stop licking me im awake im awake.

oka did you bring food.

oka pointed at the food.

i asked oka did you eat your share?

oka nodded.

and grabbed me with teeth and brought me to a water source to drink.

she start to drink and so did i.

after that oka brought me back to our camp site.

i start to make a campfire to cook the food.

i lit it with fire magic, but it seems like it burn everything it touches to ash.

if i put more magic into it, it just burns longer.

so i decided to use my fire magic to heat the food.

before i could heat the food i ran out of magic.

so i only completed a part of the deer.

so i started to eat part of the deer that i cooked.

i look beheind me oka is sleeping already.

so i decided to use magic on the part of the animal i did not cook.

when i did it the body of the animal seems to regenerate and get destroyed at the same time.

magic did that on a dead animal.

i wonder what would happen if i did it on a live one.

so after that it was night already so i decided to sleep.

i went into oka's fur and instantly slept.

report subject 010 has escaped into the forest investigating how he resisted the command and how he controlled the giant wolf.

the next day.

i wake up to a putrid smell.

oka wakes up after me.

we dicided to move our campsite somewhere that did not smell like a dead animal.

so when oka went hunting i asked oka if i could join hunting.

oka nodded.

so i rode on oka until we found food.

hey oka can you catch it without killing it.

oka ran and quickly immobilized it.

i am gunna try some magic on it.

when i applied magic fast on the pig.

parts of the pig imploded and the pig squealed.

i started to panic, but oka killed it.

so it does not suffer anymore.

after that i went with the killed pig to our camp site.

i started to cook it and only did a part like last time, before my magic ran out.

so i ate the part that was cooked and let oka eat the rest that was not cooked.

so this time it does not leave a horrid smell.

oka wrote down in the dirt the promise do you remember it?

i said yeah the promise that you wanted me right?

oka wrote i meant that you needed to promise to help me get my original form.

i said i thought you wanted me.

i did not care since i was in a hurry.

oka wrote how did you even resist their control over you.

and how could you even walk around like that.

i said to oka that how i did not get controlled.

i blocked my sight and my hearing to not be able to hear or see their command.

oka wrote why your eye sight?

i said i am pretty good at lip reading.

so if its a language that i understand i am not sure if my curse will activate.

oka wrote and how did you block your hearing.

i created a ear plug's to stop the sound.

oka wrote out of what?

i said out of wood.

so after that i told oka what happened before i went to brake oka out of the cage.

oka wrote that's weird.

i wonder who he is.

after that mike and oka went to sleep in the same position they always have.

i woke up and felt something was looking at me.

something ominous.

i felt bloodlust.

i tried to look around.

it was still dark.

it seems to be a magic beast.

oka finally woke up getting ready to fight the giant boar.

i said oka let me block any magic attacks.

oka knotted.

the boar started with fire breath.

oka dodged it and counter attacked.

the boar screamed.

it rapid fired some fire magic.

oka got hit by some of them and i blocked some for oka.

oka counted attacked again this time the other leg.

both of the boar started to heavily bleed on both of its front legs.

at this point the boar became desperate to all that back and forth between us.

the boar surrounded itself with fire magic ready to ram us as its final attack.

surprisingly oka used fire to surround itself to fight back, but before oka could the fire armor backfired and send oka and me flying.

becoming desperate i tried to enhance my left arm with magic.

i saw the boar incoming.

i started to slowly charge my left arm with magic to boost my muscle strength.

it worked.

i am holding it back.

so close..

after a bit of struggling it finally threw me back into a tree.

after that hit i lost concentration and the magic in my arm imploded.

oka started to get out of it's daze and finished of the boar.

by violently started to bite and tear it.

when oka realizes that im on the ground bleeding.

oka rushes to me.

with barly being conscious i took my half working hand to where oka's head is.

and i did a emotionless smile at oka and fainted.

after that.....