
The way it happen (Hawks x reader)

jennahryleigh04 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs


second pov

After you texted hawks you looked at the clock and noticed it was around 8:30 so you decided to go down stares and finally get some food.

You Pov

I went down stares to get some food. I don't get hungry vary often anymore but when i do, i eat a hella lot. Well that's what Bakugo always said....

As my thoughts filled my head tears filled my eyes again. I walk into the kitchen and noticed Mina and Denki in there just talking . I quickly wipe my tears away and put on a big fake smile.

Denki looks over at me with that "you ok look", and i just smile and walk to the fridge.

~~~time skip to after eating and into your room~~~

As I walk into my room I feel a little lightheaded from crying the last night. So i just go to sleep hoping it'll wear off by tomorrow..

~~~~~~~~Next morning~~~~~~~~

I start getting dressed, putting the UA uniform on, getting my h/l, h/c hair into a nice braid (or if you have short hair in small ponytail), and i look at the clock"still have 10 minutes before i have to leave" i think outloud.

~10 minutes time skip to down stairs~

Running down stairs i catch Bakugo looking at me. I just keep running past him, and eventually run into the classroom. Iida is always the first one there, and normally i'm always the last one walking in with bakugo but today i was on time. I walk over to my seat as everyone starts to walk in. 8 o'clock came and Aizawa opens the door...

"Alright class today is a fighting day against class 2A." My face lights up when he says that. My best friend is in that class aside from Mina. I started thinking about it, if would get to fight her or not. She's a skilled fighter, Ayaka meaning "bright flower" is in all honestly a bright flower. She lives up to her name and her hero name, Flora. We met during the entrance exams and ever since then we've  been hella close. I've never met anyone like her.

Her quirk is super cool, she's able to produce flowers and vines from her skin. (shes basically like poison ivy). But because of her quirk and how she's practically a flower with all the flowers and vines shooting from her hair.... she's only able to eat when the sun is up soooo she eats a hella lot during the day. She is able to use her quirk at night but it's not as strong. So she's probably gonna be a day time hero. (and idea of what she looks like)

"Mr Aizawa!?! Do we get to chose who we fight ? or did you already chose for us?" My face lit up with excitement. "For today you get to chose but the rest of the week we have chosen partners that suit your quirk" he says with his tired voice. "Ooooo I know who i'm choosing!!!" i yell out.

" Now everyone go get into your hero costumes and head to the fighting room." (is that what it's called?? ) 

^hero costume ^

~~time skip to the fight since your fighting Flora~~

As the fight goes on with Flora, i keep using my winter to freeze her vines and summer to melt her plants. I end up over using the summer and winter part of my quirk more and more, eventually pass out from being over heated and my legs being cold as ice. I start hearing people run to me and the last think i see before i black out was bakugo with a worried look on nice face

~About 2 hours passes as you were knocked out~

I start to open my eyes seeing a white ceiling.  As i start to sit up i look over and saw bakugo. As i remember what happen and him carrying me to the nurses office, he starts to say something but it quickly interrupted by Flora, walking in giving bakugo the death stare, Mina running in to hug me and Momo giving me that "thank god she's alright look". Those three walk in along with Mr.Aizawa and recovery girl .

As they explain to me what happen, i happen to notice Bakugo leaving, just as Midoriya and Shoto walk in hand in hand (yes is a tododeku ship) . Deku was always my boy best friend ever since we met in middle school... He knew everything that happen to me about my whole family dying and such. He rushed over to me and gave me a huge hug as he cry's on my shoulder. Shoto just looks at me and smiles. Soon they all start to leave. About an hour goes by and recovery girl says I can leave as well but I need to take it easy.

I head out of the room slowly limping to the dorm building. Walking there normal takes about 5 minutes but right now it's gonna take about 10  because I think I twisted my ankle but didn't say anything. I keep walking when i suddenly see Bakugo eyeing me down like I'm his prey. He soon  gets off the wall he was leaning on and starts to walk over to me.


A/N: Since this was the beginning of my story it's more short than i would like.. I've moved my story over here from Wattpad