

It was the 8th grade I just started to get close to Ian. I acted as friends but I always knew I felt more. My heart would flutter every time he touched me or spoke to me. At that time I did not really have any close friends. I felt like I didn't fit in. And he was the only one. I always wanted to prove to everyone that I am worth something more. Everyone just treated me like a person who can be used. I wanted to prove everyone wrong, so I started working extremely hard to get a better life than all of them.


Well 8 years later and here I am. With the guy I fell in love with. Now I am a neurosurgeon and he plays for the national soccer team in Korea. I feel like all my dreams are coming true. I feel like I achieved everything.

One night I come home from a long day of work and I found a text on my phone. " high school reunion at 5:00pm on Tuesday in Korea" Now at this moment I knew Tuesday was only a week away and this was my chance to show to everyone how much I grew. I told my husband Ivan and he seemed pumped. I guess I was overthinking everything and should relax a bit. After a while I forgot about the whole thing and went to bed.

4 days passed and I was walking down the stairs from my bedroom with my Ivan's long white colored work shirt and just my underwear at 6:00 am in the morning. Ivan got up to the door bell ringing and I followed him 15 min later. As I was walking down my husbands comes running towards me with a blanket to cover me up. I had no idea what was going on until I looked over to my right. And there I saw it...