
The way it happen (Hawks x reader)

jennahryleigh04 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Gala part 2

Ayaka began to get ready. She stared into the mirror for a moment, seeing the girl she had become, seeing everything she once was. After she stared the corners of her mouth turned up

She picked up her phone to answer some last minute messages, as she scrolled through them she answered ones that involved her personal matters before coming across one from a few hours ago

Flaming Jackass: Flower, can we talk?

Ayakas POV

Why does he want to talk? After yesterday? Why? I thought, staring at that message. I typed many responses only to delete them afterwards, overthinking each word. Soon I closed my eyes and typed something random and sent it

Me: Raggamuffen sauce

Literally two seconds Later

Flaming asshole: Glad to see your humor is still intact princess

Me: Shut up fire farts by the way Hawks explained so what do you even need to say?

Flaming asshole: I'm sorry flower, I should have explained it more than just "I'm leaving" and leaving it at that

Me: Oh? Really? Thank you for figuring that out it must have hurt your brain a bit huh?

Flaming asshole: That's the best apology your gonna get

I paused for a moment before a silent tear rolled down my cheek as I smiled

Me: Promise me that it won't happen again, you will tell me everything

Flaming asshole: Princess I won't leave your side until I need to leave once more

I giggle

Me: I have to go, thank you

Sad excuse of a boyfriend: Until we talk again flower

I knew that next time would be... f u n

Your PoV

"Ms. L/n, I need you to come with me please." My heart beated faster when he said it a second time. I just stood there frozen in fear. I didn't know who he was, nor what he was doing here. "W-who are you? And why are you here. If you are looking for the pro hero Hawks he's not here." I told him. "Ma'am, Mr.Hawks sent me to retrieve you... There's a Limo outside for you, Mr. hawks, Mr.Fatgum and your friend Ms.Ayaka." he bowed towards me.My eyes widened as my heart began to slow down. "I'm sorry, i was just a little scared not knowing who you were or what you wanted." I told him. "No worried ma'am. But if you ready we must be off now. If we are to get the other two before 6:30" he looked at his pocket watch.

I made sure i had everything i needed, Phone wallet, extra lipstick/lipgloss, and my hero license. We went out the door only for my eyes to see Hawks standing at the limo door holding it open for me, his eyes grew wide when he saw me he looked mesmerized and i was mesmerized by him. He wore a black suit with a red tie. Hair all done up nicely, he looked amazing. 'This amazing guy, in front of me, all dressed up nicely, was all mine.' i thought to myself. My cheeks grew red as I walked down the stairs to the door. He held out his hand as I took it to get into the limo. After i got in he followed behind me and shut the door. The window between us and the driver was shut so we had free range to talk and do as we please ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). "You my song bird. It Looks amazing. I didn't realize you would go all out for this night, maybe it's a good thing I said you had to dress up or I wouldn't haven't gotten to see this side of you." he smiled at me. "Wait a damn minute what do you mean dressed up?!?" Are you saying i didn't have to put this crap on!!!" Ohhh i was kinda mad now. "Wellllllll you could have sorta uhh gone in your hero suit." he chuckled at me. "Keigo!!! I hateee dressing up like this" i wine. He just smiled at me. And i pout. "You're lucky you're cute or I wouldn't forgive you." I kissed his cheek. He pulled me in for a passionate kiss, but the driver soon opened the window and we flew apart. "We've arrived at Mr.Gums place sir. Would you like me to fetch them?" he asked. "No, I'll do it" I smiled at them both.

I got out and went to the door, Ayaka upended if with a skinny man behind her. "Uhh Ayaka who's that?" I questioned her. She laughed at me and said it's Fatgum. my mouth dropped open as I stared at him.  "Wait what happened to you?!! Aren't you supposed to be You know.... Fat!!?" I asked him. I had no idea what happened to him. "My dear I had a big fight before the gala tonight, and it made me thin... literally. He laughed at himself. We stopped talking and Ayaka made sure she had everything she needed, phone, wallet, mascara, hero license, and she brought Dabis jacket too. Poor thing, we haven't really talked about it since Wednesday night. And i know deep down she's still hurting over it. "Let's go y/n!! I'm low key exited to see this place. And i heard we won't be the only inters there! Other hero's are bringing them, like Momo, Asui, Denki, and evening Shinso will be there." she smiled. "But be careful around Aizawa, he'll be there so don't be too close to Hawks ok!" she whispered at me.

We went to the limo and I opened the door up for both of them to get in. They thanked me as I closed the door and say beside Keigo. "So y/n you're a passionate smart beautiful young woman, have you met anyone special?" Fatgum asked me. "Oh i uhh-" i looked at Hawks real quick and smiled "Yea I have, and i hope we stay together for a long time. I really love this person with all my heart and hope they love me to" I blushed and my smile went from ear to ear. Keigo's face lit up when I said I loved him. "He sounds like a great guy. I'm sure he loves you just as much as you love him. " he told me. And i smiled About 20 minutes went by and we arrived at this grand place. I'm not sure where it was but it looked like a small castle. It was beautiful. It glowed underneath the stars, it was a sight to see. I was excited to see when the night took me.

There was a red carpet and reporters set behind the chains, making it so they would not interfere with the hero's. "Mr.Hawks, why would you bring an intern when you were caught kissing someone just last week?" one of them asked. "Is it true you and this girl are an item?" another asked. "How long have you been together." the question kept coming. Until eventually Mr. Aizawa came and Stared them all down. The questions seized up, and there were no more about me and Keigo. Mr.Aizawa came up to us and asked us "Where they telling the truth? Are you in a relationship with my student Hawks? he asked kegio. "Mr.Aizawa, I'm hurt. You would think I would date this chicken brain here. He's not very smart." I winked at keigo "Plus like they said, he was caught kissing someone so i'm sure that was his girlfriend." Felt like poison saying that. "Now let me remind you, i'm not ready to date, i was broken by your stupid idiotic student, you know the loud annoying blond" i smiled at him and pulled Keigo away. "Ugh too many questions are asked at these things, remind me to never come with you to them again. Such a bother." I told him. He laughed at me and we made our way to the punch bowl. I grabbed a class and chugged it down. After Keigo and I separated as I went to find Ayaka. I found her outside of the balcony. "Ayaka? Are you ok?" I questioned her. She quickly wiped her tears away in hope I didn't see them.

I quickly pulled her in for a hug and she tightened her grip on me. "I'm ok. I was just thinking about Dabi again" she lifted her head and smiled. We headed back inside and grabbed more punch. This time it tasted different but i didn't think anything of it, i had about 5 more glasses of it and i became unsteady. "Welllll shit~ it wa spiked" i slured out. "Auaka dear, could you find my lovely boyfriend and bring him to mwah." just as i was saying that the glass from the roof fell onto the floor and made everyone jump. One by one villains came into the building