
The World Created by One Person

A man whose name and origin is unkown woke up in the City of Oblivius. He must find a way to survive the new world full of mysteries.

h_Hirto · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 3 A New Ally?

After a while I showed her the apartment that she will be living in like a sales man. She stared at me and ask "Wait do you own this place?"

I instantly answered as if I was waiting for a question.

"Yes, why ask?"

She looked suprised for a second and answered "I didn't know that you could do that."

It gaved me an idea of how long she was here and the amount of common knowledge being spread around. Not too long after I finished showing her the apartment. I left the apartment and suddenly remembered something.

"Can I get your name?"

She slowly opened her mount and said "Yes you can."

I quickly took my note out of the pocket with my pen and she said her name.

"My name is Nily."

I quickly wrote it down to not forget.

"Is that your real name?"

Even though the Host said that people here are unable to say there actual name, I didn't believe it that easily after all this is a kidnaping situation that you can read in a lot of novels.

As she stared at me she said "W-Well its...not."

I noticed that she was shaking when she answered. It confused me but maybe its some personal reason. If I come up with a reason that have no validation or any solid evidence backing it up its just a waste of time and its pretty stupid.

I said my goodbye and walked to the nearest convenience store for my breakfast. When I entered the store I saw someone yell at the hologram.

"Where am I?"

When I heard him I simply ignored him to not get in trouble, but I still listen to what his yelling out.

[This is Oblivius City.]

"Huh? Never of that place."

I keep thinking that he might have woke up in the Central Park during this morning. I got the thought of did someone try to recruit him or not. When I woke up in this city someone was there to answer few of my questions. Should I help him? No its not help its more or less me answering his question.

I keep walking around with that thought in mind, while he just yells out one question after another to the hologram. It actually made me think that he might have not notice me enter the store.

"Found it."

I said it in a small voice to not attract his attention. I found my breakfast but I don't really know what to do about that guy since if his still there I can't buy my breakfast which is just instant noodles.

I slowly walk towards the guy. I just stood on his back waiting like I'm in a normal place. He for some reasons glance at his back and saw me.

"Oh did I cause you trouble?"

He ask very politely which is unexpected but it must be because of my first impression of him. I replied as politely as I can at the moment.

"No its fine, is there anything I can help you with?"

After a few seconds he said

"Can you explain to me what is going on."

"Fine by me."

I started explaining to him where he is, the abilities, the TB, and the Groups but I only told him what I know. He stared at me and said "Oh yeah my name is..."

He looked confused for a second so I told him that your unable to say your real name and people go by a name they come up with. He then said "If I can't say my name I'll use the only name I can think of to use. Now your free to call me Finzen."


"Yes, Finzen."

I was confused by how he came up with a name. Its certainly a possibility for someone he know to have such name. Though I find it confusing on what place will that name exist but either way its fine.

Finzen then ask me something pretty obvuis.

"By the way why don't people just leave this city?"

"Its because theres a barrier stopping people from leaving. Thought that is just what was told to me."

"Oh I see that make sense."

It certainly have some sense to it considering the fact that abilities exist.

"Did you woke up at the Central Park?"

"Central Park? Oh is that the place where everyone is gathering this morning?"

"Gathering? Oh maybe its that?"

"That should be it."

Gathering It seems like someone is trying to do something about the Main Event.

"Can I buy this now?"

"Certainly I'll wait for you outside."

He left the store and he sat down near a bench. When you think about it his clothes looks like its a little bigger than his body. His also wearing a white suit with black pants and black shoes? Why does it look like his a bussinessman who for some reason has a white suit that's a little bigger that his actual size. Though me rambling about it doesn't matter it gave me the thought of he looks like a guy who has charisma and trust worthy. Maybe I can use that factor.

I purchased the food and went near the bench that his sitting on. He glanced at my the food that I bought and said "Can you give me some?"

"I cannot since I don't have that much points."

"Just a small piece is fine."

"Sure but you have to stay at my building."

"Your building."

"Yes, I have an apartment for you to stay."

"For a piece of food you'll give me a place to stay?"

"I will but you have to pay me after one week 50 points."

