
The World Created by One Person

A man whose name and origin is unkown woke up in the City of Oblivius. He must find a way to survive the new world full of mysteries.

h_Hirto · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter 2 A Landlord?

As the citizen's looked at the Main Event more people got annoyed by how unfair the Main Event. After everyone looked at the Main Event they started to look at me like they want to kill me.

"Its your fault because of you a tyranical ruler will appear."

I ignored the stupid comment and started to walk out side the Center Park. Then suddenly the Host said [Everyone is unnable to say their name.]

When I heard it I was astonished I thought that the Host certainly watch us but I never thought that the host will ever say something that I was wondering about. I replied with a calm expression "Why say so?"

[Extra information can be given for free at random.]

"At random? Wait does that mean that its not planned?"

[Sort of.]

Does that also mean that information can be given without a reason?

"Is the information being said planned? Why give out information?"

The Host didn't answer. There could be several reasons for not answering. It could be that the Host can only answer few question, the Host didn't want to answer or the Host is not allowed to answer my question right there.

The Host left and few people started to leave. There were people who ask me to join their group but I didn't join I found it troublesome. I also left but before that I looked around the Center Park trying to see if someone left their food. In the end it was hopeless thinking.

The sudden soud that came from my stomach was enough to make me look for a convenience store. Luckily I found one I was only able to buy a steam bun and a drink since it both cost 20 points each. I have to presserve my points because, I have no idea what I'll need it for and its also good because I don't eat a lot even at my home.

Out of no where while eating my lunch in front of the store two groups appeared. It was obvuis that they don't belong in the same group because of the group tag floating above their head. I realised this while eating my lunch it makes sense since Im probably at my smartest while eating.

"Your the trigger, lucky us to kill you."

Annoyingly enough both group started looking at me with killing intent. I thought that everyone seem to dislike me I started wondering why, but my thought stop the moment I saw them using their abilities. I started to run away just because I have no idea how to use my abilities the only thing I know is basic info.


A man shouted a normaly embarressing word. Then a few more men shouted.




When I heard a repeat a thought came to mind the possibility of someone having the same ability. It made some sort of logic after all as far as I know no rule stop the possibility of having the same ability. I stop when one of them sent a ball of fire towards me... I was strangely enough annoyed. I whispered


[Ability: Logic is activated]

Only one thought was in my mind. How do you stop an attack? Simple don't stop it. Why? After all if an attack never hit you and an attack's effect never occured its stop. Well of it is in theory. The most important part is control because well its common sense.

When the fire was at near my face my lower body was swallowed by the ground.

"I see your not bad kid. You must have a manipulation ability."

I took note of what he said but I'm unable to move but when they all launch an attack on me my body was suddenly launch out by the ground it was a speed that was abnormaly fast. In the end I got away but it took a few minutes to land. The landing was safe because the the speed decreased exponentially the moment that I was near the ground. The most important part was that I didn't take any injuries which seems impossible even with abilities.

"What was that is that my ability? Is it perharps passive?"

Its a possibility that only seemed logical for the Ilogical ability of mine. Either way I found a mall. I thought of doing grocery only for two things. As I walked through the mall I saw people and saw the place. I quikly saw the price and bought what I needed and left. After I left I started writing what I know to my newly bought notebook or journal? Either way its fine while writing the idea of finding a place to stay made the most sense since its logical.

After a while I found a Real Estate building. I entered and only saw another hologram I walked towards it and it ask if I need a home I replied yes and it offered an average looking place only for 0 Points a months and no need to pay for the electricity and water I was suspicous but I took the place.

"Finaly a place to stay."

As it turns to night time a message arrived.

[Subject will be given Points]

Currently Calculating

[Calculation Complete]

500 Points is tranfered to Subject

"500 thats something."

With the points given I planned what I would use it for. I planned the usage of the points for the whole month. I never wanted any inconvenience that can cause me trouble. I also thought of trying to learn more about my ability since I'll be needing it.

