
The Wolf and the Rose

After our MC took down his first beowolf he drops the branch after he turns and finds the little red ridinghood staring up at him with stars in her eyes. "HOWDIDYOUFIGHTTHEGRIMMWITHJUSTASTICKLIKEWOAHYOUWHERELIKESWOOSHANDWHAMMMSOOOOOOOCOOL?" Ruby shoots out without taking a breathe. 'Ok that's impressive I could bearly keep up with that and cool I meet Ruby first and she's sooo adorable.' "okay well first of all I have no idea maybe it was already weakened before I fought it and I'm Lucas Moon by the way kinda got lost since i just got to Patch." Lucas says to a very excited Ruby.

"Oh your new to Patch cool my dad and sister live nearby why don't you follow me and maybe dad could help you out if you'd like?" ruby says while walking back to her house while swinging her arms happy she has someone to talk to. "Sure, why not kinda don't have anywhere to go at the moment." ' wow guess I met ruby in a good mood or I'm in a AU were ruby isn't soo anti social well can't blame her when I'm not very social myself oh well.' Lucas follows ruby as they reach the little house when the door opens up and Yang walks out and waves to Ruby. "Hey rubes dad's making dinner and Uncle Qrow will be here in a little bit." Yang says as she checks out the guy ruby brought home. "Hey rubes did you bring home a hottie just for me what a awesome little sister?" Ruby starts blushing and waving her arms in a panic." N no sis this is Lucas I found him fighting a grimm lost in the woods and thought he could use some help." she mutters something about tai making cookies later.

Lucas just raises a eyebrow at Yang's flirting and just smirks. "Well I didn't think I would meet a legendary wild blonde today plus she's a looker but sadly not my type for shame." Lucas says while shaking his head. Yang just blushes before frowning. "Hey have a problem with blondes?" "Not really just I prefer girls with dark hair and mellow." He walks up to Yang with a apologetic smile and reaches his hand out for a handshake. Yang looks at his hand before chuckling and shaking his hand. " Too bad not many can handle me anyways but we could still 'yang out' if you want not much to do on Patch more fun to have out in Vale." Ruby groans at Yangs pun while Lucas just chuckles finding it a little funny. Yang just look proud of her pun as they all walk in the house and sit on the couch. Tai walks out of the kitchen. "Hey dinners almost ready. Yang did you bring another boyfriend home?" Tai asks while spotting Lucas listening to Ruby talk about her baby cresent rose. "No he's not my boyfriend dad just a guy Rubes brought home that was lost in the woods." Yang says to Tai as he nods and heads back into the kitchen.

[A few mins later]

The front door opens up to a half drunk man walking in only to be tackled by a red missile. "Woah there cookie monster let me sit down first before you tackle me not good for my age kiddo." Qrow speaks as he pats Rubys' head while getting back up and walking to the couch with a Ruby hanging off him. He looks over at Lucas and gets a strange feeling from the kid like being watched by a predator hunting its prey while Lucas is just looking at Qrow with a blank look. "So whos this another boy Yang dragged home?" Yang groans. "No, I'm Lucas Moon, Ruby found me lost in the woods after I had to fight off a beowolf." Ruby nods while grabbing a plate of cookies that were just placed down by Tai.

'Well those won't last long.' Lucas thinks while watching the little family interact feeling out of it thinking about his old family in his last life and how their doing not realizing Qrow watching him from the corner of his eye. "So Lucas do you plan on becoming a huntsman?" Tai asks finally getting Lucas attention. " Y Yea thats the plan but I don't think I'm quite ready since I don't have a weapon or the enough training before applying to Beacon." Lucas says while scratching the back of his head. Tai nods as Yang gets a grin. "why don't You ask uncle Qrow to train you and ask Ruby about getting you a weapon I'm sure Ruby would just love to help you with a weapon?" Yang says while teasing Ruby. Ruby Just blushes and mumbles. "I wouldn't mind helping Lucas pick a weapon."

Qrow sighs at Yangs antics while looking at the boy." Sure I would train ya kid but you got a ways before applying to Beacon Yangs going next year so you'll have to get caught up to Yang." "Sure sounds like a challenge to catch up with firecracker here." Lucas says while poiting his thumb at Yang who's giving him a grin and a thumbs up.

(Sorry guys there will have to be Timeskips since I want to get the ball rolling and get to the good stuff but don't worry there will be flash backs to get some explaining done with new skills and what not)

[Timeskip 8 months later(idk just wanted some time to flush out some ideas)]

Lucas and ruby are in the workshop working their current project. "So Rubes think we can get this to work I really want this weapon to work the way I think it will?" Lucas says looking over at Ruby with googles on and a cookie in one hand and a wrench in another. " Yea, in theory it should I've never tried to make something like it but we'll be scythe buddies. hehehe" Ruby smiles while giggling. 'well these 8 months of training and working with ruby on my new weapon should finally be enough for whatever is thrown my way at beacon its a shame I don't remember much of the show other than a few key events but its whatever kinda glad it will be a surprise don't need a crutch of have foreknowledge that could be useless if I had already changes things.' Lucas thinks as he and Ruby finishes the final bits of the new weapon and Ruby Painting it black and red to fit the theme of cresent rose but inverted. "Finally its done this baby will do some serious damage. Now you just need to come up with a name for it." Ruby says after handling over the mechashift scythe over to Lucas. ( Can you guys in the comments help me come up with names for a scythe/assault Rifle/Sword?) "Maybe but I'll have to think of a name later Rubes we're gonna be late for dinner don't want the dusty ole crow eating up all the good stuff." Lucas gets up and folds up his new weapon and drags a Ruby to wash up for DInner.

[Lady Lunas POV]

Things have been progressing well for Lucas without much problems while the two immortal children seem to still be acting like children. Seeing Lucas progress had brought a smile to her face while she enjoyed her coffee and watching over her little multiverse. She turned her head to the side as she felt someone appear. "So this is your new entertainment? Doesn't look like much he does have a cute face but thats about it. Hope he isn't like those edgy cringe masters the other gods pets are don't need another little bastard running around trying to fuck anything that catches his attention." The new being says while sighing heavily while clearing into the omniverse.

Luna giggles and shakes her head. "This one is new but gladly isn't like those garbage inferior little boys my Lucas is one of the rare good ones that's not a hormonal little shits." "OH your Lucas hmmm already grooming him to be your future hubby or wanting to adopt him as your child already Luna?" The new goddess slyly smirks before giggling and leaving through a portal leaving Luna Blushing and sputtering. "Troublesome woman always teasing me hmph." Luna pouts while looking back at a mirror showing Lucas messing around with Qrow and Yang.