
The witch is raising a child

Have you ever wondered what it was like to raise a child? Especially a one who was very....unique Well if you are curious, try reading this

Mildred_Horace · Fantasia
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9 Chs

Why are kids so problematic

This was her first time feeling so incredible annoyed by a situation. Luna indeed found sola interesting because of her mysterious background, and her unusual demeanor, but this also caused her to feel some hesitation regarding genuinely looking after her. Luna was well aware of her own inexperience with humans, dispite having "lived" with them for a long period of time. Humans appeared to be more of a enemy to her, but she now had to look after a rather complicated human child. These thoughts constantly ran through her mind as she neared her house. As she made her way there, from a distance, a figure of a child began to wave towards her. "Damn, it's that annoying kid again, I'm I cursed or something,? Luna questioned, because she seemed to always draw the attention of problematic kids. Once she reached the house, standing outside was the figure, which was of a little boy. "why didn't you take me with you? I really wanted to go" the little boy said with pouted lips and crossed arms. "did you expect me to actually wait for you,? Luna retorted as she walked into the house, ignoring the presence of the little boy. "Hey wait for me" the boy called as he followed Luna. As if he had just notice something off, he strunged up his nose and walked towards sola, who now peacefully lied on a bed made of palm leafs. While staring at sola, the little boys face began to distort, as chill filled the air. sola who was currently at sleep started to show signs of physical pain on her face, as her wounds opened more and she began bleeding rapidly. Seemingly trying to end solas life, with every second, the little boy increased the pressure on her, it was quite a bizarre sight. *sigh* "I really don't get paid enough for this" Luna said under her breath, as she watched what was happening. "You know, if you really are that curious about her, you could just ask me," Luna said to the little boy. As if having regained clarity, the little boy turns to Luna with a child like smile on his face and asked "so who is she" "hahahahaha, you really are a little psychopath, aren't you" Luna who seemed to be both amused and annoyed with the situation, walked up to the little boy and pated his back a little. "I'll tell you after I heal her" "we don't want her dying now, do we?" Luna said with a little chuckle. as soon as the little boy heard that, he had a strange look in his eyes again. "Don't even dare because this is your fault, if you hadn't.....never mind, just wait for me out side." Luna who had raised her voice a little, as she spoke seemed to have scared the little boy, because he went out with out much fuss this time. "Why are kids so problematic" Luna

murmured to herself as she looked at sola who seemed to be on the verge of Death.