
The Woman In Me

This story is based on a woman who found strength in herself and over came her abusive relationship. Now the man she was dating is wishing he had valued her.

Nakita_B24 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 8

Have you ever just feel something, a feeling that something was about to happen but you weren't sure what. You hold on to that feeling, trying not to anticipate the outcome. thats what she felt. Then after a week of feeling that, she went to work and there she was startled. Shocked as to what presented itself infront of her.

"Ma'am..." said her secretary

"Oh lord Amber call me Sarah." she replied

"Okay Sarah, your appointment is here."

"Send the person In."

She had no idea who it was, that she'd be consulting thst day, but to her surprise, as he walked through the door, it was him. It was Nathaniel. He was a nurse in England and always wanted to live and work in Florida, as it was closer to the Caribbean and here he is. Did he know she worked there when he applied, or is it all just a big coincidence.

"Come on in, have a seat." she said.

He walked in, amazed, he couldn't stop staring at her, he looked at though he saw a ghost. She smiled.

"So, Mr Davenport...."

He cut her off.

"So Sarah , this is really you." he asked.

"Yes, this is who I build out the pieces you left me with." she replied.

"I am sorry Sa..."

Before he could finish Ryan walked in.

"Hey Sarah... oh you're busy. "

"What is it?"

" Was going to take a break and go get some coffee and get you some Jack Daniels but maybe later."

"Just bring me the Jack here, ill need it. This is Nathaniel. " she replied.

"What??!! What is he doing here?? Are you okay?"

"He'll be working here now, and yes I've never been better love."

He walked over and kissed her cheek and left. Nathaniel sat in disbelief.

"Who was that?" Nathaniel asked.

"My best friend, my ride and die, the man who helped me build myself and got here, without trying to Solicitate sex from me. But you never believed genuine people existed, because you weren't. " she replied.

He continued to apologize. Or at least he tried but she didn't care much to hear it.

"Anyways let's talk business. " she said.

They discussed what was to be discussed. Anything else he had to say, she was deaf to it. As they got done with the consulting, Ryan came back with the JD poured her a glass. She called Amber.

"Select someone to start his training for tomorrow, 9 am."

"Yes ma'am. "

"She does that on purpose, pay her no mind." Nathaniel said as he giggled.

As Amber and Nathaniel left the office, Sarah said...

"Nathaniel, no need to apologize, I already knew you'd be sorry and I already forgave you. Hope you enjoy working here." she said with a smile as she proceeded to take a sip of her drink.

Who knew, this would happen. Almost 3 years after. He changed, he didn't seem aggressive as before. Something was different and Sarah felt it. Maybe they both needed time apart to grow. Maybe that was time enough. What now? She still loved him, and she knew he still loved her. Now they are working at the same place. What will happen with the two. Will she take him back and give up Ryan or will she keep going forward with Ryan and forget Nathaniel. She had her revenge, she made him regret treating her badly, but for some reason she didn't feel complete, she didn't feel as though that was enough. What would she do next.

She finished her day, went home, showered and laid in bed when she heard a knocking at the door. She thought it was Ryan but when she got there it wasn't. It was Nathaniel. She opened the door.

"How'd you find me?" she asked

"Amber, I asked her, well begged her, don't fire her." he said

"Come in, you want something to drink?" she asked

"No I just wanted to talk. "

They at on the couch, she wore her bath robe, they sat and talked, he expressed many things. She sat and let him have at it, as she had nothing to say. He talked for a while, a long while. Then Ryan texted her.

"Pizza tonight, your place??" he asked

"Not tonight, Nathaniel showed up wanting to talk."

"Are you okay?" he asked

"Yes ill call you later."

They talked some more, she realized, she still loved this man regardless of all they been through, she still cared about him. She haven't been with another man since him and that was so long ago. He boldly kissed her, at first she didn't know how to react, then she did. She kissed back. Next thing she knew she was doing it everywhere in her home. Then something strange happened after. When they got done she said;

"Get dressed and get out."

It was in that moment she realized, it was the sex, he used to charm his way into her heart. She was blinded by the sex, thats why it took so long for her to realize that he was a fraud. Thats why she could always overlook the bad he did. Now she knows. Now she's aware. She'd be dammed to fall into that trap again. Though he left there thinking he had found his way into her heart once again, was he right or wrong?

The following day she called Ryan.

"How about you take a vacation with me love. "

"What? when? where? " he asked shockingly.

" The Bahamas, I'm leaving this Friday at 12noon." she replied.

She called in her time off, stayed home for the two days before she traveled. Nathaniel looked for her at work everyday. On Friday, she wanted for Ryan, ofcourse he showed. He always showed up once it was her. They hugged, she help his hand and they boarded the plane together. They talked, they laughed as they always do.

"So what happened with Nathaniel?" he asked.

"Well I slept with him and now he think I want him but honestly I just want you." she said it with such boldness, not even he knew how to react to that.

He's been in love with her for a while but as I said, it was better to be her friend than to not be in her life at all. Now look at them, traveling to The Bahamas together. To have fun, and explore.