
The Women who could call Fire

From the moment i could remember my life never completely made sense , I remember moments in my life where it all made sense, from love to hate.. family and friends..but those moments where nothing never makes sense is what scares me the most that's until i met them the others . The others who knew more about my life than i did That's when it all changed every single detail ..

Creativesoul98 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 5

"Okay this is the best were going to get i guess " lily said yarning tiredly. We had been walking for hours in all we had managed to find was nothing, complete nothingness. I couldn't help but wonder what we could be missing it seemed like it would take us ages to find this pack i apparently came from, what signs were we even supposed to be looking for. I could feel myself all a sudden getting agitated with the queens games,

" do you think maybe we aren't seeing it because we just don't want to " i said openly,

" I don't know about you but I definitely want to find this pack " she snorted while stuffing her sack behind her head to rest on.

" you know what i mean " i said rolling my eyes ,

" maybe we need to think inside the box , I'm apparently this monster with powers right, so how about in the morning we test that logic out. Maybe I'm just not looking hard enough " i said out loud more so to myself , 

" look first thing in the morning if you want to try to tap into something then let's do it for now i can barely keep my eyes open " she whispered yawning.


I knew i heard it before lily did because within seconds i was on my feet , not having time to be thankful for the new found speed i hurriedly began to yank lily up out of her sleep, " lily" i said jerking her awake.

" whaatt" she said twitching in her sleep ,

" we need to run now " i said looking around,

i could feel something watching us I don't how i knew or what warned me but it's almost as if a clear voice had whispered in my ear.

" ruuunnn" a sweet voice whispered out again causing me to jump in fear 

"lily wake the fuck up now " i said grabbing our stuff.

i think she could hear the distress in my voice because within seconds we were on our way as if we had never stopped,

" what the fuck was that " lily said gasping for breath while tugging on my sleeve not leaving me any time to stop in answer.

" keep runni" i tried getting out before i felt something grab the back of my shirt causing me to be thrown back into something hard .

One look at the person grabbing me caused me to let out a ear bleeding scream , I'm sure even the fish could hear me.

" shut up before they find us " the man screamed , but before he could get out anything else lily had already begin charging at us with some type of stick she had managed to find.  She wasted no time using it either, i would have to thank her later

" arghhh" he groaned falling to the forest ground while holding the spot lily had just struck

" oh my god Veronica are you alright " lily said grabbing my hands .

" run now " she said tugging me up ,

We didn't know where we were going and I'm sure we had lost our bags a long ways back , but in this moment we didn't care , in a matter of moments any thoughts about sleep had disappeared from the both of our minds. Giving one last glance behind me i stood up as quickly as i could in followed behind lily

" wait COME BACK" he yelled at us groaning trying to run after us.

" the rogues will be back " he screamed desperately.

" this way " lily urged me quickly, before we knew it we had made three turns, It was almost starting to get light out all we needed to do was find shelter somewhere to think.

" i hope you have a map to find our way back , we left anything dire to us back there " i yelled out to lily.

" would you be more appreciative if i would had left you back there with him " she said while smiling sarcastically,

" oh you would have loved to do that huh " i snarled out, i could tell by the way she could barely speak that we were both dehydrated.

"Lets just keep heading this way , we have to concentrate i feel like any moment now I'm going to burn up from the inside out " i said tearing grabbing at my face and neck.

" this way " she waved , pushing the leaves and trees out of way. The more we walked I realized we had entered almost a tunnel like nature area,

"wowww" lily said pushing out towards our entrance.

" what are you wowing ab" i said getting cut off by tangled vines , in before you knew it we both had fallen in a heap at the edge of the tunnel.

Before i could gather myself i was stuck in complete amazement , i think anyone who had been condemned to four walls her entire life , never having a life, true love or adventure would have been amazed. It seemed as if everything past the tunnel was so much brighter in most importantly there was water ,

" pure fucking heaven" lily said throwing herself into the pond. Making me run after her tossing myself in as well;

"Woooo hooooo ! I'll say heaven is a perfect example lily " i said while splashing her causing us both to stir up in giggles.

" i think this is definitely the up part of our day " lily said rinsing her hair.

The water was pretty warm for it to be cold around here , but at this point I don't think I've been cold this entire time in fact i felt so hot that i was beginning to have a hard time not sweating.

" i think that my powers are finally coming out" i said looking up to find lily staring at me worriedly.

" well Atleast you have warmth I'll most likely be sick tomorrow due to this ice bath " lily chattered while walking out of the pond.

" let me try something " i asked her ,

Me avoiding my gifts any longer is the reason why things have been happening to me maybe it's time to face them"

" may i " i said waiting for her approval

" fine but if you burn me again I'll kill you " she said wearily. I laughed before closing my eyes , one thing i did know was things never went right when I thought to much so the first thing i did was clear my mind , thinking about what i wanted to do with my powers have been seeming to work but usually its a spur of the moment thing. I didn't let any of that change my focus i had to try harder

But I couldn't deny the burn that just kept rising the more I concentrated on placing my hands on lily, not to close this time but just enough for her to feel my warmth.

Before i had knew it i begin to feel a warmth like never before surrounding me in lily creating almost like a tornado,

" aare you seeing THIS" lily screamed into my face causing us both to whoop in pure satisfaction,

this meant that unfortunately the queen hadn't lied Atleast not about my gift so maybe i could have a pack , a family , people that would help us save our parents not just ours but others who were forced to be servants for the queen with no choice of their own

because for the first time ever i think we both felt powerful and Alive, I never knew learning how to use my gift would mean so much to me but I couldn't help wondering if maybe my mother would even be proud.

" I can't believe this " i said in shock sliding onto the ground trying to catch my breath, that was basically the first time i had used so much energy i felt like my body had been drained.

" well believe it , and maybe this is our way out." Lily said sitting down next to me,

" i mean look at us servants out in the forbidden forest, who would have thought that eh , so i think we could possibly figure this out" lily said hopefully

" yeah maybe your right " i said resting my head on lily's shoulder, before I don't think i could have trusted her but so far she's proven that we are all we have at this moment. I just hope that whatever this pack is that the queen told us about will help us, especially when they find out who i am.
