


Inside a room, multiple people were busy doing their duty. Most of these people were extremely well built and they all seem to be strong individuals. But even if you combine all of them they won't be able to even hurt the two massives figures in the middle of the room.

The two of them were individually taller than 3 grown men stack together. The first man was a round-figure, obese but he claims otherwise, he has light skin. The man was built top-heavy, with thick, tapering arms yet, compared to his upper self, smallish legs.

His head is hunched, undistinguished from his neck due to its plumpness, with a small face. His eyes are hidden by sunglasses with blue lenses and gray, oval rims, which instead of having temples are strapped on by black tapes that go around his head in such a way as to form an X both on his forehead and occiput.

This man is one of the 3 All-Stars of the Beast Pirates, Queen the Plague.

The second man was slightly taller than Queen. While less widely built than the other two All-Stars, the man was better-proportioned than either of the two members, being well-muscled and broad in the shoulders with long limbs. None has seen the face of the man due to him wearing a black suit that bears no skin. The most notable feature about this man was the flames that rise from his back, only adding more to his mystery.

This man is the highest-ranking member of the All-Stars of the Beast Pirates, King the Conflagration.

"Idiot, where has Jack gone to?", King asked the man that seated in the side of the room.

"Jack the Stooges? I have no clue, I'm not his mother", Queen responded, he didn't even care if King had a higher rank than him.


Hearing the conversation of the two men, one of Jack's crewmember that was left behind slowly went towards them and said with visible sign of nervousness, "Um.....I know where Jack went".

King hearing this said, "Out with it then".

"Ah...Yes...Jack went to the Grandline, he said that he was going to recruit a new member for the Beast Pirates", the man said while shaking.

"Who would he recruit in that weak place?", Queen asked.

"I think his name was.....it's in the top of my head...ahh", the man was extremely scared now because he couldn't remember the name of the person that Jack wanted to recruit.

"Hurry up!", King said with anger in his voice.

"Ah.....yes...THE BLOODY TITAN!", the man said, grateful at himself that he was finally able to remember the name.

"hmmm...The Bloody Titan?", King said not knowing who that person is.

"Oh...The Bloody Titan. If Jack can recruit him then, him and you can get along", Queen said to King.

"You know who that is?"

"The Bloody Titan of the Grandline, sometimes also known as The White Titan, got his infamy by killing pirates and getting their bounty", Queen said.

"Killing? That's all he did?", King said with a mocking tone. Every pirate has killed before, him included but even he, one of the most feared pirates in the world doesn't have the moniker of Bloody added to his name. So in his mind, the title was trash and that the title was something the man gave himself.

"Yes, just that. He just delivered every decapitated head of every single pirate that he killed to the marines. Sometimes blood was still dripping on them", Queen said with an amused look on his face

Hearing the reason why he has that moniker made King rethink his prior stance towards the man that Jack wanted to recruit and he said, "Interesting".


Inside one of the rooms in the marine base, A fair-skinned man, muscular with a long, braided goatee and a mustache was seen reading multiple documents. He wears black-rimmed glasses and a white and gold full Marine admiral uniform that is adorned with medals. The most distinctive features of this uniform are a life-size seagull on top of his cap, and his oversized Marine coat which he wears like a cape.

This man is Fleet Admiral of the Marines; Sengoku the Golden Buddha.

After reading one of the documents, Sengoku sighed. All the documents are reports that needed his attention. Sometimes he wonders why he became Fleet Admiral in the first place, the workload was just too much. In this regard, he envies Garp for his attitude to not care.

One of the reports also talks about the Pacifista program that The World Government was currently doing. Right now because of this program he needed to find a new suitable member for the Seven Warlords of the sea, which would soon be vacant.

Currently, he had tasked one of his Rear Admiral to try and recruit one person for the position, Enzo Lockhart. In the past, he had sent Garp to do that but the position he was offering back then was that of a Rear Admiral. This time he was hoping that being a member of the Warlord of the sea would interest the man. He really liked Enzo because he was a Pirate Hunter, if he accepts then among the seven warlords of the sea, Enzo would be the only non-pirate member. A member that he can trust more than the rest.


"This is Senguko", Sengoku said as he answered the call.

The person who called was Rear Admiral Akehende, the person he tasked to recruit Enzo. At first, he thought that the call was a normal update about his mission, but he soon found out that was not the case.

"Do not engage on your own. Right now the 3 admirals are currently indisposed due to other circumstances, it would probably take them a while to get there. I will be sending one of the warlords currently on the base as a backup instead", Sengoku said as he hangs up the phone.

He dialed a new number and said, "Get me Kuma in here now! and prepare a ship to be travel-ready within a few minutes" Sengoku said as he hangs up the phone.

He walks toward the window of his office and sees the multitudes of marines that were currently working. He had many thoughts flash through his mind. He hoped that what was currently happening won't get out of hand.

After a few minutes a tall man entered his office, he had a bear cap and he was always holding a bible in his hand.

"I have a mission for you, Kuma", Sengoku said as he looks at the man.


Anyway, I would like to thank the people who gifted me their power stones.

To those who want to support me, you can go and check my pat.reon account and get early access to chapters.

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Take care and God Bless.

pat.reon.com/King_disturb (remove the dot)

Take care and God Bless.


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