
The witch is raising a child

Have you ever wondered what it was like to raise a child? Especially a one who was very....unique Well if you are curious, try reading this

Mildred_Horace · Fantasy
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9 Chs

She’s helpless

Sola Stood near a huge pole as some of the town's people threw rocks, among many other things at her. She didn't try to cover her self, nor did she show any type of fear as the town screamed horrid things at her, it was as if she was already used to it, as if this was always her life. "What a pitiful fool, was this what she meant by everything will be fine?" Luna said to herself as she walked up to sola. "Didn't I tell you to wait for me somewhere safe" Luna ask when she reached her. "This was unexpected, I didn't realize This place would be unsafe" sola responded, looking as emotionless as ever. "Does this happen often," Luna asked, as she proceeded to clean away the food thrown at her. "Not to this extend, at the very least," sola replied, while looking at the multiple wounds that were currently bleeding due to the rocks and other hard objects thrown at her. "So, since we are crowded from all sides, do you have a way out." Luna asked sola, with some expectation on her face. Sola slightly shaked her head, alluding to a No. "this is the last situation I ever would have expected to encounter, but alas" Luna said with a long sigh as she turned towards the confused but angry looking crowd. "To make this easy for you, I'll count to five, if there is a single person still within my presence, don't blame me for what happens next" Luna said to the crowd of people, with the deadliest smile on her face.

Seeing that this strange girl just threatened them. the people looked even more angry than before. Soon, a man with a rather big build walked up to Luna and questioned. "Exactly who do you think you are, to tell us what to do" "you know, today I'm just here to run errands, so please scarm before this becomes a problem." Luna said to him, already looking very irritated. "Young lady , I'm a gentleman, so if you let the girl stay, you can leave" the man said, as he pointed to sola, his mouth constantly twitched as he tried to force a smile. Luna looked at sola, not realizing she had already held her hands. "So if I say no, what exactly do you plan on doing about it?" "am quite curious actually" Luna asked, while she held sola hands tighter as she walked up to the man. As Luna drew closer to him, as if the weight of thousands was put on him, he fell to his knees with his head bent down. He had a painful expression on his face as he attempted to move his body parts, but to no avail. He looked more like his entire body had been frozen in cement, with only his head able to move.

Luna now who stood over him looked up at the crowd surrounding them and said "I'll say this again, if there is a single person here after 3 seconds, you will have your self to blame for what happens next" The towns people who had just witnessed a man over 6 feet being subdue by a barely 5 feet woman looked on in disbelief.

They all looked conflicted, wondering whether their pursuit of sola was worth it. "So, have you decided?" As if that question brought the people back to their senses, most of them began to scatter, and after three seconds, the only think in sight was the build man who was still kneeling. "Why are humans so bothersome" Luna sigh as they began to exist the market. Today had been so much more eventful than she had anticipated.