
The way it happen (Hawks x reader)

jennahryleigh04 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Hot wings

This chapter has mention of rape and self harm .viewer discretion advised.

Windows are breaking above everyone. Villains coming in one by one. me still being I'm the drunken state I am, can't comprehend what the hell is going on. I start to stumble around looking for Keigo. "Keigo??" I called out. I trip over my dress, thankfully I have some shorts on under sooo I yesterday this bitch up, and threw my heels at I think was a villain. "oh well... Ayaka? Keigo?l" I yell out again. I stumble towards the bathroom, forgetting all about the villain attack. "Ayaka are you here?" Before I knew it a knife was flung into my arm. I yell in pain. "Owe, what the hell?!?" I look behind me to see a blond chick in a school uniform. I've seen her before, "Toga?" I yelled her name. I remember she was from the USJ accident my first year... "Well aren't you a cutie,  bet your blood tastes good too" she flung another knife at me aiming for my leg. I was able to dough as I blasted her with heatwaves, sending her into the wall knocking her out cold. "Bitch, should keep you down for a while." I turn around to run away when I'm met with turquoise eyes. "Dabi!?" I was shocked but not too shocked. I mean he is a villain. "Common Flower and you chicken would never forgive me if I left you here, but I have to be careful I can't let the others know I'm helping your drunk ass". Just then my eyes felt heavy and darkness filled my eyesight. My legs fell onto the ground and the last thing I heard was Dabi "Tch".

I woke up in a bed, I think it was Keigo's bed. "Keigoooo" I wine out. My head is pounding. "Agh".I looked at my arm and it all bandaged up. Hawks came in a few minutes later. "I'm glad to see you're alright," he smiled at me. "Define alright, my arm is in immense pain, my head is pounding like crazy, and I'm missing half my damn clothes!!" I freak out. "Babe calm down. Dabi found you last night during the attack. Then found myself, and Ayaka and gave you to us. We don't know why they attacked. All we know is they wanted to lower out numbers and they did. Oh, and Ayaka was almost kidnapped." He told me everything. "WAIT WHAT!?!? Is she ok?!" I started to panic. "Woah Woah don't have a heart attack love" he tried to calm me down but didn't work much. "Who was it?"I grew mad and he knew it too. " I-Uhm, I believe she said she was her dad." My anger grew. I shot out of bed and rushed to put clothes on. Keigo was too scared of me to get close or to try and stop me. "I'm gonna find that son of a bitch and I'm gonna kill him," I told him. His eyes widened and tried to stop me. "Kid, if you kill him you'll be no better than a villain yourself. Remember what she was put through, remember what you went through." I stopped. My eyes filled with tears and I dropped to the ground. He went down with me and cradled me. "I'm sorry," I said threw the tears. He pulled me into a tight hug and wouldn't let go. "Keigo..." I started, "I love you" I finally told him. I looked up after telling him and he looked shocked. "I love you too, y/n. And I always will."

~~~~~Month time skip~~~~~

It's been a month since the gala attack. Hawks were healed enough to go back into action. But my internship had ended. We continue to date under the radar but we haven't been able to see each other since the internship ended. Ayaka, on the other hand, went missing about a week after the attack. When I found out, it felt like a chunk of my heart was ripped out. My best friend was missing and I knew exactly who had her. But not where she was. None of them were looking for her, so my frustration was getting to me and I was showing at school. Everyone was avoiding me, tearing her started pulling me out of class to talk to me. I took my anger out of everyone. Dabi comes back in a few days and I don't think he knows about her missing. She's been missing for three weeks now, I don't even know if she's alive, knowing who's she's with the possibility is low. Keigo noticed how bad that was affecting me, cause one night he flew to see me. He needed to make sure I was doing fine. But once he saw me again he knew exactly what I was doing. "Y/n it's been three weeks, i'm sure she's going to be found eventually" i just looked at him with tears in my eyes. After Dabi came back I had to find someone to tell him about what happened. He was just as frustrated and hurt as I was. We decided, if the hero's weren't gonna help me find her. Him and I were. We aren't just gonna let a person we love be kept from us. 

We would go and search. Dabi would also search around the league and I would snoop the hero's classroom and Nezu's office for any leads. I finally found something but it wasn't what I wanted it to be. My eyes widened at the paper in my hands. Photographs of her beaten, photos of where she was. Nezu and Aizawa came into the office and saw me standing there looking at the paper. "You knew." i said quietly. "YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHERE SHE IS AND WHO HAS HER AND YOUR DOING NOTHING. MY BEST FRIEND COULD BE DEAD. AND ITS YOUR FUCKING FAULT. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT SHE WAS PUT THREW. THAT FUCKER WHO HAS HER KILLED HER MOM IN FRONT OF HER AND TORCHED HER. AND LET ME REMIND YOU. YOU ARE HEROS YOUR SUPPOSED TO SAVE THE ONES IN TROUBLE. If almight were still around, he would have done something." and i left the office not letting them say something back. I left the school not looking back. After I found the paper, I went to Keigo's house. He wasn't home yet so I walked in and cried. I cried and cried my eyes out. I still had the paper in my hand and I threw it across the room. I waited in the living room for him to return. Still crying but not as hard, tears still falling from my eyes. Till there were none left. I walk to the room I once stayed in to take a shower.

