
The Women who could call Fire

From the moment i could remember my life never completely made sense , I remember moments in my life where it all made sense, from love to hate.. family and friends..but those moments where nothing never makes sense is what scares me the most that's until i met them the others . The others who knew more about my life than i did That's when it all changed every single detail ..

Creativesoul98 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Zekiel’s Pov

On the outside i know i looked calm but on the inside every single part of me was burning to mark my mate as mines in take her far away from here,

But leaving my pack was the most distasteful thing a alpha could ever do I couldn't abandon them when they trusted me to protect them.

I had to inform the pack of their new luna that was the only way they would accept her, everyone had to be able to trust her and the moment they knew she was my mate they would with no exceptions. Having a luna was one of the most important parts of a pack, they would love her just as i do.

Then we could confront the issue with the council, As all these thoughts ran through my mind I couldn't help wondering what details my mate was keeping from me. Even without the bond i knew it was something she wasn't telling me, i also couldn't help but wonder about the main questions; who was her parents?

"What are you hiding mate" i whispered out loud to the forest, Whatever it was i knew that it was important to her so i had to trust her. Until then i would do everything in my power to make sure she is safe


The path to the main pack house wasn't that far it took me less than a minute to make it there, without even using much of my supernatural speed.

I greeted kids and other pack members as i tried catching a scent for my beta, I needed to brainstorm the next move including a planned visit with the council. If things went good with announcing veronica as my mate I'll have support to back me up to the council.

Just as i was getting ready to to send out a telepathic message to Jonathan I caught a whiff of the tart cologne he usually wears, i could recognize him sitting with the younger kids playing a old fashioned game called hot potato. Everyone knew how much Jonathan couldn't wait to find his mate I've never seen him take anything serious but the moment you talk about mates his entire body language changes,

"Hey Alpha did you handle those errands" he asked me with a smirk,

"Yes Jonathan it's handled but now we have more pressing issues to address" i said seriously

"Hey Elizabeth can you take the younger kids inside for snack" i asked the oldest of the kids which also happened to be Jonathans little sister.

"Yes alpha!" She yelled excitedly, causing both me and Jonathan to laugh.

"She reminds me of me , you know she said one day she wants to be a beta like me" he said with pride, after he lost his family to the war his entire life had been surrounded around taking care of her and protecting her.

"I think it's time we start her training then, she does show all the characters of a beta plus rules can change I think a female beta could happen" i said with approval.

"We can discuss that later tell me what's going on" he said dismissing the training just as i knew he would,

he was very protective over Elizabeth the last thing he wanted was for her to be hurt.

"Not here let's discuss this in my office" i said turning around to sprint inside the pack house,

my office was protected by a spell that made it one hundred percent impossible for anyone to hear anything being said inside. I couldn't have anyone knowing about my mate yet or let alone what she is yet,

"we have to speak with the council after the mating ceremony" i said just telling him as it is

I could tell by the look on his face that he knew this was coming. Nothing gets past the council and if it does it won't last for long,so it's best to confront them before it looks as if we have been harboring a species without notifying the council. 

"What if the council doesn't accept veronica" Jonathan asked me carefully.

I could feel my beast wanting to get out to rip his throat out just for the comment

"Then they will all die" i growled out angrily, just the thought of losing my mate was enough to send me over the edge

"Pfft trust me we are on the same page i just wanted to make sure" Jonathan said with his hands in the air to calm me.

I begin filling Jonathan in on all the details that veronica gave me and also some suspicions that i have of my own, i could tell he was just as shocked as me but of course he was just as excited about veronica being like me or maybe just as powerful. My mate was strong

As i paced back in fourth in my office with Jonathan brainstorming all the ways to approach this we could only think of one, we had to move the ceremony to this weekend then we would leave at the end of the week to the council. For now i would spend time getting to know my mate , helping her advance her powers and also helping her shift.

It was official we had one week to train, prepare ourselves for the unknown and that right there was enough to send anyone over the edge.