My abilities is Logic and Ilogical does something based on perspective to be honest describing it like that is confusing. I walked out my new home and I walked through the streets. Since no one was near I used my ability.

"Logic and Illogical."

[Ability: Logic and Illogical is activated.]

Now I have to learn how to use it and how it works. I first thought of using Logic first but how does changing common sense work? Maybe its by imagining? I tried out my idea but I have no idea of what it should do. Then an idea appeared why not use it on me and the chage of common sense will be effects of damage disappear. I wasn't sure if it would work but I tried. I slowly whispered "Change". To see it it worked I punch my self really hard. The result was no damage but it only lasted for 5 seconds.

"I give up."

I said this words after realising that its more confusing than I first thought. Out of no where I saw a shadowy figure althought it could just be me imagining things. I walked slowly towards it and saw a cat.

"A cat? Is that common here? I didn't see one this morning."


I slowly took the cat into my hands then it seemed annoyed. It make sense since from it perspective being carried by a human is surely annoying. I look at the cat's eye and tried to see what's in its mouth. I was suspicious of the cat after all this whole city is supicious. Then the cat tried to bite me but fortunately I can use my ability to stop damage. The cat tried to leave all of the sudden I wanted to observe it a bit more my intuition is telling me not to believe this cat. When I stood up it got away my vision was not so good because of the area was dark. The cat got away but fortunately I ran faster that it and was able to catch it, when it suddenly turned into a human.

"An ability to turn into either an animal or anything."

"Its creepy that you let your thought out."

As the person stared at me I ask a question "What group are you from?"


"No answer, I see then will you at least tell me how long you can use your ability."

I was being to polite. Normaly I would observe their clothing but because of the darkness I couldn't. I could also walk towards the person but they probably would just run away and since its possible that they might know the streets better than me. Its only if they had good memory and maybe other stuff that I don't remember.

"If you won't answer I'll just leave you alone then."

"You won't do anything?"

I just left there is no need to answer the question the more vague I am the less information that they could have.

I went back to my new home I took a bath then went to sleep right after. It was morning I was sleeping comfortably, a sound woke me up it wasn't an alarm clock since I don't use one. It was the sound of someone knocking on my door. I was still a bit sleepy so I didn't think much, I opened the door and saw someone.

"Tsk... Why did it take so long for you to answer?"


I was confuse, who is this female and why is she at my door when its still morning do the people here knock on door of someone to annoy them.

"Oh yeah... You don't know what I look like. It was last night when we met."

Last night? Then its that person the bad runner or stalker maybe.

"Why are you here?"

"W-Well... I... w-was... kicked out."

Kicked out, I see its probably because of last night they thought that she will either fail more task because she failed something that was pretty simple since I don't care enought or she was kicked out for another or different reason that I don't know.

"C-Can I s-sta...y h-here?"

"No, why would I let you stay here?"

It was a perfect opportunity to see if my plan will work. It was a simple one that no one will probably think of. I mean its practically a posibility hidden under a players nose but in this case its a Subject.

"You can stay next door but you have to pay rent."

"I-I can?"

"Yes, just pay me rent you probably know how to transfer money to someone else."

"Y-Yes, so um how much?"

She seems like she's calming down. I replied with "Only 50 points."


"Yes, and no need to be stunned."

Does she not have enough? Or is she planning to use the points for something else?

"Is it daily?"

She gained a calm posture. It looks like she's getting use to it.

"Its once a week."

"I'll pay now."

She opened her TB and I got a notification.

[1st Subject to pay rent]

You've been payed 50 points

What's with name of the notification. Whatever this is fine but still this is suspicious. So I ask "This is not a lie is it?"

She gaved of a confused look as if she expected me not to be suspicious.

"No I'm not lying!"

With a pretty loud yell and a pretty convinsing look I decided to put only a little trust on her even though its not the best move.

"Can't you just join another group?"

She stared at me and answered "Whenever you leave a group or get kicked out your not alowed to join another group for 3 days."

I was supicious of her but she showed me her TB. I was still suspicious but I decided to believe it.