
The Women who could call Fire

From the moment i could remember my life never completely made sense , I remember moments in my life where it all made sense, from love to hate.. family and friends..but those moments where nothing never makes sense is what scares me the most that's until i met them the others . The others who knew more about my life than i did That's when it all changed every single detail ..

Creativesoul98 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

~Zekiel’s Pov~

" No you LISTEN i need to know every name of every female wolf who has entered your land within the past week " i ordered to alpha darren into my phone

" look here pup I don't know what boundaries you're trying to cross but i owe you no explanation " darren said before i heard the line disconnect.

"Arghhhh " i said slamming my head onto my desk like I've done for the past seven years since taking over my pack as alpha.

I could tell by the complete silence following the footsteps that walked up to my desk that Jonathan was indeed laughing at me,

" i think the last person who we should be expecting a war from is alpha darren , you know he just loves to get a rise out of you and i see it worked " Jonathan said to amused obviously by the pain i was causing to myself.

" it would help if you could maybe provide the information on the task i gave you " i said while pinching the bridge of my nose.

"I checked the boundary lines over twenty times not to mention the edge of the forest nobody is coming in or out " Jonathan said rolling his eyes , while collapsing into the chair infront of my desk.

" what about the fair lands " i inquired , being met with instant silence giving me all the answers i needed , and also a very sheepish Jonathan

" JONATHAN " i yelled out exhausted from this conversation already.

" what! You couldn't have expected me to remember that place , i mean come on nobody has been there in decades " Jonathan said throwing his hands in the air dramatically.

" exactly " i said looking at him pointly hoping he would catch on.

" gloria was trying to tell us something and whatever it was it's important the only clue we have is that we are looking for a girl " i said ranting

" the first place you should have checked was the fair lands , if she stumbled onto our lands it would be easy to get lost especially with the illusion spell Gloria's daughter fixed up , she wouldn't know what's real or what's fake " i explained to Jonathan

" fuck " Jonathan bit out pacing back in fourth

" look i have a feeling that this girl is there and if we don't get there in time this forest could kill her or worst rogues " i snarled before pushing past Jonathan to head out of the pack house.

" what is it about this girl that has you so " Jonathan tried getting out.

" so what ?" I dared him to say

"Willing to help a girl who needs it , maybe it's because she's a person or the fact that gloria said to find her " i said rambling

" or that she's your mate " Jonathan said teasingly,

I didn't know what answer to give him cause honestly that's the only question that has been tossing around my mind.

" wait is she " he stuttered out after noticing i had nothing left to say.

" zekiel is she our luna " he questioned again.

" I DONT KNOW" i yelled out angrily, tired of all the questions being asked.

" all I know is i need to find her now " I whispered out desperately.

Jonathan had known me since we were kids and he had never seen me so vulnerable, i think that was enough to make him realize how urgent this was.

" don't worry we will find her " he said positively patting my shoulder.

" whatever this is i have your back " he added before following behind me into the forest.

" thank you , now let's find her " i said with determination,