
The witch is raising a child

Have you ever wondered what it was like to raise a child? Especially a one who was very....unique Well if you are curious, try reading this

Mildred_Horace · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Is she even human

As they were nearing the forest, sola turned to Luna and said "You were amazing back there" Luna face flushed with embarrassment as sola kept staring at her. "That was nothing, you should see me in a actual fight" Luna responded as she flicked her nose with a proud smile on her face. "Are you still going to wear this disguise or can it not be used anymore" sola questioned because of what happened. "I guess I'll have to find a new one again " Luna replied. The disguise in question was what Luna wore when ever she went into the human world. most people were already aware of her "witch" form, so whenever she went into the human world, she wore a different disguise. "I apologize for what happened" sola said bowing her head with a somewhat dispirited look on her face. "it's no big deal, I would have had to change it sooner or later" Luna replied. "Ok then" sola said as they continued walking. What they had walked a good distance, Luna looked towards sola and began, "I haven't said anything because you don't seem to be in pain but, are you okay,?" Luna said, referring to the multiple wounds that were currently oozing blood as sola walked. "I'm fine," was sola replied. Luna felt frustrated by the sight of sola, she knew sola was not a normal human being, but that still never stopped her from treating sola like one. "So I'm guessing you don't feel pain." Luna asked looking quite digested "that's not the case, I do feel pain, I just have a harder time expressing it," sola replied with a slight smile. So you are in pain right now,?" Luna asked. "yes, I'm in quite a lot of pain," sola replied as she continue walking, seemingly oblivious to her current medical situation. "We need to hurry home, or you might suffer too much blood loss" Luna said with a look of urgency written all over her face. "Mis- I mean Luna, you really don't need to worry about me, I'm fin-" before sola could finish speaking, she had fainted. While standing over sola now unconscious body, Luna murmured to herself, "Humans really are very bothersome," She than Bend over as she lifted sola, placed sola on her shoulders and began carrying her home. this scene reminded her of the first time she met sola. "I said, I wanted something interesting, not to raise a child" Luna shouted, as if referring to what the little girl at the stall had asked her.