
the world that changed me

25 year old mike gets to be the first experiment of the new world. is this good luck or bad luck for him. what will he find. will he be the savior or the end of the world?

mdh · Fantasy
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8 Chs

chapter 5 unknows in the forest part 2

oka started to panic grabbed mike.

ran around looking for anything or anyone that could help me.

(he saved me from getting badly injured)

(i need to help him)

(is that another magical beast)

(this is bad i need to avoid it)

(se i don't make the situation worse)

(mike is losing allot of blood)

(i need to find a place quickly)

(i don't care where it just has to help him)

(i see a village)

(i enter it)

(this is bad its a semi human village)

(im not sure if they will help him)

(if only i had my origanal form)

(or was smaller)

(im at my wits end here)

(its my only hope to save him)

(i walk in with mike hanging from my teeth)

(all the semi human villagers came with weapons in hand)

(like spears, sword, dagger)

(they started to surround me)

(as they started to attack me i stood still and took most of it)

(as i was battered and bruised i put mike near a villager that was scared of me)

(and laid down and hoped that they would help him)

(they slowly stopped attacking me and realized that i meant no harm)

the village girl said wait stop she means no harm.

this wolf is the same as us.

so the village guard's started to come around what oka brought.

oka said (please help him)

village girl said im emma a half wolf like you.

why would you like to help a filthy human.

oka said(because he protected me)

emma said(from what exactly)

oka said(please just help him then we talk afterward)

(he does not have allot of time)

emma said fine.

but you better tell me all the details.

and come to the back of the village.

as they arrive oka sees a giants house.

but inside are rooms of patient's

emma said oka you have to stay outside.

since you cant even go in there.

emma shouted grandma i have a patient.

the grandma said emma dear i told you to go to other doctor's with small bruises.

emma answered this one is looking pretty grim.

emmas's granma complained if this is another one with one bruises i swear to heavens tha.

emma's grandma looked at mike.

he looks pretty grim, but a human.

emma said supposedly he risked his life for one of our kind.

emma's grandma hmmed.

ok get him on the bed over there.

but this one is gunna be problematic.

after hours of magic careful magic placement.

they slowly started to close my wound.

and healed my other arm.

afterword's emma and emma's grandma talked to oka.

emma asked what you name.

oka answered (i am oka)

emma asked so tell me all the juicy details

so oka told emma everything that happened.

emma said so he was an experiment to the humans.

and that's why he has those black marking's on his left arm.

makes me almost feel bad for him, almost.

oka looks away.

emma said hmmm you seem to know something you are not talking about.

oka said (i dont know what you mean)

emma said your aura is telling me that.

oka said (aura?)

emma asked do you not need help with your wounds?

its looks like a pretty bad wound's

oka said (i can deal with it)

emma asked so how did you get that way

oka anwsered (i am not saying anything about that)

emma said and your back its like burned or it is my idea.

my people cant use fire freely.

so how did you get burned.

oka answered (i told you it was the boar attack)

emma said you say that but some of those marks do not seem normal.

can i get a closer look?

oka said (no)

emma asked so the only reason you helped him is because he helped you?

oka said (well he did promise to help me get my original form back)

emma said so you where a human experimant.

oka stays silent.

after that emma talked to her grandma about oka and mike's situation.

and decided to use some healing magic to heal oka.

i get the same nightmare again of killing everything i loved.

i watched while my body killed people, dogs , even my machine.

that feeling to kill something is so realistic i cant forget it.

the feeling of stabbing someone over over.

it scares me.

i swear to myself that i would never become like that and get out of this hell hole.

as i wake up i wake up to a girl holding my hand and sleeping where im sleeping.

(is that oka?)

(but her colour its not gray its like golden.)

(i wonder who she is.)

(now that i think about it is oka a boy or a girl)

(i hope oka is a boy.)

(not a girl.)

she started to wake up she sees that she was holding my hand cause of my nightmare.

after she woke up i said hi.

emma removed her her and began to blush wile looking away.

emma said you saw nothing ok.

i said okay.

and i asked are you the one that saved me?

emma answered no, but my grandma did.

i said but my left arm s not fully healed.

emma said your weird marking are stopping us from using healing effectively, since if we use it on marking's it like blocks it.

i said even healing magic?

that is so weird.

so i never asked for your name and how is oka?

emma said my name is emma and oka your boy friend is awake.

emma opens the window i see oka.

oka said to emma ( not my boy friend)

emma said i was just joking.

dont get mad.

i look at emma and said you understand her?

emma answered yeah, only her thought's though.

i guess i can understand her from her aura.

mike asked to emma can i somehow repay you guys for helping me?

emma answered i don't know about staying in this village.

people hate humans here, despise them even.

mike said its fine if they hate me just just want to help you and your grandmother out.

i hate owing people something.

emma asked are you good with healing people?

mike said that is my specialty.

after that mike started to slowly help the hospital.

and oka was helping out in hunting for food...