"50 huh so how much did points do you get per day?"

"For me its 500."

"500 that's quite a lot. Sure I'll stay at your apartment."

Frizen wasn't as confused as someone who wouldn't know that I own a building. Since I told him in the explanation that I own a building.

"Here and you can follow me to the building."

I gave him a piece of food and he followed me back to the building. I showed him his new apartment and left the room. I went back to my apartment which is right next to it and wrote down his name and started eating the food that I purchased at the convinience store.

"I probably should have ask him his ability."

After finishing my food someone knocks on the door. I opened it to see Finzen. I ask why he was here and he answered "Do you have any idea about my ability?".

His ability? I don't know what it is so is he asking about how his ability works? I didn't tell him how to use it since I consider my self to be normal.

"Is it how it works?"

"Yes, you can look. Here its the TB."

[Task Bar]

Ruler: The user is given a buff in something. This ability is Passive.

Ability has another unknown function.

Futher info is will be given based on the Subjects's mastery.

Current Passive: Charisma

I was pretty interested in the ability. With bit more analyzation the thought of "Isn't this actually pretty good?". Encountering a Passive ability that seems natural considering the fact that my ability Illogical is somewhat passive. With a calm expression I said "Its works naturaly meaning its passive, and also based on the given info you can change what the passive can be."

With an understanding expression and tone he said "I see so this is my ability. Seems useful."

"By the way can I group up with you?"

After hearing the offer several thought pass by my mind. Why team up with me? And several others. I decided on something simple. It will be a temporary Group, after all why would put your trust to a stranger?

"Sure but it will be temporary and you still have to pay rent."

With a calm and small grin he said "Fine by me. So who will be the Leader?"

The Leader? It seems like he put some thought into that. Since there is only the two of us I decided a Leader is unnecessary for a group with only two people.

"A Leader is unnecessary since there is only the two of us."

Finzen nods his head with agreement. He ask me "If you live in the first room and I'm third is there someone living in the second room?"

Its a weird thing to notice but I simply answered.

"There is someone that lives there."

He looked at me and said "Did you try to recruit that person?"

"No I didn't."

Then as if someone was watching us the TB appeared.

[Task Bar]

A Group has been made. To make an official Group there must be three members at minimum.

I simply looks at it with annoyance. I looked at Finzen and he seemed quite shock but he regained his composure quite fast.

"So will we recruit that person."

"Not until I can confirm a few things."

"Confirm what?"

"Her ability is still unknown to me, I can only come up with a theory of what it is."

"Her? Wait its a female!"

Based on his reaction it seems like he didn't expect it to be a female. He regained his compossure once more and asks "So what do you know about her ability"

"I only got more than a few seconds to see it."

"That's a strange comment. But back to the topic. Do you have an idea of what it might be?"

"Based on what I saw I think it should be an ability that allows the user to turn into something but I only saw her as a cat, though it was just a shadow."

"Though it could very well be the wrong deduction."

As Finzen stares back at Naiba he replied.

"If making an Official Group will cause more problem then I'm fine with not recruiting that person."

He sounded incredebly calm, Finzen must have fully understood the situation. After that he left the room to look around the City or in other words get to know the City, Naiba left his place to go to the Central Park.

As he walks towards the Central Park he saw multiple people going to the same direction. No one tried to talk to him but they all never got closer than 5 meters to him. For Naiba it almost felt like his reading a book. It certainly is a strange way to describe it but its how Naiba would.

After a few minutes of walking he reached the Central Park. As he walks around observing the place he got the thought of "This place feels different from before or its just me."

As he says it he noticed a that there is a giant tree. Its branch glowing with light as if to illuminate and protect the Central Park. As he walks towards the giant tree he said.

"This wasn't here yesterday."

He slowly and meticulously observed and took notes of the tree. Then out of no where a voice that he has heard yesterday was screaming and running towards the tree.

"Get out of the way!!"

As he saw the figure he was reminded of the fist person that he talked to in the Oblivius City. It was Ritso, he instinctively took hold of her wrist and then the voice of the Host was heard with the TB appearing.

[The Mini Event is now over.]