
The Women who could call Fire

From the moment i could remember my life never completely made sense , I remember moments in my life where it all made sense, from love to hate.. family and friends..but those moments where nothing never makes sense is what scares me the most that's until i met them the others . The others who knew more about my life than i did That's when it all changed every single detail ..

Creativesoul98 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 12

The last thing i was looking forward to today was training, but unfortunately that was the first thing that woke me up this morning; That and well you know who.

"Veeeeeee wakeee up" lily cooed in my ear, leave it to her to disturb me from my peace every single morning.

"Go the fuck away" i yelled pushing her off of me.

"You only get three more passes doing that" lily said grumpily from the floor i had pushed her down on.

"Says the one who woke me up from my beautiful sleep" i shot back before rolling over to sit up in bed,

"What's with the in person alarm shit this morning anyway" i said yawning before stretching after being sleep for about ten hours top.

"Um i don't know maybe the training we've been talking about for over three weeks, i mean At least i have experience but you on the other hand" she said taunting me.

"Is that so" i said with a sneaky smirk on my face.

"No" she said with horror before turning around to make a run for it out the door, but before she could make it out the threshold i sent a tiny string of fire out my finger and right smack on her pajama bottoms.

"Ahhh fuck you veronica!" She screeched before yanking her pants off and running into her room causing me to fall back onto my bed laughing.

"She's definitely gonna get revenge at training" i said to myself, before standing to go grab the clothes Zekiel set out for me on the dresser.

I quickly tied my hair up before hopping into the shower i didn't have time to think about my hair this morning, so getting it wet was definitely not a option. I couldn't help but feel nervous about training; deep down i knew lily was right i had been locked up most of my life, i had no idea how to really fight in combat let alone how to use my powers.

Last time was just luck i was scared i had no control over my body, all i remember is that the fire didn't hurt me instead it embraced me. And  with that thought i got out the shower, finally drying off and slipping on the tank top and cargo pants  with the combat boots they gave me.


The training grounds wasn't to far from the medical house plus it was helpful having oh so grumpy lily guide me there, especially since she had studied our location over twenty times. The moment we arrived Zekiel was standing off to the side, with his beta Jonathan I'm guessing discussing us or the plans.

"Glad you could make it" Zekiel said with a warm smile.

"Hope you ladies are ready for some hardcore training" Jonathan said excitedly flexing his muscles,

i could already see lily eyeing him like a piece of candy. Leaving me and Zekiel to just move off to the middle of the training grounds,

"I figured i should train you not just cause your my mate but because we are the same and I think it's best that i help guide you and help you advance your powers if that's okay with you" he said looking me into my eyes,

How could i ever deny that, i was beginning to already trust this man.

"Of course " i said carefully before watching him sit down onto the ground.

"Then join me" he said pointing on the spot in-front of him,

Before i could waste any more time i sat down onto the ground facing towards him, before placing my hands into his outstretched palms.

"Now I'm going to teach you how to release the power that you hold within you out of you" he said carefully before continuing.

"When i first came of power i was taught that to use it completely you had to unlock it so with that being said i want you to close your eyes and clear your mind and only listen to my voice" he said clearly

I closed my eyes listening to his command then i begin working on clearing my mind, for the first time ever i found it easy to put all my pain behind me , my loss , my anger because the only thing i was focused on now was Zekiel.

I used our bond to clear my mind of everything leaving only the sound of his voice inside my mind,

"Good now breathe, and listen only to the sound of my voice now i want you to tell me carefully what do you see" he spoke to me clearly.

Looking within myself i could only see one thing almost like a wall surrounding my mind, but behind that wall i could see a pool of fire the resemblance to red energy was beautiful. I could feel my body lifting off the floor as i reached inside my mind to climb that wall,

"Don't give up veronica, if you want the power you have to fight for it, acknowledge the beast inside you then let it out" he yelled up to me.

Squeezing my eyes closed i used his words as the last encouragement i needed to tumble over the wall, not expecting to fall right into a pool of  red light.

I could feel the power coursing through my veins i took this moment to open my eyes, and as I stared down at Zekiel i could see lily and Jonathan staring at me shocked. it wasn't until i looked down at my arms that i could see my entire body in flames, with energy coursing through me.

"I'm using my powers" i yelled out excitedly,

"Now control them, ease your mind and think of what you want to do then your body will follow" Zekiel called up to me.

I cleared my mind and begin channeling as much energy as i could, and before i knew it three fire balls went shooting out of my hands, causing me to spin further into the air clapping my hands in glee.

"This is amazing" i said floating down to the ground, the more i used my powers i could feel them opening up more.

"You did it veronica" Zekiel said walking up to me with a bottle of water,

"Trust me it's more training to come but for now you did great especially for a beginner" he spoke again with a smile.

"Listen Zekiel i can't thank you enough" i said to him before he could run off again.

"Hmm how about dinner just us tonight" he asked with the most cutest smile i had ever seen,

"Does nine work" i said to him not being able to hide how happy i was, i mean what can i say this was finally a chance for me to get to know my mate better and possibly ask more questions.

"Nine is perfect, I'll see you then" he said walking off to chat with Jonathan.

"Does nine work" lily said mocking me from behind,

"Shall i do a repeat from this morning" i asked raising my brow.

"Haha very funny now lets go get you ready for your date tonight" she said with a wicked smile.

"Ughhh just nothing pink please" i said rolling my eyes.

Just the thought of her getting me all dolled up in pink made me want to throw up, I'd At least like to make a good impression the first date, I thought as I followed after lily to get ready for my first date with my mate, well my first date ever.

Who would have thought me a used to be slave would ever have powers, let alone be going on a date with one of the hottest guys I've ever seen.