After the shower I walked to Kegio's room to grab some clean clothes. I took one of his sweat shirts and some shorts that fit. After i walked into the kitchen to try and fill the hunger that i had been ignoring for a few days now. But before I made it to the kitchen my head became dizzy. I caught myself with the island counter in the kitchen, but I fell onto the corner and soon blacked out.

Hawks POV.

"Mr.Hawks why don't we go for some drink after hours" the Receptionist suggested. "Lady look, firstly no i'm in a relationship with someone and i'm extrémale happy with it. Second your fucking annoying and i do not like you. And with that, you're fired." I replied to her signaling for her to leave. Thank god, she's finally gone. Now I just need to hire someone new. Uhh more work. Then an idea hit me. "I'll just heir y/n!!" I thought out loud. She needs a job after graduation and what better to work with me. I texted her telling her I have a job opportunity for her but she didn't answer 'Probably busy with class.' After work finally ended I left for home. I was stopped a few times by fans for some photos so it took an extra 10 minutes getting home. I arrived at my front door but it felt different, it was unlocked. 'I was sure i locked it'. I walked in with my guard up. The light was on in my room, the kitchen, living room, and y/n's room. I checked all the rooms and started to walk back to the living room when i noticed a puddle of blood, then my eyes widened when i realized who it was. "Y/n!?!!" I rushed over to her. Making sure she still had a plus. I quickly called for an ambulance and they came as soon as they could. 'How long has she been like this. Why didn't she tell me she was here. What if she doesn't make it.' Many uneasy thoughts filled my mind. Right as the EMT came rushing into my house. "Please i don't know how long she's been like this." my voice cracked.

They loaded her into the ambulance, and I flew as fast as I could to the hospital. She was quickly taken into surgery. My heart raced and would not stop. I can't lose her. I just made her mine. Hours passed, I think 6 of them and a Dr in a white coat came and called for Y/n L/n. I shot up out of the chair I was in and rushed over to the Doctor. "Sir she's in a stable condition for now, she was roughly out for 4 hours, with her head exposed like that was very dangerous." My eyes widened and it felt like my heart stopped. "She's resting for now, but she'll be here for a few days. Maybe a few weeks depending on how fast she heals. It's all my fault, she's hurt and with Ayaka missing. "Can I see her". I asked him. "Please!" The doctor sighs. "Come with me." I follow him into the elevator and reach room number 69. "She's in here". He pointed to the door. I walk in and see her staring out the window "Y/n??"  I called her name and she immediately turned to see me. Her eyes filled with tears. And so did mine. I rush over to her and embrace her into a long hug. "I'm sorry kid, it's all my fault. l-" I said to her. She pushed me away. "No it's mine!! Please don't blame yourself. I was there without telling you, I wasn't eating, I was the one who messed up". When she said that she hides her arms from me. And that's when I pulled them out. "Please tell me these are from training or something.." she paused for a moment. "Y/n!?" I started to cry more and so did she. I grabbed her tighter and didn't want to let go. "I know you're scared, I know you miss her. Y/n i need you to talk to me though. You could have died!! Do you understand that? I could have lost the girl I love, I could have lost my source of happiness." I scolded her hoping to get Through to her. Her eyes widened and you could see the pain in her eyes. "Keigo, I want to find her. Now. Before Dabi leaves on his next long mission. We need to find her. I'm getting out of the hospital tomorrow. I don't care if I'm not supposed to leave for a month. I need to find her. He needs to see her. And so do I." I didn't answer for a moment. But I nodded my head in agreement. "Kid, if I lose you... I don't know what I'll do." I pulled her into a kiss.

The door to her room opened suddenly and a broccoli and a half n half came rushing in.  "Y/n!!" He leaped onto her bed and hugged her. He cried into her shoulder. The other guy, uhh shoto I think his name is,Stood there in relief. "Hi Midoriya, I missed you too" she hugged him back. "What happened." The little guy said. "Well...."she paused. "She passed out and split open her head when she fell."  I spoke up knowing she wasn't gonna say anything to him right now.  She glared at me and I shrugged. "Mr.Hawks, if I can ask why are you here? Isn't the internship over with?" I looked over at y/n and she sighed. "Alright shoto, Midoriya because you two are like family to me I'm gonna tell you.....Him and I are dating." I'm surprised she told them. They're eyes winded and stared at me. "Haha hi" I waved at them. "You hurt her. I will hurt you". Shoto told me. And Midoriya agreed. Great three kids have now threatened me. "Don't worry, I have no reason I would break up with her. She's my everything. And hopefully I'll get to marry my everything. And maybe have a family with her." I winked at her. She blushed and so did Midoriya.


