
The witch is raising a child

Have you ever wondered what it was like to raise a child? Especially a one who was very....unique Well if you are curious, try reading this

Mildred_Horace · Fantasy
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9 Chs


"I've been debating whether to heal her, and that psychopath ruined everything" Luna felt quite aggravated due to this situation, even though she agreed, she still didn't feel comfortable with the idea of taking care of a child, especially a complicated child like sola. She literally met this girl just a day ago, and now she was forced to look after her, for reasons she wasn't even made aware of.


This all started a day and a half ago, when luna was on her way home from the market. "ahhhhhhh, what exactly is their problem, I was clearly provoked into using magic, so how am I at fault" having been put on probation again for violating guide lines, she was very angry. "well, if you had just used physical violence instead of relying on magic, you punishment might have been less severe" a bird that had been flying next to her said. "can you please talk to them for me" luna said to the bird, with pouted lips and folded hands. " you know that is not within my Power, else I would have already helped you" the bird replied with a helpless look on its face. "please, I will do anything, just don't revoke my magic" luna pleaded as hard as she could. "wait, did you say anything?" the bird asked, as if coming up with a idea. "yes.....anything, " luna said, with a slight hesitation. "well, I do need you to take care of someone for me," the bird said. "is it that little psychopath again," luna asked while rolling her eyes. "no, but it is a child" the bird replied. "i guess I can, so who's child is it, is it a girl or boy, how long are they gonna stay with me?" luna started asking the bird. "you will know once you meet them, also they can stay, till I say otherwise" luna looked to be in deep thought about what she had just gotten herself into. "well, see you, I'm running late for a meeting" the bird replied vague as it began to fly away. "HOW AM I SUPOSE TO FIND THEM" luna called after the bird. "they will find you" was its reply, as it flew out of her sight. "fk my life," luna said as she arrived at the entrance of the forest. When she was about to enter the forest, she spotted a little girl lying unconscious on the ground. "they will find you, he says" luna said as she picked up the girl, and began walking into the forest. "well that confirms it" Luna said as they entered into the forest.

This had to be the child, because this forest had a secret no human knew. The entrance of this forest separated humans and supernatural beings. So you were no ordinary human if you could pass through it


Thinking about all that had happened within a day, she actually wanted to cry. With a clouded state of mind, using magic on sola May have unwanted side effects, but she still needed to heal sola quick or else it would be too late. The fact that her magic was on the line made things even more stressful. With those thoughts in mind, Luna knelt beside sola, laid one hand on her forehead and placed another over her stomach as she began to chant a healing spells. A very bright light seemed to be penetrating all sola wounds as each and everyone of them began to close up. The pain in her expression seemed to have also lessened. As Luna continue to pour all her energy into sola, her expression became twisted, and her hand started shaking violently, still, she continue to heal sola wounds.

A few minutes later, when every wound on sola was all healed up. Luna, who now had beads of sweat oozing out of every pore on her body, collapsed to the floor, having used a lot of her powers for this healing process. "Damn, I haven't felt this drained in a while," Luna said as she laid next to sola, with her breath constantly shortening. Due to rapid energy consumption, Luna felt too exhausted to even move, so with a final gaze towards the place where the little boy sat, she closed her eyes, and fell into a deep sleep, right beside sola.