
The way it happen (Hawks x reader)

jennahryleigh04 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Next day

Your pov

The next morning i woke up and just stared at my ceiling. just laying there, thinking about everything that went down last night. As i remember who the hero who saved, me was i start feeling myself turn red-

*Knock Knock*

"Who is it??"

"It's me Dumbass"

" you can come in bakugo " i say with a nervous voice

He walks in and sits on my bed. It started getting awkward and for about 10 minutes him and i just sat there saying nothing him looking at the walls, me starting at the ceiling. Just as i was about to open my mouth "I-"

"Listen i think-" He stops

"You think what"? as my heart aches thinking i already know what he wants to say. We've been fighting for a few month now. You love bakugo but you couldn't continue fighting over stupid crap every other day you trail of thinking

He start to talk again but you speak up saying "Bakugo i think i know what your gonna say" "You do" he replies with a bit of sadness in his voice. "Yeah you think we should break up... huh?" i say trying to fight back the tears in my eyes

Him and i just sit there quietly for a good 5 minutes "Y/n- " he was cut of by the knock at the door.

"Who is it i'm kinda in the middle of a conversation" You say with some attitude in your voice. "Y/n?" you hear Mr. Aizawa say. I get up and walk to the door to let him in.

He stops and see Bakugo on my bed then quickly looks at me with a little anger in his eyes. I quickly say "Mr. Aizawa nothing was happening actually i think-" i was cut of by bakugo saying "We were about to break up actually" he said with a low tone.

I face Aizawa with tears in my eyes trying not to break down till they both leave.

"I'm sorry for intruding but Y/n we need to talk about what happen last night" as he says those words i feel my heart drop and turn over to see bakugo's eyes widen.


"It's none of your concern i mean we're not dating anymore" i say, as a single tear falls from my eye. He gets off my bed and stormed out the door slamming it shut. As he storms out i fall the the ground crying in front of Mr Aizawa.

"M-Mr Aizawa can you p-please not tell anyone what happen here just now or last n-night" i say crying harder.

He sighs and kneels down in front of me "listen Y/n hawks wanted me to give you his number so you could text him and tell him how your doing. He wanted to make sure your ok and everything" he says as i look up at him.

"i'll do it later" i say standing up walking over to my bed. Good thing it's a saturday means i can spend all day crying on my bed i think to myself

Just then I plop onto my bed and hear the door shut again as Mr. Aizawa walks out. I start to cry again, harder, feeling worthless, blaming myself for all the fighting that happen between you and bakugo.

Third person POV

You slow down your crying holding a picture of you and bakugo from your first year sports festival. Coming in second was what brought you to closer. That's when you and him started having feeling for each other, a week after that he asked you on a date to go watch the meteor shower. And that's where he asked you to be his girlfriend and where you shared your first kiss. Slowing drifting off thinking about how you were dating for 2 years and it would have been 3 in a week....

~~~Time skip to Sunday~~~

your pov

I wake up puffy red eyes and snot all over my nose (( being realistic here ;) )) i decided i should take a shower and go down to the kitchen to eat. Since i didn't eat at all yesterday

~small time skip to after shower~

I get dressed and head down stares as i come down mina (aka my best friend  ) come up and hugs me in the tightest hug i've ever been in with her. I plop my head down on her shoulder and cry a little more

"y/n...." i hear a voice in the background I turn and i see Momo sitting down patting the couch cushion next to her. As i stumble over there they both start to ask slowly and quietly.

"y/n are you ok?" mina ask concerned "Huh oh yea i'm fine" i give her a fake smile as she frowns at the smile i tried to give her. Then momo spoke up "y/n yk we know about what happen with you and bakugou right? He walked into his room sad and upset yesterday and wouldn't come out. Kirishima eventually went in and saw him crying a little and find out what happen" My head pops up as i hear momo say bakugo was crying

"H-he was crying? He was the one who broke up with me and he's crying!?" i say with a slight anger in my voice.

I violently get up and walk off to my room without grabbing food. and plop onto my bed again. I turn over to get my phone and see a piece of paper on it. Remembering what Aizawa said about Hawks

I pulled up the text messages and began to but the number in ###-###-####

i begin the text:

(you in bold hawks is the regular font)

"Hi hawks..."

"hello?? Who's this?"

"Do you give your phone number out to that many people you can't remember 😂

"it's the girl you saved the other night from uh being r-raped...."

"oh.... So how um have you been? Feeling better? did the problem with you and your boyfriend get fixed"?

"oh uh yea it did, we broke up so i guess that's one way to fix the problem....

c-can we met up and talk in person? i would like to treat you to food for saving my worthless ass... "

"First off don't say your worthless second if you insist you can take me to KfC 😌. How about next Saturday at 12?"

"Sounds good.... wait KFC aren't you like part bird or something... isn't that wrong!!"

"haha chickadee your funny but i love me some chicken"

"uhh alright then.. so saturday at 12 see you then!"

read at 11:24