About two hours passed and the two decided it's time to leave after questioning me and such. "Goodbye Y/n, Hawks" shoto bowed "Byeeeee y/nnn get better soon" Deku eyes started to water again. I chuckle and walk over to her when they leave. "You know y/n I was serious about what I said earlier." I mentioned to her. She smiled as I hopped onto the bed and cuddled with her. "No Keigo, you'll love someone else don't worry, and hopefully they'll call you daddy." She looked at me and smiled. She pulled me for another kiss. This kiss went deeper. Lasted longer and got heated real quick. She tugged at my shirt trying to get it off. She was finally able to and I then pulled her hospital gown. She was now only in her underwear, as I got on top of her. I started going for her neck. I kissed and sucked until I found the sweet spot that made her moan. I kept at that place and she bit her lip making her moans didn't get too loud. She started undoing my pants. I started fondling with her boobs and a blush crept to the surface of my cheeks along with hers. "What's wrong song bird~ don't like me seeing you all vulnerable" I teased her. She blushed even more. Dammit she is so cute. "I'd say the same for you. You know your pants are off. So now you're just left in your boxers. What are you gonna do Keigo~. You gonna fuck me? She whispered the last part in my ear. I went crazy and over the edge. I started messing with the hem of her underwear. I slid a finger under the seem and began to tease her clit. Her moans got louder and deeper than before. I slid a finger into her slowly and carefully. She gasped once I had begun to pump my finger slowly. I looked at her and she was a red mess as I slid my free hand up to her breast and began to grope it. I started pushing in another finger and made her moan even more. Her moans filled the room once I started pumping my fingers in and out faster and faster. After about 5 minutes she reached her climax and came on my fingers. I pulled them out and licked them one by one. Her eyes widened and pulled my hand away from my mouth. "Keigo no that's-  mmmm" she wasn't able to finish. I pushed my large hard member into her womanhood. I waited a second so she could adjust to my size. after waiting for her agreement to move. I did so. I thrusted into her hard. She moans loud enough for probably the nurses in the hallway to hear. So she doesn't moan loudly anymore. I kiss her in hopes of muffling the sounds echoing off the halls. I kept pushing in and out of her slowly again. But she looked at me with hunger in her eyes. "If you want something, kid. You're gonna have to tell me~". "Mmm~ K-Keigo, go-go faster." She moaned out. That was the sound that I needed for her to push my limits.  About 20 minutes later I began to fill Y/N with my seeds. I pulled out and laid next to her. We waited a few minutes to catch our breaths until I helped her get dressed again and so did I. I got dressed and cleaned up y/n. She smiled at me without exchangIng words, I knew she was happy. And so was I. I began to fall asleep without realizing it and it all went black.



I saw Keigo pass out next to me but I didn't care. I pulled him closer so I was able to kiss his forehead. I smiled at him and began to think about Ayaka. And if she's ok. 'Don't worry Ayaka I'm coming for you. Which will be soon I promise.' I look out of the window and see the bright full moon right outside. I smiled a small smile and then looked back at Keigo. I'm lucky to have him. I'm lucky to have everyone I have. I soon fell asleep. But nightmares are all that filled my mind.

Ayaka POV.

I've been here for three weeks. Little food little water. But too much human interaction. My father comes into this room I'm stuck in and watches while I'm rapped and molested. I wouldn't be surprised if I'm pregnant. I miss Y/n and dabi and everyone else. But I miss them the most. One filled my life with love and compassion while the other filled it with hope and freedom. Tears began to fall down my face, the guy who's inside of me just laughs and so does the bitch that brought me here. Y/n i know you're coming for me. I just hope it's before Dabi sees me in this state. The guy finished up and left me to rot in this prison room again. There's been 6 different guys. All around 30. They gave me something to restrain my vines so whenever I try to use my quirk I get shocked. After the guy leaves my dad, no the monster walks over to me and smiles. "Hope you're enjoying all this flower~" I hate when he calls me that. I spit in his face "don't ever call me flower again. There is only one guy who can call me that and you're definitely not him" he grabbed my face and he graves it hard. "You're not gonna get to see that lover boy anymore. So get comfortable Ayaka, cause your gonna be here aWhile." He let go of my face and left me. The room is dark and cold. No bed, no toilet. I'm a prisoner in my own old home. I wasn't able to sleep that night. I was so scared someone might do something to me again. Instead I stay away thinking of all the happy memories I've made so far. Just then I started to feel sick. I got up and rushed to the side of the room I'm not sleeping on and I began to throw up. I didn't have anything to throw up so I'm not sure what's coming out. I finally stopped and walked back over to the ground where I slept. I felt really tired and as soon as I hit the ground, my eyes shut.